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Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 5)

My vote is still for Blaziking. Either the mafia wasn't taking it seriously or Blaziking himself is the mafia, but I'm leaning towards the latter. He could have easily gotten enough votes to get lynched (in fact, he did have enough) before he went and roleclaimed activated alien. If he really were the activated alien that was a hella stupid move... too stupid, I think.
As I've said before, I really hate the alien role. I much prefer just letting the game play out. I figured that revealing my role would make people stop targeting me and make the game last longer.

If we're going to lynch someone, it should be someone who wasn't too active the past day or something. How often have we seen Twilight Sparkle around?
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 5)

I've been around for 6(7?) posts now, and my role really isn't useful. I've been keeping up though. Maybe target someone who just comes in for a bandwagon? I've seen Griffin do that, and a few others.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 5)

My time zone is just different from yours, you know! And I have not just been bandwagoning, either.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 5)

The villagers rattle on about the Mafia and seem to not notice Spike calling out Blaziking. In their daze they don't see Spike throw Blaziking into the gallows and kill him. They only notice when they realize Spike is shouting "I TOLD YOU SO!"

Blaziking, a Tyranitar, was Mafia

48 hours for night actions. Don't send it in and you will die.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 5)

The villagers wake up and run to the square, hoping for all to be alive. Sadly mistaken the see Griffin dead, lookin like swiss cheese. Written along the fountain in his blood, almost as if by pen, was "1 H4V3NT L02T H0P3 Y3T } : ]"

Griffin, a Noctowl, was Innocent

48 hours, lynch required.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 6)

I'm not sure why, but this smells like Terezi. Also, she seems to be immune to night actions. I've used mine twice on her (not a kill, mind you) and nothing has happened. I don't know if Orngsumb isn't getting my PMs, but nothing is happening with my night actions. I say Terezi Pyrope.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 6)

I'm not sure why, but this smells like Terezi. Also, she seems to be immune to night actions. I've used mine twice on her (not a kill, mind you) and nothing has happened. I don't know if Orngsumb isn't getting my PMs, but nothing is happening with my night actions. I say Terezi Pyrope.

There might be another explanation for it. I can't ask what your night action is, but what's your Pokemon?
Personally was kind of suspicious of Terezi just because its posts have mostly consisted of just voting or something (with like two not-voting posts) also, but let's not jump to conclusions here.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 6)

Well, I'm just a Kricketune. Nothing particularly useful.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 6)

Well what do you suppose we do? I can't think of anything, but Zackrai, why do you think it's terezi? I can't think of why, except maybe the message left. Zarkrai, can you explain yourself? We do need a lynch today if we don't get any leads, and you may be a prime suspect.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 6)

Unless Terezi is Mafia, the only other conclusion I could make is that the remaining Mafia member is Porygon/-2/-Z or that robot from B/W, because it's said to be heartless.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 6)

Hey you! Get outta my thread. That's how the killer wanted it written! *punts*
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 6)

I can't think of anything, but Zackrai, why do you think it's terezi? I can't think of why, except maybe the message left. Zarkrai, can you explain yourself?

Well, there's no way an innocent character would be able to resist night actions, or at least there shouldn't, unless healing negates all night actions. But then I suppose our healers are both dead, so there is absolutely no way anyone should resist night actions, unless their pokemon is defensive, which Kriketune isn't, the last time I checked. Like I've said, I've used my night action twice on her now, and nothing has happened either time. Tell me that isn't suspicious, even a little. I'm holding firm to my thoughts. I'm also telling you, I'm not mafia. Even though a Kriketune wouldn't follow the pattern we've seen (Huntail, Gyarados, and Tyranitar), I still find Terezi to be suspicious, because there's no way that "just a Kriketune" should be able to negate anything.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 5)

"1 H4V3NT L02T H0P3 Y3T } : ]"

Look at that. Now, look at Terezi's signature. Now back to that. Now Terezi's signature. See any coincidences? This wouldn't be the first time I've been right completely on speculation.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 6)

Let me tell you something: I am not a killer, yet I was responsible for Syl's death on night 1.
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