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Search results

  1. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Well, you had to think that way. (That's what she said.) Got it. My team is kickass. Lloyd, Sheena, Genis, Zelos (thinking of switching him with Presea or Regal. Should I?), all Level 60+.
  2. Falthor

    What do you think of fellow forumgoers

    Tailsy - your Scottish accent just rawks. And the fic advice you gave me is awesome. So consider yourself liked by yours truly!
  3. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Yeah. She's at 600 right now. xD I'm stuck in the Latheon Gorge. Any tips? I don't like using the walkthrough. There's a flower that shoots air upward. And what are the Amangos for? They cause the plants to wilt.
  4. Falthor

    I, too, made a post here. WHAT'RE YOU GONNA DO!?!?!?!

    I, too, made a post here. WHAT'RE YOU GONNA DO!?!?!?!
  5. Falthor

    Roar of Time style

    Eh, no more complaining. Not like I didn't like it in the first place. It's a good skin, Butterfree; I like it. It's just a little intense with the colors and borders and whatever. But eh. Skins are skins; I can change back if I wanted to.
  6. Falthor

    Roar of Time style

    No. Vertical.
  7. Falthor

    Tales of the Fanclub

    Colette's normally an S-Type, and Kratos and Zelos lean toward T. So Colette should be T, and Kratos/Zelos should be S. Sheena normally leans towards T, so she must be S. So... Regal, Presea, Lloyd, and Colette should be T's; Kratos/Zelos, Sheena, Raine, and Genis should be S's if you want...
  8. Falthor

    Roar of Time style

    I know that, but it doesn't fade downward for me. It just turns black all of a sudden.
  9. Falthor

    Your site sucks. Here's why!

    I disagree. I have no reasoning behind it. Good list. I think you should add: "MY EYES! MY EYES!" for overly bright site layouts, or "Too Messy" for websites that have poor layout design. Unless, of course, it's in that other thread you linked to, which I just clicked right now...
  10. Falthor

    Roar of Time style

    Black boxes under everyone's avatars? Weird, wouldn't you agree? Programming glitch, I'm using the wrong browser, overlooked detail?
  11. Falthor

    The Order of the White Lotus

    Favorite character: Zuko, because he is the most developed of the cast. He is the true definition of character, as he has evolved tremendously from the first episode to the final episode. His realization of himself and whom he is are what truly constitute a great character. Favorite...
  12. Falthor

    The Order of the White Lotus

    Welcome aboard. We'll start with the basics: favorites. Favorite character, scene, episode, etc.? Elaborate as to why your favorites are indeed your favorites.
  13. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    Got it! Shall do! Will make it better! I hope!
  14. Falthor


    Original Thread Title: …? I did it to catch your eye, like a, "What can it be? Mysteeeeerious!" sort of thing. xD
  15. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    For a Scottish lady, that post was the most American thing I have read in my four years of forum experience. And yes, it is a Houndoom.
  16. Falthor

    Tarnished Scars {PREVIEW}

    I know you're being sarcastic, but I don't read my thesaurus. Um. Yeah, I don't think I was too verbose (in terms of complex vocabulary), but I may be wrong. I can't be the judge of this, but you guys can. How's it lookin' in terms of language? Has it improved somewhat? Improvement's good...
  17. Falthor


    Thanks, Kratos. By the way, we need to talk forum skins and uploading and other important crap right now. Get on PM'ing or register for the forums if you can. I still got 45 minutes to shoot bull so we can definitely get a head-start on this foruming business. That is, if you can. Sorry...
  18. Falthor


    Yes, it is. Very good song. Had a good laugh. Thanks, Mike.
  19. Falthor

    We are the same person! Happy birthday, my fellow seventeen-er.

    We are the same person! Happy birthday, my fellow seventeen-er.
  20. Falthor


    I know it was. It was intentional. Thanks, Tailsy.
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