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Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

That's what I actually thought the Nido couples are lovers, but maybe one of them would commit suicide the next day.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

Huh, balls. Looks like we lost a healer. :/ And a bunch of innocents.

I'm suspicious of Pig-Serpent because he was supposedly Whirlpool's lover... However, Whirlpool never confirmed, and Pig-Serpent is still alive. If either of the lovers die the other one is supposed to commit suicide, no matter which one is the lover between the two, right? If they were really lovers Pig-Serpent would also be dead. It's possible Whirlpool was a lover of Superbird or Seritinajii, since Nidoking is associated with being in a pair (however, both lovers' role-names would not correspond with eachother, since, keep in mind, the lover chooses any other player to be lovers with-and all of these other players have their own roles already!), and Whirlpool just died because their lover did. But how would Pig-Serpent have known Whirlpool was a lover at all if he wasn't Whirlpool's lover himself? Lucky guess is the only not-cheating way... so Pig-Serpent must have been bluffing to save his skin.

And also it looks like the skewery thing from the first night is indeed the mafia, since a mafia didn't die for not sending in a night action and someone died of skewery thing again... Yeah. And Blaziking didn't die last night... Mafia, I'm serious about voting to lynch Blaziking if he doesn't die by tomorrow morning.

Voting Pig-Serpent because who else
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Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

Okay, so to recap, ύber suspicious P-S, about 1:3 ratio Mafia to Townie, probably should roleclaim except Cop/Doctor.

EDIT: Spike, Whirlpool died of not sending night actions, not lover death.
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Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

EDIT: Spike, Whirlpool died of not sending night actions, not lover death.

How can you know? if Whirlpool was a lover of either of the other two who died of not sending their night actions, Whirlpool also would have died. I think I was still editing my post after you wrote that (looking at timestamps, anyway- I wasn't aware that you'd posted while I was editing), so look again and say if you still disagree?
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

Since Whirlpool (Nidoking) has a night action, then I don't think it could have a lover. So I think Pig-Serpent is lying and Whirlpool didn't confirm it plus the information we given already. Pig-Serpent
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

I'm a lover with about as much as a guess as you guys have. I'm stumped too. I looked at the kills thinking "shouldn't I be dead???"

I'm dead now so why not, Pig-serpent, I mean, all the evidence points toward that noob. (man, glad I"m not him)
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

Well, of course I read that. I figured that was just OrngSumb being lazy and not writing special flavor text for Whirlpool's suicide. I mean, I wouldn't feel like putting much effort into a game either if people weren't even sending in their night actions, including, apparently, some of the mafia themselves?

Pig-Serpent, what's the name of your role?
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

Pig-Serpent, I guess. I do agree that he doesn't seem to be making a lot of sense, though. But, if two people die from this, we'll know.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

I should be dead by now, because I was a lover with whirlpool. I guess lovers aren't affected by mod-kills. This is really all I have.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

Day extended by 24 hours.

Extending because I feel you might change your votes after this info: Modkills trump roles. So if a lover is killed via modkill then the other lover doesn't have to suffer from the ignorance (re: They don't die :D)
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

Oh. Well, then! Uh...

For the sake of keeping innocents alive I'm going to abstain, then, but I'm still willing to change votes if anybody has any other ideas. Also still want to know which Pokemon Pig-Serpent is, since Whirlpool seems to have died of not sending in a role after all, and so wasn't the actual lover between the two. I wonder what Whirlpool was, then? Nidoking would have been capable of leaving holes in things but Whirlpool was innocent, so...
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

All right abstain then. Maybe Whirlpool can revenge kill if Nidoqueen is killed but Nidoqueen can't.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

But they wouldn't be Nidoking and Nidoqueen... that's what I was saying earlier. The lover chooses someone who wasn't a lover to begin with. Lovers are not the same thing as fishing brothers. No revenge kills.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

But they wouldn't be Nidoking and Nidoqueen... that's what I was saying earlier. The lover chooses someone who wasn't a lover to begin with. Lovers are not the same thing as fishing brothers. No revenge kills.

Well, it depends on the GM. Some do that kind of Lover, and others do fixed Lovers, who are Lovers since the beginning and were never anything else. So P-S probably is Nidoqueen, although they may not be. Pig-Serpent, what /is/ your Pokemon?
Also, Abstain.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

Oh, forgot about that. Well...who should we lynch? We don't have any leads so...anyone got an idea?
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

I am still suspect Blaziking when he claims as an alien, but was he activated? Or maybe the mafia forgot about it? Hmm... I don't who to lynch but not Blaziking since there's a possibility he could be an active alien.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 3)

Eh, let's just lynch Pig-Serpent anyway then since we have to lynch somebody. Pig-Serpent isn't telling what Pokemon he is and it doesn't look like he was the useful lover between the two anyway. Let's give the mafia one more night to take out the alien before we end this.
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