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Search results

  1. G

    Bank of TCoD

  2. G

    Dragons' Den Simulations

    Hey, a question-if I bring in my Smeargle, can I have him Sketch the legendary's signature moves? :3 Anyways, doing a double battle against Latios+Latias on Southern Island. You like money, right?
  3. G

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    I assume the same would apply for Flash Fire/Motor Drive? e.g., you can't activate your own ability? Or is that different due to not being cause by a status effect?
  4. G


    griffin is the greatest back i've ever seen or coached I'm so cool. :') griffin is the 14 year old daughter of debbie and larry Someone stole my name! *gasp* griffin is client officer for cdm for wayne county and griffin is physician I don't even know how to be a doctor... griffin is...
  5. G

    [11] Mendatt vs Griffin (Ref: Pathos)

    Urgg...okay, no more strategy, Thunderbolt, then Doubleslap twice. Thunderbolt~Doubleslap~Doubleslap
  6. G

    [11] Mendatt vs Griffin (Ref: Pathos)

    Great, unless we get some kind of miracle we're going to lose this...okay, use a Work Up of your own to match her, then use Doubleslap twice. Work Up~Doubleslap~Doubleslap
  7. G

    [11] Mendatt vs Griffin (Ref: Pathos)

    Okay, let's stop her from using Work Up at least. Entrainment on the first turn! If you're too paralyzed to move, use Entrainment on the second turn. If you're still too paralyzed to move, use it on the third turn. If you've already used Entrainment on the second or third turns, use Doubleslap...
  8. G

    [11] Mendatt vs Griffin (Ref: Pathos)

    Okay then, if you can hear me, just use Sleep Talk until you wake up. If you wake up, use Entrainment, then if you have another turn follow up with Safeguard. Sleep Talk~Sleep Talk/Entrainment~Sleep Talk/Safeguard
  9. G

    [11] Mendatt vs Griffin (Ref: Pathos)

    Thanks! I'm choosing Audino. I'll call her Joy! Alright, Joy, let's first get rid of Haley's ability advantage with an Entertainment. After that, distract her with a Sweet Kiss, then finish off with a Thunderbolt! Entertainment~Sweet Kiss~Thunderbolt Status effects ahoy!
  10. G

    Attacks and Abilities Guide

    If a Pokemon under the effect of Illusion uses Double Team/Substitute, will the clones also be under the effect of Illusion? And well attacking them break it?
  11. G

    League Championship 2011

    Put me in as a player!
  12. G

    Mosh Pit Free-For-All Battle

    Whoops. Sent!
  13. G

    Mosh Pit Free-For-All Battle

    Well, I'd like to see all the commands still...
  14. G

    ASB Hack Discussion

    Well, what if we thought our friend meant "you don't have to pay me" not "I'm exploiting a glitch that means I don't need to pay"?
  15. G


    FUN FACT: An alternate name for "shisa" is "fuu dog," while the direct translation of "shisa" in Chinese means "guardian lion." Yup, it's not just Pokemon that have the whole "based on more than one creature" thing going on.
  16. G

    ASB Hack Discussion

    THIS IS SO COOL! *eye sparkles* *ahem* Now that the fangirlism is out of my system, I'd like to say that you are an awesome person for doing this. And I don't mind waiting at all for you to bring more awesomeness into this system. Hey Chrome recognizes that awesomeness is a word. Oh! And...
  17. G

    Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

    Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 5) My time zone is just different from yours, you know! And I have not just been bandwagoning, either.
  18. G

    Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

    Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 5) I think you get one "slack-off" before you're killed off, though?
  19. G

    Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

    Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 5) Well, it probably wasn't a lack of night action, since OrngSumb would have posted something about that, I believe. Unless he doesn't want us to know that the mafia didn't send in a night action!
  20. G

    Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

    Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 5) Possibly a revenge kill power, called "lover"?
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