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It's 2010.


yan ya yan ya yaa iii yaaa
So where was that first robot war, Capcom? >=( You promised!

I put spikes all around my house in preparation, you know!
I died. But then R.O.B. came to my house and brought me back to life.Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................AHHH! ROBOT(and Will Smith [even worse] is here!)
i'm geting ready for 2012 or christmas eve. following Doctor Who logic, christmas eve is when we are all going to get invaded by aliens.
Were we going to get invaded by robots????!!!!!!!! Oh crap, im sooo not ready. i dont have the weponary. crap crap crap crap!!! *runs around paniking* right. *go's and defends house with a rake* i'm ready, BRING IT ON ROBOT SKUM!!!!!

It means we can no longer wear 200[number] glasses, because we are no longer able to see out of them.

OH you're talking about Megaman snore
Hey guys, why do you think we're fighting a war in Iraq? It's not because of the terrorists.

U.S. Army Deceased Soldiers said:
Lieutenant Joseph Smith: Fell into a pit of spikes
Hank Johnson: Killed in Hyper Bomb misfire
Ed Warner: Killed by those goddamned Yoku blocks
i'm geting ready for 2012 or christmas eve. following Doctor Who logic, christmas eve is when we are all going to get invaded by aliens.

But wait: apparently Christmas Day was when the human race was destroyed. But then the human race lived. Does that mean the nice-looking Time Lord lied to me? D:

Also, I see Tailsy watched the Big Fat Quiz. ^_^ In fact, we can wear glasses like that! Think about it:

\ /

^A rough guide to how it would look.^

We'd be able to wear them every ten years though. Beats not being able to wear them in this lifetime, doesn't it?
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BIG FAT QUIZ ♥ Jimmy Carr is fantastic :D And yeah I suppose, but... it's just not as cool!
you could move the numbers over and look through the two 0's with the 1 going down your nose....though that means you have a random 2 floating there....
Baw. Nothing happens in the Ace Attorney universe this year. They ruined my joke.
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