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Search results

  1. NegativeVibe

    [Open] The Original Story II

    (Warning: I am a newb at RPing! This would only be my second time, and first on tcod.) Name: Daniel "Dan" Storm Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: Dan generally wears shorts and a long sleeve of some sort, as well as tennis shoes. He generally wears a darker color scheme than most. On his...
  2. NegativeVibe

    Oh, you like the flying shoes? Thanks! They allow the characters to fly, pretty much by a...

    Oh, you like the flying shoes? Thanks! They allow the characters to fly, pretty much by a system of kicks to get in the right direction. They're similar to jet packs, except on your feet. That sounds cool, and yeah, it is hard to develop side characters when you want to focus on the main...
  3. NegativeVibe

    ole_schooler vs NegativeVibe (Ref: Negrek)

    Nice! Let's hope I do this right. I'll send out Spectre, my Gastly. Use Shadow Ball, followed by Confuse Ray and then Sludge Bomb (my physical move.) Shadow Ball ~ Confuse Ray ~ Sludge Bomb (was that ok?)
  4. NegativeVibe

    Post here to get your +1 while pretending to care about my feelings

    Hello. This is easily the best intro I've seen in a while. :)
  5. NegativeVibe

    [Generic Birthday Thread Title]

    Happy birthday. <o Here is a sideways ice cream cone. :)
  6. NegativeVibe

    The Birthday Center

    ^^Cool, I'm a week after you, July 11
  7. NegativeVibe

    Yeah, the only sci-fi things are a few gadgets they use, and they go into space as well (but I...

    Yeah, the only sci-fi things are a few gadgets they use, and they go into space as well (but I haven't gotten that far yet). So far I've come up with a sort of automatic kitchen device that can cook, and flying shoes. So other than that it's more of a fantasy thing. That's so cool how your...
  8. NegativeVibe

    It's for a non-pokemon fic that I've been working on for a couple of years now. It's sort of an...

    It's for a non-pokemon fic that I've been working on for a couple of years now. It's sort of an adventure novel where a group of kids and dragons fight against an army of animals which Steven has under his control. It's sort of scifi and fantasy as well. And yes, good point about Steve's...
  9. NegativeVibe

    What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You?

    Re: What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You? ^^New test. ^^Old test. Normal-types like to blend in and refrain from taking sides in a conflict, though they follow their hearts when they're forced to choose. They're usually withdrawn, but adapt easily depending on the situation...
  10. NegativeVibe

    In Progress (currently unnamed. my first writing fanfic.)

    Don't capitalize "he.". Capitalize "a." "Their" seems better here. So other than that, nice job! I really like Murkrow!
  11. NegativeVibe

    The Challenge Board

    Umm...accepted I guess! Only...What does mecha mean? How do I know if my Pokemon have it? Profile thing edit: Oh, ok @ ole_schooler. Thanks! I understand it now.
  12. NegativeVibe

    That sounds good. My villians aren't quite that well characterized yet but I have some decent...

    That sounds good. My villians aren't quite that well characterized yet but I have some decent protagonists. Let's see...I have a character who is generally on good terms with everyone and seems like a really nice kid (and he is), but he has such bad anxiety that he's afraid to venture more than...
  13. NegativeVibe

    That's cool. I can see how it would be difficult to have more than one main character. I've done...

    That's cool. I can see how it would be difficult to have more than one main character. I've done it, but it always gets confusing. So what are some of your favorite characters you've made?
  14. NegativeVibe

    Which Fossil Pokemon?

    Rampardos, as well as Aerodactyl. And yes, they should definitely make mammalian fossil pokemon.
  15. NegativeVibe

    That's pretty cool. Sometimes I plan out personalities, but they end up being completely...

    That's pretty cool. Sometimes I plan out personalities, but they end up being completely different than what I expected. A lot of times when I am not writing, I think of my characters and how they would speak and react to different things. And yeah, it is pretty fun when side characters take...
  16. NegativeVibe

    You're right about that. Most characters are a part of the author. And yeah, side characters are...

    You're right about that. Most characters are a part of the author. And yeah, side characters are fun for me when I do them right, although sometimes they play more of a major role than originally intended. Then, there are some that just don't have a personality. Usually, I base them off people...
  17. NegativeVibe

    Yeah; every main character shares at least something in common with me, which helps with...

    Yeah; every main character shares at least something in common with me, which helps with characterization a lot. I do the same things with villains as well. Many of them have understandable motives and questionable actions. Although some of my side characters become hopelessly flat.
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