• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Hello again, etc.


Oh, Reflux, you're so big and strong!
(alternate title: "Flying Mint Bunny II: This Time, It's Personal")

Some of you might remember me as ShadScy, Yoshiya Kiryu, FlyingMintBunny, Blooregard Q. Kazoo, or even recently as MentheLapin. (I changed my username a lot.) Most, perhaps not. I used to frequently lurk the boards but found I made very few posts. I joined the IRC chat on occasion too, though I found that I didn't make much of a valuable contribution to any conversation. Oops.

Anyway, I'm back, after having fizzled out since around early summer, and I figured that I should make a topic seeing as, going by the amount of posts in the Introductions section, there are a lot of new people (and, in all fairness, a lot of people didn't really know me in the first place).

And now for some GENERIC INTRODUCTION STUFF hooray.
I'm Alex. I'm 15, and I'm a ~raging, flamboyant homosexual~. Specifically, I'm a serious Nintendo fanboy and a major fan of Glee (although the latter was probably caused by exposure to Tumblr). I'm currently going through a musical phase, and trying to watch a shitload of movies that I've never seen (read: Disney movies. My childhood was empty). Like most people, I go through various fads. Currently I'm loving Professor Layton. It's all about dem Picarats.

I respect that I can often come across as very hotheaded. I say stupid things without thinking about them, and then I come across what I've said later on and realise that I was just a big dum-dum. I feel like lately I've matured, even if only a little, so that I will probably think before I speak (or, rather, type) and I will try to respect your opinion without shoving mine down your throat.

...the end, I think, unless I add more later.
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Well, hello.

I'm Raichu, that one chick obsessed with dragon ball z kai
The unofficial greeter.

If you've forgotten how to do anything, you can diretc your questions to me.

Picarats! I usually fail the puzzles til I'm down to five :(
hey. I've seen you before as Blooregard. (an avatar wth bloo wearing shades, right?)

Anyway, welcome. So you know where everything is, right? Have more good times here. =D
Well, hello.

I'm Raichu, that one chick obsessed with dragon ball z kai
The unofficial greeter.

If you've forgotten how to do anything, you can diretc your questions to me.

Thank you for your greeting! I'm a psuedo-anime fan, in that I've enjoyed a few anime series but my slow laptop prevents me from streaming and my lack of money prevents me from buying DVDs, so I'm having to hold up on watching a lot. I've been tempted to check out DBZ:K, actually.


Picarats! I usually fail the puzzles til I'm down to five :(


I'm okay with picarats, I tend to manage to get a fair few of them - at the expense of pretty much the game's entire supply of hint coins, of course. (Layton, why do you taunt me? D':)
Can't say I've seen you before, but hi! I am Luxcario, the resident drama llama and spongecaker. May I offer you some tea and cod? Coffee and salmon? Hot chocolate and halibut? Anyway, welcome.
Hellur. I probably don't know you, seeing as how I joined earlier this month...

BUT ANYWAYS, I hope to see you around ze threads and...stuff.
Oh, the reason I get down to five is because I absolutely refuse to use hint coins. DIALOG FROM ME


Me: "...*looks at thirty one hint coins* NO I MUST DO THIS RIGHT T^T"

Thirty minutes later!

Me: "*stylus tappity tap*"

Game: "*ding* you're right woo hoo YOU GET FIVE PICARATS FOR YOUR EFFORTS"

Me: "I did it!"

Two minutes later

Me: "wait only five :("

@Luxcario: Uh, drama llama is not really a thing you want to parade around; it's a somewhat negative term, if memory hasn't betrayed me. You're basically saying "YOU GUYS LOOKA'ME I MADE DRAMA OUT OF LEAVING FOREVER AND THINGS" So, uh, I think it'd be viewed negatively. :/

You can do what you want! Really! I'm only putting in my opinion; it's your choice.
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