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Has Pokemon Lost its Touch?

Has the anime lost its touch?

  • Yes, I can't bear to watch the newer episodes, but love the original episodes

    Votes: 60 33.0%
  • The newer stuff has its moments

    Votes: 64 35.2%
  • It's just as good as before!

    Votes: 16 8.8%
  • It's just as bad as before!

    Votes: 14 7.7%
  • I don't watch the anime

    Votes: 28 15.4%

  • Total voters
The older episodes are more fun to watch, though.
I agree whole-heartedly. The plots were much better because there was actually a problem that made sense. Like the episode when Brock gets Vulpix. That one had conflict, at least. (If you're asking why that one specifically, I have it on VHS. :3)

And I really hate Dawn.
I don't have any issues with Dawn since she gets stuff done fast and the voice actors are okay too but I always cringe when Sarah whatchamacallit starts talking. And she responds too fast. Most of the time the people haven't even finished their sentence yet. Go watch the first episode with Maylene and you'll see what I mean.

And I hated the later Hoenn episodes because Max and May seemed like a cool idea at first but then they started being pieces of dead weight always slowing Ash down.


Go and click Pokemon and you can watch every episode that has come out up to date.
Well, it's kind of good when Dawn and Ash battled Maylene. However, the old shows were better. Misty had a much better personality with Ash than Dawn with Ash. She also didn't battle in contests and was a gym leader. I've gotten sick of people forcing pokemon to do contests.
Oh, god yes, Pokemon has lost its touch. Didn't they get a new voice actor for Ash? It started going downhill during Hoenn...
I adored the first series, but now it's just gotten too long and lost it's touch. None of the episodes keep me interested anymore.
Well, tomorrow we get to see how, if Pikachu evolved, Satoshi would interact with a Raichu. That isn't "Grrr. I'm mean."
Oh, god yes, Pokemon has lost its touch. Didn't they get a new voice actor for Ash? It started going downhill during Hoenn...

But Hoenn has half the "Pikachu likes to shock Ash when either of the two is acting really evil" episodes! D:
After Johto, it seemed to lose it's luster, yeah. I think after the Orange League, it went smaller and smaller, and when they got BACK to Kanto again for the Battle Frontier, it just ..blech.
Kanto was a 9.9 to me. THe only episode I hated was the episodes where didn't do anything except introduce a new character of the day. WHen they went to the Orange Islands, it kept reminding me of some distant far off but more exotic land. I always loved htat episode with that magnemite that evolves and that rancher dude. It lost it after Hoenn though except that Harrison vs Ash battle which was great. Has anyone notices that they don't focus on Ash anymore?
I figured out what the problem is. It's the music. After watching a japanese episode (which was much better by the way) I found out that they use the same music from the Kanto series, just redone a little better. If they actually used cool music instead of making their own cruddy orchestrated one then it would be alot nicer. And if they found voice actors that actually SOUND LIKE REAL PEOPLE then that would make it sky rocket back up. I'm looking at you (Brock (in his love voice) James, and Ash and stop having females with really high voices and stop making everything localized ( like when someone asks them a question and they al answer with the same answer then that would make it watchable in my opinion.
He was sent to this charizard training place or charizard mountain or something like that.


I never liked the show that much...
The first episodes were okay, I guess. I really have always disliked the voice acting, the animation, and the plot(s). I liked the first ones mainly because I was all "I REMEMBER THAT PLACE IN THE GAME" half the time and "I WONDER IF THERES SOME WAY TO GET THERE IN THE GAME" the other half.

I kinda wish the series was more realistic in some ways as well as directed less at uber-young audiences (or if it is to be directed at young audiences, it should be in the awesome risky soccer-mom shocking way early-mid 90's cartoons were). I'm not saying it should be dark, but just...realistic. Jesse and James probably don't give a damn about Pikachu after failing for ten years. Thiefs don't dress in glaring white uniforms whilst attempting to steal in the middle of the day. Battling for badges over and over is probably something even Ash would get sick of. If Pikachu could beat the Elite Four in Kanto, why does it have such a hard time with gym leaders everywhere? Also, I don't understand why most Pokemon cries were interpreted as them saying their names over and over. Why can't they sound like animals? For that matter, why can't people sound normal as opposed to overdone in the way they are? I just wish they'd restart the entire show and do it properly at times, but that's not ever going to be a possibility...

Anyone notice how everyone that grew up in the 90's is bringing up Pokemon again (even though they've quit playing the games long ago) is begining to rant on about how great the first games were? The show should be targeted towards them, because it just might get them back into the games, and there are way more of them than the newer players (remember when it was a fad?). They were not just in it because it was a fad, they honestly enjoyed the early games. People were honestly put-off by the anime the moment they outgrown it, and afraid that they'd get mocked for playing a kid's game (the anime shaped many people's opinions of Pokemon itself), they quit. I see fucking jocks of all people mentioning Red and Blue with a bizarre reverence more and more often. They don't dislike Pokemon, they're simply afraid of being looked down upon by their own friends. The anime (as well as the over-the-top cuteness R/S/E have cursed the series with) is all that's preventing them from returning.
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