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Most bizzare Pokedex Entry

Arceus has a thousand arms.

Humans didn't know what feelings were till Mesprit was born.

Dusknoir are all kidnappers because of radio waves in the spirit world.

"Additional software" was installed to Porygon 2 so that it could evolve, but then it caught a virus.

Gliscor - "When the chance presents itself, it swoops!"

Ruby says Deoxys' chest crystal is its brain, yet Sapphire says it shoots lasers from the "crystalline organ". It shoots lasers right from its brain? Ouch.

You have to write your wish on Jirachi's head to make it come true. But, but...isn't it sleeping in the Millennium Comet?

FR/LG says Registeel was asleep underground for tens of thousands of years. Sapphire says it was imprisoned by people in ancient times. Lie detector, anyone?

Two Beldum = Metang. Two Metang = Metagross. To evolve your Beldum, you need to catch another one!

Salamence has wings because it wants them.

Luvdisc is a stalker.

Corsola use Luvdisc to build their nests for them.

Gorebyss is "unharmed by ordinary attacks". Yet a well-aimed Scratch can hit it.

Gorebyss from Emerald: "A Gorebyss siphons the body fluids of prey through its thin, tubular mouth. Its light pink body color turns vivid when it finishes feeding."
From DP: "In the springtime, its pink body turns more vivid for some reason."

Walrein from Ruby: "Walrein's two massively developed tusks can totally shatter blocks of ice weighing ten tons with one blow."

Glalie is an ice-sculpting champ.

Absol was wrongly accused of felon!

Dusclops is a black hole.

Duskull and Shuppet hate sunlight. Grab some onions, people!

Those plates of armor on Armaldo's back? They're really wings! Armaldo, use FLY!
The Registeel one isn't really a contradiction: just combine the two dex entries, and you see that tens of thousands of years ago, an ancient civilization (REALLY ancient) imprisoned it underground in a nearly endless sleep.
Sometimes I get the feeling that when a Pokemon is caught, the Trainer him/herself puts in whatever info of the Pokemon they know. An encyclopedia written by a 10-year-old? Not very reliable...

Of course, that's just a speculation.

Oh, and a drop of Female Nidoran's poison is fatal, but just like stated with Toxicroak it can attack with stuff like Peck and Poison Sting and nobody dies.

Parasect: "It is controlled by a mushroom grown larger than the bug body." So we're dealing with a zombie bug-crab thing, then...

Persian: "Among fans, the size of the jewel in its forehead is a topic of much talk." Does anyone else find this slightly disturbing (or at least somewhat silly?)

Infernape: "It is beaten by none in terms of quickness." Nincada, Electrode and about thirty other Pokemon say hello.
Hey, what about chimchar? Its Flame tail is from Body gases.....so its like farting all its life?
Xatu in Silver:
In South America, it is said that its right eye sees the future and its left eye views the past.

First Mew, now this. What is this strange obsession with South America?

Silver: When its head was bitten, toxins entered Slowpoke's head and unlocked an extraordinary power.
Crystal: Every time it yawns, Shellder injects more poison into it. The poison makes it more intelligent.

That thing's one freakish Shellder. And toxins make it more intelligent. Right.
Spoink in either sapphire or emerald, that he will lose all of his energy and die if his ball falls off (0_o) but in the anime he lost it once and just got all sad.

Same with Charizard and his fire, but that was in a movie...
I heard that Crobat doesn't stop to rest BUT the wierd thing is I have one myself
and it can learn the move Roost by TM in pokemon D&P and roost's description
says that the pokemon rests its' wings?
So i'm a bit bummed.
Dorio, Sapphire Dex entry- Apparently, the heads aren't the only parts of the body that Dodrio has three of. It has three sets of hearts and lungs as well, so it is capable of running long distances without rest.

wat. Where does it fit them all? Does that mean is as three ribcages too?
Metapod: "It's shell is harder then an iron slab"
Must be one strong Lv.4 pidgey then

Rattata: "A RATTATA is cautious in the extreme. Even while it is asleep, it constantly moves its ears and listens for danger. It will make It's nest anywhere."
Let's go make our nest next to the nest of ariados', Mr. Paranoid rat thing :)

Both from Em, I just popped it open to see.

Additionally, glad someone remembered good ol' pearl floony and his failed abductions :D
Alakazam's brain continually grows, making its head far too heavy to support with its neck. This Pokémon holds its head up using its psychokinetic power instead. [Ruby]

If you think that you had a good dream, but you can't remember it, a Drowzee has probably eaten it. [Gold]
If you think that you had a good dream, but you can't remember it, a Drowzee has probably eaten it. [Gold]

Huh, theres a Drowzee hiding in my bedroom. I should really get to cleaning it sometime

Vespiquen: "Its abdomen is a honeycomb for grubs. It raises It's grubs on honey collected by COMBEE"
I sense what should be a prevo.
Additionally, It keeps these grubs in... Its Abdomen Oo"
Cherrim, "It blooms during times of strong sunlight. It tries to make up for everything it endured as a bud." Just somthing I have noticed, In pokemon ranch it blooms all the time at day time. So does that mean pokemon ranch is in the tropics and it's always sunny or somthing?

Skuntank, "It sprays a stinky fluid from its tail. The fluid smells worse the longer it is allowed to fester." They just think the liquid is from its tail

Farfetch'd, "It can't live without the stalk it holds. That's why it defends the stalk from attackers with its life." now lets view the emerald entry "It is always seen with a stick from a plant. Apparently, there are good sticks and bad sticks. This POKEMON occasionally fights with others over choice sticks" Now that means if a farfetch'd finds a better stick than the one he has he will die if he tries to pick it up does it not?
In Diamond I think the entry for Dusclops is something like "Anyone who looks though it's body is sucked in." And yet how were people looking at him while he performed in a circus act in the Jirachi movie?
Altaria's Emerald entry: It says "It hums in a beautiful soprano voice. It flies among white clouds in the blue sky. It launches intensely hot fireballs from its mouth." Graceful but deadly.
Shedinja's hollow is said to steal spirits. How did someone in the animé look at its hole and not have their spirits taken away? Hm.
Ever wonder why your spirit stays inside your body if you look into the back sprite's hole?

I can't exactly remember Oddish's Pokédex entry from... R/B/Y, I think. But it's funny how it's the only one with a scientific name. Shouldn't the others have one, too?
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