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Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

The villagers begin their day like always: confused. But today they ended it differently. After shouting names for hours on end they come to a consensus: Flower Doll. Leading her limp body to the gallows they easily execute her.

Flower Doll the Magnezone was innocent.

48 hours for night actions. YOU BETTER SEND THEM IN
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Night 2)

The villagers wake up to a lovely Valentines Day. Walking to the town square they find a bloody mess with purple chunks everywhere and 1 dead body. Upon further inspection they see the mangled mess that was Mai. Their feathers blasted off their body, claw marks covering the rest of her body, and small flames coating every pointy edge. Collecting the purple chunks they reveal the corpse of Wargle. Sadly the cause of death couldn't be determined due to the fact that she, well, exploded.

Wargle, a Weezing, is dead. She was innocent
Mai, a Honchkrow, is dead. She was innocent
Pig-serpent is silenced and may not participate in discussion or voting.


A lynch is required for the day.
48 hours for discussion
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

So does that mean the mafia action wasn't sent in again? Hum. That kinda sucks.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Okay I'm going to elaborate on what happened yesterday. Yes, I am indeed alien. However, I'm not a fan of the whole "die and win the game" aspect of things, I don't know why, I just never have been. I'd rather see things unfold. So. I decided that I'll help work with the innocents. I think that's pretty clear.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Um, sorry for not posting. I was just on at a bad time for the first day.

Also, I've read over everything, but don't really have any idea of what to do next. (also, forgot to send in night action *facepalm*)
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Or, well, derp, perhaps, yes. We could've gotten a lucky heal too... Or any number of possibilities. That post was kind of really super derp. :I I'm ashamed of myself.

Unless some people start talking somehow though that still doesn't leave us with any leads, though... It's pretty easy to guess what happened to the innocents that died but that doesn't really help us since they seemed to kill themselves, on accident and without the mafia's help.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Sorry to doublepost but I kinda want to bump this or something, I've been thinking...

I'm really suspicious of Blaziking. If he were really the alien, he could've easily gotten enough votes by the end of the day to get lynched without voting for himself and making his role really obvious. :I It's really easy to claim activated alien to avoid getting lynched... and there are plenty of other plausible reasons for there to have not been a kill that night.

So I offer this stipulation: If Blaziking doesn't die tonight or tomorrow night to guarantee that the alien does not and cannot win, we will lynch him the day after tomorrow (like day 5? because if Blaziking doesn't die, we can conclude he didn't die because he can't kill himself because he's mafia!). The mafia can either be safe and just get him out of the way, or risk losing because we plan to lynch him while he was activated. We can wait two nights just in case he really is the alien, but wanted us to come to this conclusion and get the mafia wanting to kill him and activate him and stuff.

That still leaves the question of who we lynch today (and tomorrow if we don't find him dead in the morning), but. What do you guys think? That's what our vigilante had in mind when they went for Wargle, trying to kill the suspected alien in the night so there's no chance they'll win. It's too bad they went for the less convincing claim of the two and got themselves bombed.

edit: Actually I suggest we lynch one of today's two inactives since there's also still the possibility that the mafia is inactive this game, and it's like abstaining only not since we have no other leads and we want to buy time for the mafia to kill the alien off themselves. RespectTheBlade
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Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Why did Wargle claim to be deoxys when that clearly was not his role? this is perplexing...
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Baiting someone to kill him because he was the bomb or something? Maybe he was hoping the mafia would kill him (like we hope they'll kill Blaziking) and he was willing to sacrifice himself, but our vigilante went for him instead, which was a waste unfortunately. ):
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Oh, I see. Anyway, your argument for Respecttheblade seems pretty convincing. However, Griffin face palming about his negligence about his night action seems a bit off. He could be the Don, and that would explain the mafia inactivity, so Griffin.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Well, it won't really matter if we kill off RTB seeing as he hasn't posted and will get killed anyway so should we waste a kill on him when we could be going for others?
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Oh, I see. Anyway, your argument for RespectTheBlade seems pretty convincing. However, Griffin face palming about his negligence about his night action seems a bit off. He could be the Don, and that would explain the mafia inactivity, so Griffin.

Griffin wasn't the only one to talk about forgetting night actions during the game, and that person may or may not be more suspicious.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

I wasn't actually arguing for RTB being anything, I was just choosing him at random between the two inactives because it's basically equivalent to an abstain, and we don't really have any leads besides Blaziking. RTB and Griffin are both gonna die if they don't post anyway so it doesn't really matter which one we lynch, if we lynch them and not a third person.
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Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Day extended by 24 hours

Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 3)

Why did Wargle claim to be deoxys when that clearly was not his role? this is perplexing...

Weezing = Selfdestruct = bomb = bait.

I'm cool with either RespectTheBlade or Griffin, either one's fine but RTB got the first vote so I guess I'll go with him unless he defends himself.
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