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[Open] The Original Story II


I'll have your items to you as soon as I can find my list again :C so it's just legendaries for now.


[Andromeda] Jirachi (F) - Andromeda tries very hard to please others, always friendly and chipper on the outside. She's very insecure on the inside, however.

Pichu Chris:

[Eurasia] Regigigas (M) - A bit of a brute, Eurasia isn't very smart, but he's very strong. He uses his physical strength to solve problems more often than not.


[Arkos] Latios (M) - Arkos is the no-nonsense type, trying very hard to cure people of their stupidity. He can be stubborn sometimes.


[Shinji] Darkrai (M) - Quiet and mostly unassuming, Shinji dislikes human contact for the most part. His temper, though hard to draw out, can be deadly.


[Yuuka] Shaymin (F) - Cheerful to the extreme, Yuuka loves to make friends, though she gets a bit sarcastic and grumpy is upset. She hates to be alone.


[Valor] Azelf (F) - Strong-willed and forward, Valor doesn't take crap from anyone. She is prideful to the extreme, and always speaks her mind.


[Atemu] Mewtwo (M) - Rarely speaking, Atemu expresses himself mostly through his actions, always keeping a calm, collected outlook.


[Nen] Suicune (M) - Nen is rather twitchy and paranoid, and a tad unsure of himself. He faces a bit of a puzzle, as well; he is wary of people, but a friendly soul. He's shiny.


[Foxglove] Uixie (F) - Foxglove is very knowing, as is common to her kind, and is very good at reading people and Pokemon. She tries her hardest to learn everything she can.

We'll get started as soon as I stop being lazy and get my own form done >___< So anyone can join until then.
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Name: Wallace Stryker
Age: 25
Gender: Male

Appearance: He stands 6' 5", and wears a dark grey trenchoat with a matching fedora. Under that he wears a shirt bearing a Farfetch'd with the quote 'FARFETCH'D... DOES NOT APPROVE!!!'. He has brown trousers with blacke shoes. His eyes are emerald green and his hair is black and spiky.

Personality: Wallace is normally happy when admiring his favorite object in the world. himself. He is arrogant, self-loving, and thinks he is the best person on earth. He is also very, very bad with girls but he still flirts with a few of the girls around. The one who did love him back was tragically taken from him late one Johto summer. This left him emotionally crushed for years, where he did not speak to hardly anyone. Now he mostly hides it deep in his heart, even from himself. But if anyone mentions her name, he will stop speaking for hours and will begin to cry a lot for her. Now he doesn't flirt as much as he used to. He also tries to avoid anyone who looks like her. He mostly won't flirt with someone who is blonde with some brunette highlight, who appears young, with sweet blue eyes.

History:Wallace grew up as normal, flirting with everyone but always beign rejected. When he was 17, he found one girl who loved him for who he was. She was tall, sweet, had long blonde hair with brunette highlights, and had blue eyes that looked like two clear pools of water. They dated for a while, and after a year he was on his way to propose. He was walking with her while the sun was going down, when her friend yelled to her from a resturaunt across the street. She gave him a quick kiss goodybye and ran acroos the street to find out what she wanted. They talked for a few minutes and she ran back across the street to be back with Wallace. When she was almost back on the sidewalk, a truck's tire exploded and it swerved around and hit her. She was alive but she was dying. Her last dying words were "I love Wallace. Now and forever. Be happy. like me..." then she laughed her last laugh and she was gone.


[Hack] PorygonZ (X) [refers as male]
Met as a simple Porygon, Wallace's strongest Pokémon and most trusted friend.

[Montana] rhydon (M)
Caught in Mount Silver and trained to be better than any Rhyperior

(Left to right, [Joseph, Razor, Louis]) dodrio (M,M,M)
The three never get along, but Joseph and Razor are best friends, being the original Doduo heads.

Other: O have reads you PM. Salty Pickle Cake because I am a rebel without a clue.

Oh I wanted Regigigas. Cookies how coould you? jk.
Looks good so far, i wonder how all this will go on with the insanity...

Name: Blake
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Appearance: Blake has ragged hair that ends about 4 inches off his shoulders, he is tall for his age at about six feet tall and wears a black jacket most of the time. His eyes are an icy blue. (Pic)

Personality: Blake grew up in the streets doing odd jobs for money so he cares about helping people and may put himself in danger to help someone else. He usually tries to look happy but he has a grief in his heart that he doesn't recognise the source of (explained later). All his life the kids his age treated him badly because he lived on the streets, he tended to ignore them and remain cheery. He still does the odd job so he can afford clothes and food but half of the money he earns always goes into an account so he can buy a house in the forest outside of Eterna City.

History: Blake grew up on the streets around Eterna City with no real memory of his family, when he turned ten he started doing odd jobs for money, on his sixteenth birthday he was repaid for a job with a pokemon, an Arcanine. Ever since then he has trained with his Arcanine whenever he had free time. when he heard of this mission into the unknown he signed up immediately as he had nowhere better to go.

Arcanine [M] - Blaze

Other: Not that i can think of at this time.
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Name: Leah
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Appearance: Leah has slightly curled, dirty blonde hair. Her eyes are bright, emerald green, and always have a determined, yet slightly scatterbrained expression in them. She has a very light sprinkle of freckles across her nose and cheeks, and long, bony limbs. She usually wears some kind of slide-on shoe, due to her dislike of having to tie her laces.

Personality: Leah is slightly erratic and unpredictable, and often jumps from thought to thought with no apparent connection. It's usually impossible to tell what she's thinking, and can get easily distracted; you will often have to repeat things around her. She does have her moments of brilliance, and can be very helpful and useful at times. She's a bit of a chatterbox, and enjoys talking about practically any subject. She's not afraid to speak her mind, and will state her opinion on virtually anything. She is very stubborn, and will not easily change her mind, so long as she's actually thinking straight. Her decisions are almost always very abrupt or dictated by instinct or whims.

History: Leah was the only daughter of an average middle-class family in Rustboro City, not doing anything out of the ordinary in her life until she was twelve. At that age, she woke up one day and suddenly decided to become a Pokemon trainer. Her parents understood, and managed to get her a Nincada, giving it to her as her first Pokemon and setting her off on her journey.

Although Leah was never really serious about the Hoenn League, or really any other League, she enjoyed going around and catching various Pokemon, and eventually became a very good trainer. She eventually became occupied with legendaries and other strange or rare Pokemon, and, despite not really wanting to ever catch one, went to search for them, just to say she had. However, she never actually found any... until Missingno. appeared.

Pokemon: Nina - Ninjask (F)

Jovani - Shedinja (X, preferably F)

Cadmus - Solrock (X, preferably M)

Other: gfadfug
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