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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

This is a silly thread. If you have to ask my opinion of you then I probably don't know you and am indifferent since I tend to be pretty blunt.

Except this Belmont guy, despite a setback or two he's in contention for best newfag of '08
Well... I've been around for a bit, and I still don't have many opinions. Belmont is awesome for posting that picture though, and everyone else is pretty cool. ^^ I bet a cookie no one has any opinions on me! =D
I think all of them are equal; there's not really anyone I like or dislike. Though I can tell when people are new here because they don't write with proper punctuation or grammar.
I think all of them are equal; there's not really anyone I like or dislike. Though I can tell when people are new here because they don't write with proper punctuation or grammar.

How is that logical? Being new does not mean you abuse grammar; abusing grammar does not mean you are new.
lulz agred wit berne :3

but in all seriousness i dont use punctuation;;; but am i new?
Arylett - A much better RPer than me because it (I wish the genders were back... ><) doesn't get lazy and only post 2 or so lines half the time. XD
I'm a girl, ahaha, so you may freely call me she. Thank you. :D (If there's anyone who's lazy around here, it's me. I get lazy all the time. XD)
lazy so here are the 'best thing since magikannon' people:


and uh lots of other people who I cba to remember :V
Dewgong you're like 1 tier below them in awesome. (also whut about walker :[)
Tailsy - your Scottish accent just rawks. And the fic advice you gave me is awesome. So consider yourself liked by yours truly!
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