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Search results

  1. MentheLapin

    The "Fwee" Thread III

    We went out and he told me he loves me and he referred to me as his boyfriend and oh my god gonna die if I don't breathe soon. menthe you need to post about something other than your boyfriend
  2. MentheLapin


    I joined almost two years ago now, and I haven't even broken 500 posts. I don't have a lot to say, but a lot of newer members (not that I don't consider myself new in turn) post a heck of a lot. I've found that members join, post a lot, and then their posts begin to slow down, often fairly...
  3. MentheLapin

    Funny things teachers/ professors have said

    In Religious Studies: "Well, that's your opinion. And here's mine: your opinion is a load of bollocks." "The headmaster was talking about the conversation he held with his wife on the topic of the French Revolution. Last night, me and my husband talked about whether the garage roof is...
  4. MentheLapin

    The "Fwee" Thread III

    H-he asked me out! *makes strangled noise*
  5. MentheLapin

    The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

    'Letting the team down' is an understatement :/ I actually forgot to update my word count when I last wrote a substantial amount, so it's up now. I'm sorry I haven't been able to write much yet, but exams have kind of got in the way of that. I'll definitely try harder as the month progresses.
  6. MentheLapin

    Best albums of 2011

    I still really enjoy Born This Way. Also, Torches by Foster the People and Ceremonials by Florence and the Machine. Both equally amazing. I think Ceremonials may win out purely for being totally mind-blowingly epic.
  7. MentheLapin

    The "Fwee" Thread III

    ...it's happening. Oh. My. God. I'm beyond the realms of happiness.
  8. MentheLapin

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Yup, Alex, that's right, just casually run out of time to write anything tonight because you were too busy on Tumblr. I will definitely start tomorrow! haha who am i kidding i'm going to regret signing up for the word war so bad
  9. MentheLapin

    The "Fwee" Thread III

    Alex, don't you dare screw this up. It probably won't happen, and you know that full well, but there's the prospect that he still likes you and you two can make something of it. And it will be awesome.
  10. MentheLapin

    The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

    *waves a little red flag* Go team!
  11. MentheLapin

    NaNoWriMo 2011

    Why not just email it to yourself? Anyway, I've finally got an idea of what I'm writing, although it'll probably be full of plotholes. Writing mystery was definitely not my wisest decision.
  12. MentheLapin

    Yup, they're definitely the most emotional. Last Specter has a fairly emotional ending, but...

    Yup, they're definitely the most emotional. Last Specter has a fairly emotional ending, but that's broken up with "what the hell is even going on here". It's a pretty WTF game.
  13. MentheLapin

    The CoD Word War - NaNoWriMo 2011

    I recognise that I'm cutting it incredibly close to the start of the month, but is there any possibility that I could join in with this?
  14. MentheLapin

    The "Fwee" Thread III

    Are we sure that's not just a direct reference to Donna Summer? He's referenced her music before.
  15. MentheLapin

    The "Fwee" Thread III

    £45 to spend on cheap pre-owned games? Oh, if you insist.
  16. MentheLapin


    Sonic Generations and Skyward Sword? There go my plans of doing anything for NaNo this year. (Although I'm going to suck horribly at Skyward Sword. I hope there's a walkthrough up quickly.)
  17. MentheLapin

    The latest one was the Last Specter, which just came out Monday :P I think you're thinking of...

    The latest one was the Last Specter, which just came out Monday :P I think you're thinking of the Elysian Box, which is the box from the second game: the Diabolical Box (it's called Pandora's Box in some areas). If that made you cry, Unwound Future's ending will literally break your heart into...
  18. MentheLapin

    Hello again, etc.

    Thank you for your greeting! I'm a psuedo-anime fan, in that I've enjoyed a few anime series but my slow laptop prevents me from streaming and my lack of money prevents me from buying DVDs, so I'm having to hold up on watching a lot. I've been tempted to check out DBZ:K, actually...
  19. MentheLapin

    Caption the Avatar Above You

    "Th-they cancelled Scrubs!? No! This cannot be!"
  20. MentheLapin

    Hello again, etc.

    (alternate title: "Flying Mint Bunny II: This Time, It's Personal") Some of you might remember me as ShadScy, Yoshiya Kiryu, FlyingMintBunny, Blooregard Q. Kazoo, or even recently as MentheLapin. (I changed my username a lot.) Most, perhaps not. I used to frequently lurk the boards but found I...
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