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[Open] The Original Story II


In the beginning, there was only
a churning turmoil of chaos.
At the heart of chaos, where all
things became one, appeared an Egg.
Having tumbled from the vortex, the
Egg gave rise to the Original One.
From itself, two beings the Original
One did make.
Time started to spin.
Space began to expand.
From itself again, three living things
the Original One did make.
The two beings wished, and from them,
matter came to be.
The three living things wished, and
from them, spirit came to be.
The world created, the Original One
took to unyielding sleep...
The Egg’s shell formed the Second One,
Who took refuge in the Gate of Dimensions
Another reality, a world full of beasts
Where the Mother of All waits…

Many years ago, a strange anomaly emerged on the shores of the Cinnabar and Seafoam islands; a strange object resembling a mass of static hovering in midair. It was apparently a living creature, a Pokemon, as it took to attacking trainers. It was incredibly strong at times, and weak at others, and very few could find and capture it. It was dubbed ‘Missingno.’, since the Pokedex could not seem to find a classification for this creature. Most of the few who captured the creature were driven slowly insane…

But one trainer discovered something about this strange Pokemon; it was a gateway to another universe. He managed to force his way into the rift, and took to exploring the strange world beyond… He was lost for many years, and when he finally did return, he was driven to madness, and was carrying only a journal full of notes and drawings, and a bag of useless seeming objects. He gave the journal and objects to scientists, telling them that they would be needed one day, the last words he would ever speak. After that, he retreated to the inner chambers of a secluded mountain, and lived alone, never speaking.

The strange portal-creature disappeared after that, and was never seen again.

…For about twenty years, at least.

Missingno. has been seen again, this time in places other than the few it was seen in before. They were aggressive and dangerous this time, lashing out at any human or Pokemon that got in its way. The newly reformed Team Galactic took notices of this emergence, and the new Leader managed to capture the mighty Arceus, and dove into the rift, seeking the power within.

So the very best scientists of the world banded together to think of a way to combat this menace. They tried everything they could, until one elderly scientist told them a story; a story of a young man who dived into the portal and returned alive, and left them with a journal and strange objects. It was worth a try… They gathered trainers willing to go into the void at the risk of never returning, and told them what they could.

They were also given a guardian; a Legendary Pokemon was to partner with each human, to defend them against the madness of the other world. The mission is this: to reach the end of the world inside the rift, and to stop Team Galactic, before they reach the Mother of All.

-The usual forum Rules
-Try to keep it at least Semi-Lit please
-Keep the sexual content to a minimum
-Bold all the things in the form that are bolded if you've read this
-Also, use the enter key twice when making a new line if you've read this. Also whether you're joining or not, do this every time you ever make a post because walls of text are not fun
-Do not put 'Salty Pickle Cake' in your form if you've read this.
-No chatspeak, one liners (unless done well), etc.
-Mary-Sueism will be Killed on Sight
-I will be assigning you a few things once you sign up; A Legendary Partner, and an Object. No trading.
-Your partner will come with a name, preferred gender, and personality. You will be playing them, however, so feel free to expand on what I give you.


[B]Age:[/B] (over 16)


[B]Personality:[/B] (Be very detailed here)


[B]Pokemon:[/B] (max three, and keep in mind that they would go slowly insane in this world.)


Insanity in Pokemon:
- starts with very mild confusion that gets stronger steadily
- temporary random status effects (mild at first, then stronger as insanity increases) that defy abilities and other protection, including bouts of confusion and possibly attraction
- temporary random stat changes
- slow loss of emotion, communicative abilities, response to the world, etc --> taunt becomes ineffective, taunt becomes unusable, Pokemon doesn't respond at all when told to use taunt
- hallucinations

Also those with Porygon line Pokemon please contact me for some special information.

ohhay I'm bringing back old RPs again! A buncha people wanted this one back, so

-Zora of Termina
-Pichu Chris
-Brock (reserve)
-Flora and Ashes (reserve)
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Name: Salene Auora
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Appearance: Long, dark hair that flows down to her mid-back. She has bright blue eyes that seem to defy the rest of her dark appearance, however, they do not betray her true personality, as eyes never do. She usually wears a black jacket over a random shirt and black jeans. She never takes the sweatshirt off, even on a hot day, as you will later know why.

Personality: Salene grew up in a house with parents who always yelled at her. Despite this, out in public, she would always pretend to be happy. Deep down, however, she was sadder than you could possibly imagine; maybe even emo. All of her friends would describe her as happy and bubbly, with a slight anger problem as she tends to explode every now and then.

History:Her first Pokémon was given to her by her best friend, whose Delcatty had too many in her litter of Skitty. When she brought it home to show her parents, thinking they would be pleased, they were enraged at her. They said wither the Skitty goes or she's out of the house. Well, Salene decided she cared for the Skitty too much and moved out. Ever since, she's been living on her own, but no one knows, and no one gets why she never invites people to her house. She, despite this, tries to live life to its fullest and make the best out of everything.

Moonstone (Delcatty) F

Other: Nupe.

FINALLY DONE okay now.
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You guys are reserved. :3c

Also you don't choose your Legendary; I'll assign it to you based on your personality.
Name: Chris Corby
Age: 18
Gender: Male

Appearance: He stands at roughly 5'8, and he's pretty bulky. His skin is tanned, he has hazel green eyes and white hair, which he wears exactly as he did when he journeyed around Hoenn. It is held in place by a black headband with green markings.

He wears three-quarter length black running pants, a blue sports shirt and a black jacket with red markings.

His strong build and long legs make him a natural runner and climber, but he still prefers to fight.

Personality: Chris is, in short, jolly, cheeky and cautious. He is almost always smiling, he almost never gets annoyed or angry with people. He is quite sarcastic at times and equally blunt at others. Also, he has a strong and competitive mind. He also knows over 200 jokes. If he's trapped in a room where there's a way out using speed and a way out using smarts, he'll always use the way using strength.

History: He lived at first in Johto, where he lived a normal life. His dad moved to Hoenn for his job, and the rest of his family followed. He began his Pokémon Journy the same day that they arrived at Littleroot Town. He traveled across the region, battling all the gyms until finally he got to the Evergrande League, where he made it to the top eight before being eliminated. After that, he traveled to the Kanto region, to earn more badges. He had earned only three badges in Kanto before he was told of this "Gate of Dimentions" His current badges are Stone, Knuckle, Dynamo, Heat, Balance, Feather, Mind, Rain, Thunder, Rainbow and Marsh.


"Torchie" - Male
Torchie was Chris' starter Pokémon

"Lone" - Male
Lone is Chris' most recently-obtained Pokémon

"Royal" - Male
Royal was the first Pokémon Chris caught in Kanto

Other: Er..not that I can think of... Salty Pickle Cake Nope, nothing
Name: Halan Storm
Age: 35
Gender: Male

Appearance: Halan is a tall and intimidating man.He has long blond hair that is wavy and slightly curled. He wears it long on his back and over his shoulders. He has a short beard and piercing blue eyes as cold as ice. He wears a black muscle shirt and faded blue jeans stained with dirt and grass from years of abuse. His boots are thick leather, metal toed, and battered with age. He has a pair of fingerless gloves and a collar around his neck studded with small red gems.

Whenever he looks at someone, they would swear he had the gaze that would freeze a Froslass. He looks mean, unapproachable, and ready to tear you to pieces.

Personality: He is very quiet, watching and observing others with silent consent. If someone does what he deems "stupid", he will pick them up by the back of the shirt and physically move them away from what they were about to do. He has a strong sense of justice and a very noble heart, as well as a soft side when it comes to young woman and girls. Some would describe him as more animal than man when he deals with people, and they would be mostly right since he'd more likely pick you up by your "scruff" and move you around to a formation he prefers. He growls when annoyed in warning, glares when not pleased, and will hit you if you are really stupid.

History: Halan has travelled the vast world in the name of Training. He has connected with nature and has lost touch with humans as he holed himself away in the mountains as a form of "Hermit" behaviour. For four years of his life, he has sat under a waterfall in search of a higher plane of conscience. He did this for four years straight, never moving and never eating. While in this state of mind, he was able to communicate with the other beings on and in the mountain that could reach out their own minds to him. One of these beings was called Ishvala. Ishvala and him would speak often, telling small stories of each other's lives to each other as they await for the time for them to move on.

After his four years in the mountains, he awoke from his meditation and moved down the mountain to a small daycare. The wife there would feed him and give him food to travel with. It was through this woman that he was able to reconnect with his young Friend that was looking for him. Through his friend, he met all their friends and had gained a small group of humans to talk to whenever he returned to the human world.

It was one of these human friends that later came to him to ask his help in stopping the plans of a foolish girl that entered the Glitch Universe. Halan agreed to go, but not for the reason to stop the fool that entered, but to drag all the others that went with her to the foul place he was told about by Ishvala. Though he doesn't know everything that dwells in that world, he knows enough to help him get by...for now.

Pokemon: He won't be taking any pokemon in there. Other than the one that is given to him.

Other: He was never a trainer. But some how he has been drafted by a friend's friend to help in this endeavour. He is also not afraid to snap a few twigs if they are in the way.

So, anything you'd like me to change, Kat.
D: Two of your rules just killed my chance at joining. With the fact that I'm on the DSi, I can't see line breaks, nor can I see bolds or italics.
Name: Cassandra Xanderia
Age: 36
Gender: Female

Appearance: Black, bushy hair, of a medium length. Her eyes appear red in some light, but they’re really a certain shade of brown. She is paled quite a bit, which makes her blood-red gown look even redder. Said gown fades to black around mid-way down. She wears simple flat shoes, and she keeps her PokeBall on a cord around her neck. Her other necklace is a black rosary. She has long nails, painted a sort of maroon-rouge combination. She is very curvy, but stands at around 5’11”.

Personality: She has a strong motherly instinct. She can't stand to see a little kid, or anything that acts like one, cry. But toward a certain man, she's sadistic and cruel, because of what he did to her. However... she’s slightly whacked. She sometimes suffers from hallucinatory visions, and may get violent during these, so if you’re nearby, look out. She may look at you and see the man she wants dead instead of… well, you. A good warning sign is if she’s talking to things that aren’t there, holding whole conversations with them or seems to be struggling against something invisible. She is medicated for this, but she has run out of pills and forgot to refresh her prescription. But when she has her sane moments, which is a lot of the time, she’s quite bold and pronounced, and can be seen as cruel to those who don’t know her very well. Regular hallucinations are common to her before she lapses back into fits of insanity, and often she will point out something to other people that isn’t really there.

The only thing that really keeps her calm through these fits, besides her medication, is if there’s music playing.

History: Cassandra used to lead a relatively normal life before the attack and the mental illness hit. She was a contest star and a trainer on the side, dazzling crowds with her Houndoom’s “Twin Dragons” technique. She was a very happy girl, and showed no signs of any illness at all.

One night though, as she went home from wining a contest, she was... assaulted. And she remembers every goddamn gruesome minute of it. She's sworn to kill the guy that did it to her after that.

Then a few months later, she started seeing things out of the corner of her eye, and whipping around to see that they weren’t there. This didn’t really phase her for a while, until they stayed there when she looked, and she wasn’t sure if they were real or not. Other people viewed her as going nuts, and indeed she was. But still, she kept on pulling through, albeit with help from her Houndoom to determine what was real and what wasn’t.

And then the first vision came. It was at a contest, and it was her turn on the stage. As she walked out, the bright colors of the hall faded away, and all she could see was a dark alley. Shadows kept moving around her. Her Houndoom wasn’t there. And there was the man approaching her, muttering things in a drunken slur. So she grabbed the nearest object and started beating the crap out of the man. Unfortunately for her though, that man was one of the judges going past her and back to his seat. When she came to, the judge was unconscious and bloody, and her contest career was ruined.

Things only got worse from there. She was finally sent to a hospital for a year, and given a prescription for anti-psychotic medication. And the pills helped her a lot. But she was terrified of relapses. Which always seemed to happen the day after her meds ran out if she forgot to go get more.

She was approached by scientists one day that had heard of her famous reputation and illness, and was asked about going on this journey. She of course, said yes.

[Lucifer] Houndoom (M)
Cassandra’s… caretaker, if you will. He will keep her away from other people if he senses that she’s going into a fit, and if necessary, will do anything possible to stop her from attacking them when she’s in a vision. Has a high sense of responsibility.

Other: None.
Name: Greer Harrien
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Appearance: The first thing that strikes most people is that Greer is tall. Six and a bit feet in height, the young man is an imposing sight to many of his peers. He is also rather thin, and has a bony look to him. Greer is rather tan, with olive-colored skin, and has dark, curly brown hair. His ears are round and mostly hidden under his hair. Greer's eyes are a deep, liquid brown.

He's usually seen in darker shades of clothing, cobalt blue being the most bright color to be found in his closet. He wears mostly long shorts and t-shirts, and often wears a blue breeder's apron over his clothes. He has a large black backpack filled with berries and assorted oddities, mostly apricorns, various pokéballs, and movie soundtracks. Greer is often seen with a pair of headphones with only one earbud left, the other one having been broken and cut off a while ago.

Personality: Greer is, by default, a quiet young man. If there's any good reason for him to join in a conversation or argument, he will, but otherwise he keeps to himself and his pokémon. He often bites at his nails or taps his foot when he's talking or something, and talks or sings to himself when under stress. Greer takes great pleasure in making things, such as his (for now basic) hobby of making pokéballs or perhaps planting things. Greer is very rooted in his ideas and beliefs, and will defend them vehemently if need be. Although respectful to his elders, Greer often has thoughts wildly varying from what he says, often making sarcastic comments in his head. Quick to answer questions and ask them as well.

History: Ironically for his parents, both breeders, Greer was born an only child and has remained so up to this point. He grew up more around pokémon than with children of his own age, and as a result can 'read' them pretty well. He remained home while others went on journeys, preferring to help out with the family business and raise pokémon; he did battle passerby often, though, and so his few pokémon are pretty strong. He was always a bit of a nerd, and even purchased a pokédex despite his lack of Trainer-ness.

He now wants to explore the rift-thing, and, hey, free legendaries to study!


[Cajun] Slugma [M]
A rather small Slugma who likes playing with others even when he makes them uncomfortably warm.
[Dom] Kricketune [M]
An expert with Bide, Dom was Greer's first Pokémon. Loves music. Caught in a Premier Ball.

Other: Yes I am using parts of my old form so what. Also, does this mean I get Shaymin again? :O
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biasedhypocritegirl, go go go!

Name: Tala Eiru
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Appearance: Tala is short for her age, standing at five foot three, with long brown hair and green eyes. She usually wears green and blue clothing, mostly jeans and loose-fitting shirts that hang to mid-thigh on her slim frame. She looks fit, with muscled arms and legs, but... unkempt, with messy hair and generally stained clothing, revealing a total lack of care for her appearance.

Personality: Tala is stubborn, with a core beliefs of what is right and wrong, and isn't afraid to start fights over it if she needs to. She depends on her Pokemon, and treats them as her family members - her own carelessness regarding herself tends to have her skip meals, stay awake when she should be sleeping and forgo such neccessary things as extra clothing when it gets cold. The only thing she does tend to is her muscles: she exercises often and with fiendish energy. She can be amazingly single-minded when given a goal, but is equally absent-minded about relationships and interactions with other people, and generally doesn't associate much with other people, given her tendency to be argumentative when prodded and her contempt for most other Pokemon trainers. She will assert that she is better than a Pokemon trainer because she never caught hers, despite the evidence that trainers treat their Pokemon just as well as she does. The only difference between her and a trainer is the type of bond she shares with her Pokemon, but she refuses to acknowledge it.

Secretly, she considers Pokemon more 'worthy' than humans, and is amazingly dependent on her own Pokemon - though she might argue against Torrent pushing her around to do something, she generally accepts their opinions on everything, and takes far more notice of them than anything else. They are her anchors, and if anything happens to them, Tala completely freaks out.

History:Tala has a good reason to look down on Pokemon training - her parents were both skilled trainers, and tried to make sure she had their talent and knowledge in Pokemon training. She endured being taken to expensive schools and private tournaments, but eventually got sick of it when she was seven years old, and told them bitterly that she refused to ever train a Pokemon. They treated this as the childish oath it was - but reconsidered when they had forced her out of the house, Pokeball in hand, three years later, only to find out she was sitting stubbornly in the grass outside town, trying to explain vehemently to her new Totodile why it should leave and go off into the wild.

Her Totodile, much distressed by her attitude, appointed himself as her caretaker, and eventually Tala wound up in Violet City, bemused, with Torrent trailing her and nipping her gently to remind her to eat (and sleep and bathe occasionally). True to her word, she didn't battle - but Torrent did, fighting on his own when she assumed he was snatching a Berry or two, and she was extremely surprised when he suddenly evolved. After his evolution, he harried her to the next town, and there she acquired a Pidgey that, to her dismay, refused to leave once it saw the amusing scene of the Croconaw chasing the human around.

She traveled a lot after that, and gave up when both her Pokemon evolved and fought wild Pokemon themselves, and at one point, she even had a battle with a confused trainer that had no idea why her Pokemon didn't need orders... Eventually, she ended up in Sinnoh, and learned of what had occured - the idea of Arceus being manipulated and controlled by Team Galactic was enough to make her agree to take part.


[Torrent] Feraligatr [M]
Her starter, who is almost obsessively protective of Tala and tends to be her caretaker.

[Talon] Pidgeot [M]
More laid-back than his teammate, Talon tends to be mischevious, playing tricks on both Torrent and Tala, though he's also quite loyal to his... 'trainer'.

Other: Copypasta fun! I have a 'T' theme going here. x3
Name: Kokoro Yukimara
Age: 21
Gender: Female

Appearance: She is a blue-haired girl with purple-ish eyes. She wears a black beret. She has a black shirt with a red belt around it. She has a pair of black pants that were made specifically for her shirt. She uses an old pair of army-like black boots she got from a thrift store. She usually has her black-and-white scarf around her neck.

Personality: She's a bit of a rogue. She steals the things she absolutely needs, like food and water. Some consider her evil because of her connections to a villainous organization, so not much trust her. She's surprisingly peppy for being an outcast. If someone harms her Pokemon, her only friends, she snaps and will gladly start attacking you with whatever she has on hand.

History: An Ex-Team Rocket member. She was a scientist for Team Rocket for four years. She got chased out after one of her experiments, a variation of the Shadow Pokemon of Orre, went awry and caused the Team Rocket base in Viridian to get destroyed. She was planning to leave before then, because she felt that the peace would soon be broken in Kanto. She fled to Sinnoh, with one of the admins hot on her tail. She wants to go through the rift so that the admin looses track of her and hopefully goes back to Kanto.


[Jade] Steelix [F]

Her first Pokemon from when she started her Pokemon journey at 16 years old.

[Claws] Sneasel [M]
A present from one of her friends when she was in TR. Prefers to fight dirty then fair, caused by the days in TR, which Kokoro doesn't really like.

Other: Nope
(Warning: I am a newb at RPing! This would only be my second time, and first on tcod.)

Name: Daniel "Dan" Storm

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Appearance: Dan generally wears shorts and a long sleeve of some sort, as well as tennis shoes. He generally wears a darker color scheme than most. On his left arm is a watch, due to his constant obsession to know the time. He also carries a waterbottle wherever he goes without fail, due to his irrational phobia of running out of water.

Personality: Although a very nice, intelligent, and physically fit person, Dan is extremely insecure, both about his looks and his personality. Due to this, he rarely talks to anyone outside of his small circle of friends. The few people who know him are acquainted with a person with an extremely conflicting personality. On one hand, he is a poor comedian who laughs at almost any joke, no matter how terrible. When around people he feels comfortable with, he talks a mile a minute, and gets very into any subject he finds interesting. However, he also has a tendency to get very angry quite easily. In his rage, he often acts irrationally. He is also very negative and is not one to look on the bright side of things. An anxious person, he is often cautious to the point of irritating others.

History: Dan was fishing in a lake nearby his house one day with a Good Rod he recieved for his thirteenth birthday. With it, he caught a Remoraid, and trained after school every day. When he was finished with school, he entered the League and struggled through the gyms with his newly evolved Octillery and his recently caught Cacnea, fighting homesickness the whole way through. He was never a good battler, and never defeated the Elite Four. However, he is seen as a late bloomer in the field of battle, as his hard work at training has begun to make up for his lack of talent. Later, he caught a Dratini in the depths of a partly underwater cave while on a kayaking trip. It later evolved.

Pokemon: Octillery, Dragonair, Froslass

[Octo] Octillery (M)
A zoned-out daydreamer who never knows what's going on.
[Drayca] Dragonair (F)
Enjoys teasing others. More social than her trainer.
[Mysta] Froslass (F)
A soft-spoken, intelligent Pokemon.

Other: Is it ok that he caught a Dratini/Dragonair, or is that too unrealistic because they are so rare? And can we communicate with our Pokemon before they lapse into insanity? If so, how?
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Name: Reginald "Reggie" Seitei

Age: 37

Gender: Male

Appearance: He stands at about six and a half feet tall, and usually wears a gray long-coat and gray pants. His hair is short and light brown, and his eyes are light green. He wears black gloves and a white hat.

Personality: Reginald is a very even-tempered, calm and stoic man. Even when facing off against his enemies, even enemies such as Team Galactic he remains calm, even cheerful at times, including if and when he might be interrogating them at the blade-point of his Gallade, with a tendency to insincerely apologize before dealing the finishing blow. He only rarely loses his composure if his enemies are gaining the upper hand; he even goes as far as to congratulate some of them. He does believe in the complete extermination of criminals Team Galactic, but if asked why he would ever want them beaten, he would say that it would be to protect the innocent; he has a Knight Templar complex, but not to the point of ruthlessly and needlessly attacking his enemies before dealing the last attack. He cares deeply for his two pokemon, and does what he can to take care of them while not battling. He calls himself a "people person," and is very good at telling if someone is telling the truth, or how they feel, just by looking at their face.

History: Upon becoming a pokemon trainer, Reginald established himself as a competent fighter in that he beat several gyms just using Jose, and later just with Jose and Gary. As he continued his journey, he saw injustice everywhere through the actions of Team Galactic, and did what he could to slow them down, but it sometimes wasn't enough; sometimes, he was overwhelmed by sheer numbers. After beating all eight gyms, he tried to direct his training skills to beating criminals such as Team Galactic, but by then, they had already been defeated. So instead, he chose to become a prosecutor, hoping to find a sense of justice in that area of work (it was through this that he learned how to "read" people.) He never forgot about pokemon training, and if he did not have a case, he would engage in a few battles with the occasional passerby trainer. After several years of this, he was approached by a man about the portal, and that Team Galactic was involved. Seeing this as a chance to exterminate Galactic once and for all, he agreed.

Pokemon: (max three, and keep in mind that they would go slowly insane in this world.)

[Jose] Gallade [M]

First given as a ralts when he was a young trainer. Usually out of his pokeball

[Gary] Probopass [M]
Caught somewhere along the way on his journey

Other: Nothing that I can think of
Name: Wallace Stryker
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Appearance: He stands 6' 5", and wears a dark grey trenchoat with a matching fedora. Under that he wears a shirt bearing a Farfetch'd with the quote 'FARFETCH'D... DOES NOT APPROVE!!!'. He has brown trousers with blacke shoes. His eyes are emerald green and his hair is black and spiky.

Personality: (Be very detailed here)



[Hack] PorygonZ (X) [refers as male]
Met as a simple Porygon, Wallace's strongest Pokémon and most trusted friend.

[Montana] rhydon (M)
Caught in Mount Silver and trained to be better than any Rhyperior

(Left to right, [Joseph, Razor, Louis]) dodrio (M,M,M)
The three never get along, but Joseph and Razor are best friends, being the original Doduo heads.

Other: O have reads you PM. Salty Pickle Cake because I am a rebel without a clue.

I got some done. Finish rest tommorrow.
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