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The developers pretty much never retcon things other than movepool, and even movepools they tend to leave alone. Dragon's also pretty clearly a late addition, so it plausibly could have been meant to be water/dragon. But it's still water/flying and water/flying it shall remain.
I really hate when people do the 'OMG Dunsparce is so stupid what is it and why is it called a snake it doesn't look like one why does it exist?!?"

It's a Tsuchinoko. I can understand being puzzled at first, but at least do some research before you bash something for it 'not being based on anything'. I see this far too much, sadly.
I really hate when people do the 'OMG Dunsparce is so stupid what is it and why is it called a snake it doesn't look like one why does it exist?!?"

It's a Tsuchinoko. I can understand being puzzled at first, but at least do some research before you bash something for it 'not being based on anything'. I see this far too much, sadly.

A lot of Pokémon get deemed pointless or ridiculous because they're based on things that most fans outside Japan have probably never heard of. Bronzor and Bronzong get attacked quite often for being weird and not really having anything much in common, but when you've heard about the folklore they originate from they're actually kind of clever.
A lot of Pokémon get deemed pointless or ridiculous because they're based on things that most fans outside Japan have probably never heard of. Bronzor and Bronzong get attacked quite often for being weird and not really having anything much in common, but when you've heard about the folklore they originate from they're actually kind of clever.

I know, and it's a bit upsetting :c I mean, it's a Japanese series, you'd think people would realize that it would use things from Japan. And finding out what these things are isn't that hard, what with the internet and all.
Well, it obviously cannot be exactly like a vine snake. Snakes have no eyelids. Legless lizards do. But even so, Ken Sugimori himself said that it was based off of the vine snake.

And another thing: "Zangoose: The Cat Ferret Pokemon"
Cat Ferret? How about Mongoose...
can understand being puzzled at first, but at least do some research before you bash something for it 'not being based on anything'.

Speaking of that, why is "not being based on anything" even a reason for people to bash a Pokémon in the first place? Not every Pokémon has to have an obvious "this is based on a (insert real-life critter/legend/object/etc. here)" origin!
What really annoys me about a lot of the pokemon-base arguments is that a lot of pokemon are based on more than one thing.

Yes, the Johto Legendary Trio are based on these Chinese mythology dog creatures (flowey mane, tail, etc). They are also based on big cats (Sabre-toothed tiger, lion, etc).

Although the Snivy line do look more like grass lizards than snakes, the head looks very much like that of a vine snake, so it's highly probable that it's based on both grass lizards and vine snakes.
so it's highly probable that it's based on both grass lizards and vine snakes.
Well, THAT's the point. Lot of pokémons (almost all of them) are based of various animals, cratures or even things.

I love Snivy and I love snakes and lizards. For me, she's a snake with arms and legs, and I find it's ok for any one else to preffer thinking she's a grass lizard because, in fact, Snivy's head and shape seems that kind of animal.
Speaking of that, why is "not being based on anything" even a reason for people to bash a Pokémon in the first place?

Because some people just like to hate everything apart from the first 151 for no damn reason.

"oh god these new Pokémon are so weird, what are they even based on? They're just totally random and made up! They're so uncreative!"

...unless they're talking about one of the Pokémon from Gen I, but that's unlikely because pretty much every Gen I Pokémon's design is just "THIS IS A REAL ANIMAL, BUT NOW IT'S A POKÉMON!".
Because some people just like to hate everything apart from the first 151 for no damn reason.

"oh god these new Pokémon are so weird, what are they even based on? They're just totally random and made up! They're so uncreative!"

...unless they're talking about one of the Pokémon from Gen I, but that's unlikely because pretty much every Gen I Pokémon's design is just "THIS IS A REAL ANIMAL, BUT NOW IT'S A POKÉMON!".

I've never seen someone complain about "not being based on anything"
If anything, being unoriginal is the biggest complaint people have, complaining that lots of Pokémon are "THIS IS A REAL ANIMAL, BUT NOW IT'S A POKÉMON!". Usually directed at new ones but I then point out that most of the Gen 1 ones are like that.
Bulbapedia says it's 'equine', so horselike but not exactly a horse. :/

I guess that would explain why people call it a horse, but Bulbapedia can use whatever adjectives they please till they turn blue and that wouldn't make Arceus into anything that makes sense. I could call it a quadruped and the description would still be just as precise as it could get. I can kinda see the Qilin (which are either deer or oxen with a dragon's face) in Arceus design-wise but otherwise it just looks like a thing.
Much agreement on the "EVERY POKÉMON MUST BE BASED ON EXACTLY ONE THING!!" argument. Why can't they draw inspiration from multiple species exactly?
This reminds me of a complaint someone made to Pixar shortly after the release of Finding Nemo. They said something to the effect of "I am shocked and appalled that nobody took the time to properly research the local colourings of pelicans - Nigel is coloured brown and white, but as an Australian pelican, he should clearly be black and white!"

To which Pixar responded: "Thank you for your comment; while researching pelicans (it turns out you are correct about the colour thing) we also noticed another glaring error in our film - pelicans can't talk."
Them: Why do we need Pidove? We already have Pidgey, who's a pidgeon

*PKMN Trainer Chris sent out VILEPLUME*
Kyle: Hey look a giant rose!
I stillpersonally think people complain too much about pokemon for their own good. I remember the extensive criticism the pokemon of the fourth gen got based on their design (I merely found Probopass the only real oddity), it's really not worth wasting one's breath/typing on.

Mind you I'd like them to make the species names a little more accurate, that way people have less reason to criticize.

On the Snivy subject (as it's the learly main theme of the thread) Snivy is likly the combination of snake and lizard, but may have something to do with the serpent in the Garden of Eve.
Because some people just like to hate everything apart from the first 151 for no damn reason.

"oh god these new Pokémon are so weird, what are they even based on? They're just totally random and made up! They're so uncreative!"

...unless they're talking about one of the Pokémon from Gen I, but that's unlikely because pretty much every Gen I Pokémon's design is just "THIS IS A REAL ANIMAL, BUT NOW IT'S A POKÉMON!".

Only those that are solely based on animals with no plants, mushrooms or cannons atached to them. Except the legendaries. And the dragons (Not just official dragons, but also the Char sequence and Gyarados). And the ones wih multiple heads and tails. And Vaporeon. And Diglett doesn't look much like a real animal either.

And speaking of identifying Pokémon as animals they aren't based on, I've heard someone saying that Groudon is a mole. I used to think it was an armadillo then, but now i know it's a dinosaur. Besides, an armadillo is more similar to a dinosaur than a mole.

Oh, and I used to think Sandshrew and Sandslash were armadillos as well because I didn't know about pangolins. Well, better than mice.
Kangaskhan sort of annoys me because the only thing vaguely kangaroo-like about it is that they have pouches (which are common to marsupials in general anyway). Really, Kangaskhan is a bipedal dinosaur with a pouch.

That being said, it's one of my favourites, so.
The Snivy line is so much awesomer with this knowledge.



Serperior has hands! It just keeps them behind its back. They're secret like Crobat's feet (used to be.)

EDIT: Also also Arcanine is a shisa, which I kept using to say it's half-cat but now that I read the article again I don't actually think so. I think shisa are just shisa. Hmmm.

FUN FACT: An alternate name for "shisa" is "fuu dog," while the direct translation of "shisa" in Chinese means "guardian lion." Yup, it's not just Pokemon that have the whole "based on more than one creature" thing going on.
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