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Search results

  1. Pikachu Goddess

    MD2 Déja Vu (Hey - It Rhymes.)

    Re: MD2 Déja Vu (Hey - It Rhymes.) I think pure luck. ;3
  2. Pikachu Goddess

    Is there going to be a Generation V?

    *pops into thread* Looking at the Pokémon that they have in Generation IV, I'm not sure if they'll find that much more original Pokémon to create. Frankly, if there's that much Pokémon that evolve from previous generation Pokémon, they can't have much more original ideas after those (But they...
  3. Pikachu Goddess

    MD2 Déja Vu (Hey - It Rhymes.)

    MD2 Déja Vu (Hey - It Rhymes.) Once while I was playing my Explorers of Darkness, I had just went inside Temporal Tower. I had no Oran Berries and only two Reviver Seeds to aid me against Primal Dialga, so I wanted to get through the whole thing in one shot without using up those precious...
  4. Pikachu Goddess

    Three word story

    ...humanity's cellar, therefore...
  5. Pikachu Goddess

    Ohh, the one near Lake Hylia? ..... There's one there? ._.

    Ohh, the one near Lake Hylia? ..... There's one there? ._.
  6. Pikachu Goddess

    Has Pokemon ever embarrassed you?

    Everyone always asks why I like Pokémon/Pikachu so much. I used to try to explain, but I stopped, since that makes me even more embarrased. See, I received a Pikachu plushie from my little sister a while back and put it in my school bag. The next day, I was looking for a textbook and found it in...
  7. Pikachu Goddess

    Have you gotten everything yet? Like Poes, the Wallets, ect.? I just need a few more Poes to...

    Have you gotten everything yet? Like Poes, the Wallets, ect.? I just need a few more Poes to actually completely beat the game.
  8. Pikachu Goddess

    Most bizzare Pokedex Entry

    Ever wonder why your spirit stays inside your body if you look into the back sprite's hole? I can't exactly remember Oddish's Pokédex entry from... R/B/Y, I think. But it's funny how it's the only one with a scientific name. Shouldn't the others have one, too?
  9. Pikachu Goddess

    Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

    I agree whole-heartedly. The plots were much better because there was actually a problem that made sense. Like the episode when Brock gets Vulpix. That one had conflict, at least. (If you're asking why that one specifically, I have it on VHS. :3) Ditto.
  10. Pikachu Goddess

    Lowest level(s) you've beaten the Elite Four at?

    The lowest I've beaten the E4 at on any game is high 40's. Yeah, I don't like being underleveled much. I have yet to beat D/P's Elite Four. Cynthia always destroys me... x_x Plus the fact that my previous team was terribly crappy and had a low variety of types.
  11. Pikachu Goddess

    Stupid things you thought were true

    Button combinations. I sometimes do it when it's a Pokémon I really want. I remember one time I did that on Regirock and I accidentally pressed the reset code. x_x I used to think that an uber-rare Pokémon or item was in the Trick House in Ruby Version. The stupid thing is is that I hit the A...
  12. Pikachu Goddess

    Pikachu Pokerus?

    I guess it's just to show some actual conflict with Trainers. It couldn't take down Roark's Cranidos. If it were reality, it would be like: Roark: Go, Cranidos! Ash: Pikachu, use Random Weak Attack! Pikachu: *headbutts Cranidos* Cranidos: *faints* Honestly, Pikachu should be level 100 by now.
  13. Pikachu Goddess

    Hello. Anyways, have any of you played Twilight Princess? *lack of conversation XD*

    Hello. Anyways, have any of you played Twilight Princess? *lack of conversation XD*
  14. Pikachu Goddess

    What's your LEAST fav type?

    O_O I've never noticed how much people don't like the Dark-type. What do you have against them? *innocent eyes* Bug. I've never taken a liking to the type - Vespiquen and Scyther being the only exceptions. I guess I've always revered them as weak since I've started looking at how low their...
  15. Pikachu Goddess


    *pops randomally out of nowhere* I'm not sure isf abortion is right or wrong. I don't like the idea of killing an innocent, infant child. They never did anything bad to society. Mainly the parents of the child should be the ones blamed for bringing an "unwanted" child into the world. The infant...
  16. Pikachu Goddess

    Do you want Pokémon Mystery Dungeon to happen to you?

    Re: Do you want it to happen to you? Yes, it would be cool. I'd like to be a Pikachu (my first ever MD file was a Pikachu... on first selection). To be a Pokémon in a world different from your own and to go on adventures... do something that's actually daring... that would be fun. But, having...
  17. Pikachu Goddess

    Oh, hi, V&SL! Nice to see you here! And thanks, Glacedon! :D Heh. Nice avatar. It's almost...

    Oh, hi, V&SL! Nice to see you here! And thanks, Glacedon! :D Heh. Nice avatar. It's almost... mesmorizing. *is entranced by bouncing Victreebel*
  18. Pikachu Goddess

    CRUSHES thread [REBORN... again]

    Darn, I wanted to start it... ;D Well, I... told my crush I liked him. He just wants to be friends. Hopefully he means that. (Hey, all of the guys in my school my age are perverted and are jerks. This is the only guy that, well, isn't. And, he likes everything I like. :D;; *daydreams*)
  19. Pikachu Goddess

    What are your other names?

    No nickname in real life. Pikachu Goddess - Pretty much everywhere that you can post stuff. ;3 Tiger_Jewel0 - For an old, decaying level 77 account on Runescape. (Everyone reading: *points and laughs*)
  20. Pikachu Goddess

    Hey, Glacedon! I've been on the forums since... March, I think. Of this year. ;D I think I did...

    Hey, Glacedon! I've been on the forums since... March, I think. Of this year. ;D I think I did notice you a couple of times on here. So, are you enjoying summer vacation?
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