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Search results

  1. Furiianda

    Not sure if this is a good place to ask, but

    I looked a little more via google and eevee_em is right! Bulbapedia seems to stock every overworld picture from HG/SS in its walkthrough, and they look pretty high quality... if that's what you meant by backgrounds anyway. Found them linked at some other strategy website... (also a great website...
  2. Furiianda

    Not sure if this is a good place to ask, but

    I don't suppose you could use any of the stuff here? (it's a great website <3)
  3. Furiianda


    Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1] Fine, then, I'll reword too! We have... uh... (I'm bad at this) nothing likely to gain by random lynching? [: Also, nice position there. :o Very nice. I hope you enjoy that! And also why do you want to lynch Squirtles...? Are you suspicious as Squirrel was or uh. Really...
  4. Furiianda


    Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1] Uh, nothing to lose by abstaining? Don't we have... a potential innocent to lose? We can only really go for a random and that leaves us with a much higher chance of losing an innocent than a mafia (or inactivated alien), which gives us all just a little less time. It's...
  5. Furiianda

    League of Legends

    Incredibad D'awr, sure I am. You should have seen when I tried Udyr. :o Anyway, Blaziking, I totally know what you mean. Since my friend who told me about the game is a level 30 super pro and well... makes the enemy team froth with rage. Usually about 20-30 kills each match... ahaha and the...
  6. Furiianda


    Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1] I think they swap what happens to two people of their choice. (eg. Player 1 is targeted by mafia, bus driver swaps player 1 and player 4, player 4 is killed instead) So, the bus driver might know who the real target was. It'd be kinda helpful to know, but it'd probably...
  7. Furiianda


    Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1] Suspicious? How? And if it IS his first day post (first game?) then it was probably unintentional, anyway. ...I guess there's no harm keeping an eye on him though. Also yes, what Alraune/Spike said, (and Tailsy/Applejack,) probably a bus driver. Also abstain until further...
  8. Furiianda

    Pokémon sheet music copyright?

    Re: Pokémon sheet music copyright? What, uh... Fnrrf said. Also there's a website I tried to contribute to a while back called NinSheetMusic (http://ninsheetm.us/) so why not post up there rather than trying to host your own? Your name is still on it and (although they have some kinda sorta...
  9. Furiianda


    Re: MLP Mafia [Day 1] Hooray! Hello my ponies/cronies/bronies. This is mainly a "Hi, I'm active" post. Yep. Anyone have anything interesting to add? I sure don't! Since I'm a pile of inexperience, I'll leave suggestions up to the other players for now, I guess. But I'm thinking of abstaining...
  10. Furiianda

    League of Legends

    Greetings, my fellow tCoDians! Some of you have played League of Legends already, and I’m always looking for new additions to my friendlist. If you know what you’re doing, go ahead and add “Furiianda”, if you want. For those of you who don’t know about this, allow me to explain. LoL is a free...
  11. Furiianda

    Male Breastfeeding

    Before I start talking about pointless anecdotes I will say hey that's kinda cool but blah blah what everyone else said blah blah. You know, about people not really wanting to. Er. But it sounds like a great topic to bring up over dinner! Well, a (wind musician) teacher of mine once told me she...
  12. Furiianda

    [Secret Roles] MLP Mafia

    I really think you're going to need more roles. {: Also I hope these are 48 hour days ;~;
  13. Furiianda

    Dorf Fort

    I have tried it and it's pretty cool! But, I kinda hate memorising a whole load of shortcuts and meanings for characters so it's hard to get into (unless you play it very frequently) and it's really annoying to pick up again later. As in, two months or more after initial download and reading of...
  14. Furiianda

    Piracy- Your take on it

    That video has a good point! For books -- I would never read an entire book of decent length (let's say more than 100 pages) because it's unpleasant to read on the computer for a really long time. Additionally, I have a desktop computer, so it's nowhere near as portable as a book! Music you...
  15. Furiianda

    Piracy- Your take on it

    Like, uh... *squint* Like rock-ground says, many things don't make it over here and there's no choice but to pirate if you want to experience it! Oh, well, okay, not many but a few things I care about. (That goes for music, games, and... well I don't really bother with television/movies anyway)...
  16. Furiianda


    Hi! I was totally asked to join to bolster the numbers, I hope this post helps with publicity too. >: Also I need to try this whole big mafia craze thinggg. I can't promise I'll post a lot (time zones) but at least I shouldn't be inactive ~ There are a lot of mafia roles, I'm scaaaared... but...
  17. Furiianda


    Publishing a world book? Well, unique idea, but I don't how popular it would be. As far as I know most writers like to create their own world (well, if they're writing that sort of thing) and wouldn't be interested. Most people who are into creative stuff are filled to the brim with ideas...
  18. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Yeah this is what I want to know ): when I last researched anything about flash it was a bunch of people saying you have to draw all the frames individually to make it look nice, and "tweening sucks lol" etc etc I thought it might have been done with Lightwave (3D program), surprisingly enough...
  19. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Oh, maybe (more than) a little cheesy, but I think it's a great show for any kid to be watching overall. Er, I mean, just taking the kid perspective here, since MLP is marketed towards young girls. It's friendly and nice and all (every pony parties aaaalll the time) and has some pretty nice...
  20. Furiianda

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

    Uhm, the first club thing you should do is supply those two with befitting avatars...? >: (anyway I guess I will join... I don't really want to change my username or avatar though... heck my avatar is half pony already)
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