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What do you think of fellow forumgoers

I give forumgoers mental tags in my mind (just a way of categorizing them). Japanophile (music/anime/manga), Music, Tech, artsy, spriter, writer, etc. etc. I just tag them like that. Then I dump them into two boxes- the noob box or the cool box. And then I use a lot of other factors in determining how I want to act towards them, but that's not important.

Usually I don't keep a lot of tabs on people... but from what I can remember... surskitty = awesome, smart, sarcastic, Arylett = always uses Arial font, Icalasari = Shadowater or some boring name, Music Dragon = awesome, eccentric, intelligent... and then I can't remember.
When I imagine Ketsu I just get the image of a little anime-style girl wandering around the streets and getting weird looks. xD;

Falthor is totally Zuko in my head. Fuck you and your avatar. :P

Verne is cool-as-beans and does little crazymad dances.

Walker is Mr. Quote Person.

Dewgong NEEDS TO CHANGE HER NAME and stop using so many boxes with numbers in them. :( I will never install a language pack just because I'm a dick like that.
Dewgong NEEDS TO CHANGE HER NAME and stop using so many boxes with numbers in them. :( I will never install a language pack just because I'm a dick like that.

I want my name changed very badly, I'm just lazy.

And yes you are. :[
I find all of the members of this forum to be very delicious.

But none of you are comparable to the deliciousness of delicious cake, of course.
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Most everyone here is pretty cool. Here are random select members I know:

Castform: can be pretty cool at times but sometimes irritates me to the point of screaming at my display (I don't really do this).
Dannichu: is awesome but I get tired of everyone licking the floor she walks on/ sucking air she's breathed.
MD: is a pretty cool guy who writes great story and doesn't afraid of anything. I know I did that meme wrong but it doesn't matter.
Jolty: liked ABBA and the Beatles and had a cool website. She's also funny.
VPLJ: I tend to agree with you and you tend to post funny stuff, so you're on my good list.
NWT: Sometimes you bother me and other times, I don't care.
surskitty: I don't know why but you strike me as a nice person. You made me care more about artic tundra. :D
surskitty: I don't know why but you strike me as a nice person. You made me care more about artic tundra. :D
:3 TALK TO ME OFF-FORUM SOMETIME i tend to angryfaec more often on TCOD than on #tcod or while IMing people~~

But the post was about alpine tundra~~ AH WELL 8D
Jolty... I dunno I just always looked up to her in a way. Probably because I used to frequent the oekaki at her site. She seems pretty opinionated and stubborn.
Verne seems pretty intimidating (to me at least) but eh, she seems to be one of those opinionated and confident people.
Negrek wins a lot of my respect for a lot of things... she manages ASB, writes amazing fanfiction/roleplays/refs... She seems rather cold though, in an analytical and logical way.
Tailsy just seems crazy overall, but she seems like a happy person.
Auroraking always seemed self-centered and one of the most opinionated people of them all... But he never seemed afraid that he'd be put down for his opinions.
goldenquagsire I only know as the guy who does awesome banners, is familiar with Code Geass, and almost always seems to have something Fire Emblem-related for his av or sig.

... -attentionwhores- what is people's opinion of me pl0x
Jolty... I dunno I just always looked up to her in a way. Probably because I used to frequent the oekaki at her site. She seems pretty opinionated and stubborn.

Yep that's me

ANYHOO my opinion of you: you seem cool (Y) also your art is awesome

I might have to refrain from saying much about other people here lulz :B
... -attentionwhores- what is people's opinion of me pl0x
I always considered you one of the intelligent peoples; you know, the ones who are as clever as a chap with three heads. Other than that I don't really know you, but if you had MSN, I could do some further research.


What is is about be that irritates you?

Sometimes you are self-righteous and sometimes the way you word your posts really gets under my skin. It's mostly a problem with me since I get all huffy when someone disagrees with me on certain issues. It happens with other members too but I don't know their names so sorry you're the only one I singled out.

Oh alpine tundra... well it's still tundra.

Yay I'm not the only Beatles/ABBA fan on here.
I have a feeling I'm one of those people.

Castform: All those songs you've come up with make me very mad and agitated for the rest of the day. Otherwise, you're fine.
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