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Piracy- Your take on it

It also doesn't hurt that she's, you know, actually talented, as opposed to most singers who you'd listen to for maybe a week.
It also doesn't hurt that she's, you know, actually talented, as opposed to most singers who you'd listen to for maybe a week.

... wat.

Anyhow personally I download everything because I really don't have the cash to buy shit. If I didn't download I wouldn't watch/listen to it because I can't afford it.
If music, movies and games are okay to download, then books should also be okay, right? (I'm asking because I have no moral compass whatsoever. I steal candy from babies.) Actually, can't we just generalize and say that anything that can be copied infinitely at no cost, like most art and knowledge, should be free?
Yeah Pirates!

...What? Oh, those pirates.

I don't care/ wish people didn't. It's cheating the creators of the media, and it's illegal. But if it's just one of things you need to listen to just the once so it's not going through your head all the effing time, then I don't really mind as long as you delete it after.
Sorry, I meant that most music tends to just be catchy, flavour of the week crap, that everyone forgets within a month.
By most music I mean music in the charts.

But yeah, I only buy things that I enjoy a lot, so I usually download it anyway.
The last three things I bought that I could have pirated were Yes Virginia, Minecraft, and the only RPG rulebook I've ever bought which is Eclipse Phase.
All of those were worth it.
Piracy? I think that the fact that I just finished watching a movie that I downloaded today probably says a lot.

I'm a pretty shameless pirate, but I do buy things that I really feel deserve my money. I'm a student, so I don't really have money to buy some obscure DS games or movies that I'll only play/watch once.
There's also the fact that some things are pretty impossible to find anywhere (other than the internets, that is), like older, not-that-popular-movies or tv shows. Does it even benefit the creators of a movie if I buy a used DVD? Not really, no. The money just goes to the person who I bought it from. I don't really see how it's a huge crime to just go and download the movie instead.

I've also thought about downloading DS games and such from an environmental standpoint - why should I get a piece of plastic wrapped in more plastic shipped overseas when I could just get the same thing from the internet, as bytes and whatnot instead of a physical cartridge?
Who knows how many rainforests I've saved already.
I thought this was about literal Pirates, like, all the recent Somalia pirates.

Amanda Palmer isn't talented I pirate things, because I'm totally going to go out and spend money on something then listen to it and hate it. For me, 'Pirating' is more like 'Sampling'

((personally they could have thought up a better name for Piracy than, well, Piracy because it makes me think of Pirates of the Carribean))
Honestly, it depends. When it comes down to it, using piracy as a way of getting the newest software or similar products for free quickly is morally wrong and in many cases punishable by law or at least with a nice lawsuit.

But, for older products and games that have ceased production and are predecessors to current products - I don't see an issue with it. This is because the revenue made by the older product has been made; anyone seeking it now either lost their original purchased copy or is curious. For a company to take legal action for the free release of a older game, seems a bit much. For that reason, I like the style of the makers of Command and Conquer who every year or so release one of their older games for free download and play.

That video has a good point!
For books -- I would never read an entire book of decent length (let's say more than 100 pages) because it's unpleasant to read on the computer for a really long time. Additionally, I have a desktop computer, so it's nowhere near as portable as a book!

Music you download is often of worse quality than you would find on a CD. Well, in my experience... anyway, there's the possibility that someone would go out and buy a CD later to obtain a better quality version of a song. There's also sample songs and the like on websites you can listen to, (say, 30 seconds of a 5-minute recording) before you decide to buy it. More importantly there's the CD-versus-live-performance sales ratio.

And there's, well, games that don't really work so well if you have an illegitimate copy, and the chance your keygen could be composed of viruses or something... er, for example, I downloaded a copy of Electroplankton and tried it on a DS emulater a few years ago, and you get a good general idea of the game but the framerate is atrocious and it makes awful noises as it skips, making it painful to play for more than a couple of minutes.
There's also, er, I had some friends playing on a World of Warcraft private server riddled with bugs, and eventually they just bought the real game and started a subscription because it was better quality. So a private server was kinda like a demo!

A lot of people circumvent or deal with these problems, but even so it can help with sales in the long run.
You wouldn't steal a handbag!
You wouldn't steal a car!
You wouldn't steal a baby!
You wouldn't shoot a policeman!
And then steal his helmet!
You wouldn't go to the toilet in his helmet!
And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow!
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