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Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

So THAT'S where the night action went. I'll trust Pig-Serpent for now, though I don't think Whirlpool has agreed to that yet. Whatevs.

HOWEVER, an activated alien is still on the loose and we need to stop it. How about Flower Doll?
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Flower Doll

To heck with this. THE ALIENS MUST DIE!

(Yes, Syl, you also count.)
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Blazeking is either an alien, a powerful townie, or a mafia pretending to be alien. that's my guess, so um Flower Doll as the safest bet.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Eh, I need to change to vote to Flower Doll or something so the Alien doesn't blow us up, but...
hrmm. Flower Doll is gong to get autokilled anyway. :/
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Wait, "that's where the night action went"? Are you softclaiming as a vig, Mai (or was I just supposed to leave that be and not say anything)?

Eh, Flower Doll.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

No, since nobody was killed today I thought maybe the mafia targeted him and he got activated, if mafia was one of the five night actions that got sent in.

Since you appeared to have read my post, can you confirm that Pig-Serpent is in fact your nidoqueen and you're nidoking?
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Not changing my vote but I was sure I mentioned this in my last post and I want to be sure everybody sees...

Anyone think Blaziking might be bluffing? :v
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Once we get enough votes we can try and change our vote. How many people still are voting for him?
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

It's possible Blaziking could be bluffing so to not get lynch, but he might be an alien. Or has an ability to blow up the person who voted him last.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Hey look dragonair can compile lists and answer her own questions. The votes:

Jack-Flower Doll
Chief Zackrai-Flower Doll
Alraune-Flower Doll
Mawile-Flower Doll
Mai-Flower Doll
Superbird-Flower Doll
Pig-Serpent-Flower Doll
Whirlpool-Flower Doll

Underline=People who are still voting for Blaze please change your vote.

Italics=Not Blaziking.

Total= 8 Flower Doll, 4 Blaze.

Please tell me if I forgot something.
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Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

I think he's bluffing. Why? Unless he's a copier, he's not alien.

I'm a Deoxys btw.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

I think he's bluffing. Why? Unless he's a copier, he's not alien.

I'm a Deoxys btw.

And why exactly would you tell us that? If you're not lying, aliens don't win with innocents.
Re: Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Day 2)

Changing to Flower Doll. Hope you are telling the truth, Wargle unless...
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