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Multi-Generational PokeMafia! (Mafia Win)

Night 0:
Superbird heals Spike (Bounced off to InvaderSyl) (Bus Drivered to Jack)
Flower Doll watches Mai
Kirby-chan uses Destiny Bond on Mai
Chief Zackrai cloaks RespectTheBlade
Mawile switched Jack_the_PumpkinKing and InvaderSyl
Jack silences RTB
Seri targets Legendary (RNG chooses heal)
Legendary heals and roleblocks RTB
Mai doesn’t kill.
Silver chooses to kill Jack (Bus drivered to IS)
Griffin inspects Superbird
Night 0 result: IS died

Day 1: no lynch

Night 1:
Jack silences Griffin
Pig-serpent chooses Flower Doll
Griffin inspects Wargle
Chief cloaks Legendary
Kirby bonds to Blaziking
Night 1 Results: No death

Day 2 Results: Flower Doll lynched

Night 2:
Mawile switches Blaziking and Wargle
Seri targets Mai (RNG chooses kill)
Legendary heals and roleblocks RTB
Twilight Sparkle inducts the variable
Blaziking chooses to kill Mai
Chief Zackrai blocks Blaziking (Bus drivered to Wargle)
Mai chooses Blaziking (Bus drivered to Wargle)
Pig-serpent chooses Blaziking (Bus drivered to Wargle)
Jack silences Pig-serpent
Whirlpool chooses Blaziking (Bus drivered to Wargle)
Kirby-chan bonds with Blaziking (Bus drivered to Wargle)
Night 2 Results: Wargle and Mai died

Day 3 Results: RTB lynched

Night 3:
Chief Zackrai blocks Griffin
Jack silences Whirlpool
Kirby-chan bonds with Griffin
Legendaryseeker99 blocks and heals CZ
Griffin inspects Kirby-chan
Pig-serpent chooses Blaziking
Mawile switches Kirby-chan and LS
Twilight Sparkle kills Spike (redirected to Jack)
Night 3 Results: Superbird, Seri, Whirlpool, and Jack all die

Day 4 Results: Pig-serpent is lynched

Night 4:
Kirby-chan bonds with Blaziking
Twilight Sparkle kills Terezi Pyrope *written in blood “Guess whose next? ”*
Terezi Pyrope switches Blaziking and Spike (switched to doesn't matter)
Chief Zackrai blocks Terezi Pyrope
Legendaryseeker99 heals and roleblocks Terezi Pyrope
Griffin inspects Chief Zackrai
Night 4 Results: No kill

Day 5 Results: Blaziking is lynched

Night 5:
Terezi Pyrope switches Legendaryseeker99 and Kirby-chan
Chief Zackrai blocks Terezi Pyrope
Legendaryseeker99 heals and blocks Spike (redirected to Kirby-chan)
Twilight Sparkle kills Griffin
Griffin and Kirby-chan doesn’t matter.
Night 5 Results: Griffin dies

Day 6 Results: Terezi Pyrope lynched

Night 6:
Twilight Sparkle kills Legendaryseeker99
Kirby-chan bonds to Twilight Sparkle
Legendaryseeker99 heals and blocks Kirby-chan
Chief Zackrai blocks Kirby-chan
Night 6 Results: Legendaryseeker99 dies

Day 7 Results: Kirby-chan lynched

Night 7:
Twilight Sparkle kills Chief Zackrai
Chief Zackrai blocks Spike (redirected to thyself)
Night 7 Results: Chief Zackrai dies

Day 8 Results: Spike dies, Mafia wins

I laughed when RNG chose Chief Zackrai to block himself in the end.
Oh my god you guys ;_; All night actions bounced off of me! There was no way we could lose! Unless you killed me off. Seriously. Stupidest reason to choose me ever, especially when you say "Twilight Sparkle has been going against me this whole time" just before it and I totally scoped out Blaziken as a mafia. :I We totally had this.

But still, good game you guys! *highfives corpses of dead mafia members* ...That was so close! I thought I would have died soon after Blaziking died! I can't believe I won though. Really. I was close to killing you Spike, on the last night, but I chose right :D
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