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Most bizzare Pokedex Entry

In Diamond I think the entry for Dusclops is something like "Anyone who looks though it's body is sucked in." And yet how were people looking at him while he performed in a circus act in the Jirachi movie?

...Because they are looking at it, not through it?
I can't exactly remember Oddish's Pokédex entry from... R/B/Y, I think. But it's funny how it's the only one with a scientific name. Shouldn't the others have one, too?

Its from Firered.

Its scientific name is "Oddium Wanderus." At night, it is said to walk nearly 1,000 feet on its two roots.
I think Banette and Drifloon would make a nice child-kill team. And I like how sinister the D/D Umbreon is.
"The light of the moon changed EEVEE's genetic structure. It lurks in the darkness for prey."

Also, we have the banned 'Tower of Terror' episode on tape, in the basement, ha-ha!
Multiple Pokedex entries state Bulbasaur's seed. Yet I see some kind of pitcher plant-thing.

As the bulb on its back grows larger, it appears to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs.


A bewitching aroma wafts from its flower. The fragrance becalms those engaged in a battle.

*uses Venusaur in battle* Why won't it work D<

Charmeleon mercilessly destroys its foes using its sharp claws. If it encounters a strong foe, it turns aggressive. In this excited state, the flame at the tip of its tail flares with a bluish white color.

;~; My Charmeleon never gets excited...
Beautifly's Diamond entry: "It has an aggressive nature. It stabs prey with its long, narrow mouth to drain the prey's fluids."
JYNX. LG dex:
It seductivley wiggles its hips as it walks. It can cause people to dance in unison with it.
Ladies and gents: Sex references in Pokemon.
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