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Search results

  1. Foxfire

    In Progress Fallen Angels~

    Oh, it's a gray cat! That's why there's a large picture of a gray cat above the prologue . . . Incidentally, I never really paid attention to what color the cats were, the names pretty much let me guess. That lead to some very interesting conclusions on my part - I thought Breezepelt was white...
  2. Foxfire

    In Progress Fallen Angels~

    ¡Oh! Un Guerreros fanfic! Pensé que era el único al que le gustaba los libros. . . All world languages aside, this chapter could be described as short. Reeeealy short. From what I remember of Butterfree's insisting that I read the rules, I don't think that there's a length minimum for chapters...
  3. Foxfire

    In Progress The Fourth Apocalypse

    Bonjour, amis! C'est beau temps ici, à l'endroit où je vis que vous avez probablement ne se soucient pas, et je viens de finir le chapitre 2 de L'Apocalypse quatrième. Il est là! Note: I'm in a very French mood, if you hadn't noticed. Pardon the chapter's shortness, I don't like writing these...
  4. Foxfire

    Well, I have, but that doesn't necessarily mean it works. The problem is, very few of my ideas...

    Well, I have, but that doesn't necessarily mean it works. The problem is, very few of my ideas are actually related at all. Like, one idea I had was to crate an Orre Pokemon league and write a trainer fic about it, but that was also around the time when I wanted to write a story about an...
  5. Foxfire

    You know, now that I think about it, you don't know what it is with me and fanfiction. I doubt I...

    You know, now that I think about it, you don't know what it is with me and fanfiction. I doubt I have ever written two chapters of the same fanfiction in my life. It's very sad. I like writing, but I get so many ideas . . . Of course, if you're not a big fan of the literary arts, you can...
  6. Foxfire

    In Progress The Fourth Apocalypse

    I must admit, that is a good point. However, this chapter does not encompass a day by any means. I think that by Chapter 2 (or, if I feel like writing my head off, chapter 3) you will see why it's the best day of her life. Hint: Isolde has a heck of a crappy life. What could make it better...
  7. Foxfire

    If it answers your question, I've never heard of Pokemon Academy. Boy, I've got catching up to...

    If it answers your question, I've never heard of Pokemon Academy. Boy, I've got catching up to do . . .
  8. Foxfire

    Well, in a matter of speaking, I have been enjoying the forums. People are slightly weirder than...

    Well, in a matter of speaking, I have been enjoying the forums. People are slightly weirder than I expected, but that's no problem. I've also managed to shove out a chapter of fanfiction, which is definitely a good omen.
  9. Foxfire

    In Progress The Fourth Apocalypse

    Hello, friendly friends. I've been twiddling with this idea for some time now, and now that I've got an account on the TCoD forums, I figured that I might as well post it and get some feedback. Hope you like it! Chapter 1: The End of the World (Again) It was a perfectly normal day in the...
  10. Foxfire

    Erm . . . Hello?

    Well, good morning, everyone! (At least, it's morning where I live. Meh.) Superbird That's just because I'm awesome. :grin: And I suspect you forum members like playing nasty tricks like poisoning my cod, which, by the way, is now in Neil's digestive system. MysticMoon Strangely, I do feel a...
  11. Foxfire

    Hi, Mini_Moonwalker! It's nice to see that someone actually bothered to go to my profile . . .

    Hi, Mini_Moonwalker! It's nice to see that someone actually bothered to go to my profile . . .
  12. Foxfire

    Erm . . . Hello?

    I'm back! Woot, woot! RespectTheBlade Thank you for the InvisiChomp repellant, I'm sure I'll put it to good use. *Hits Neil on the head with it.* Darn, I'm probably gonna have to go to the emergency room now. I think your inner demons just broke my ankle. MysticMoon Add pickled cabbage to my...
  13. Foxfire

    Erm . . . Hello?

    Ahoy, everyone. That post with all of the quote tags took about an hour to write, so I'm going to use a simpler method. MysticMoon Why is this forum so dedicated to trying new foods? All right, I'll try the foam sword, but only if you give me some InvisiChomp repellant. There's something...
  14. Foxfire

    Erm . . . Hello?

    Pardon me if I didn't get back quickly enough, where I live it was really late in the evening when I posted. YES, GRAMMAR NAZIS RULE, ALONG WITH NOT HAVING PERIODS AT THE ENDS OF SENTENCES All jokes aside, hi, Mewtwo! Hello, Brock, and thank you (maybe) for the cod. :sweatdrop: Why is...
  15. Foxfire

    Erm . . . Hello?

    Hello, people of The Cave of the Dragonflies Forums. My name isn't Foxfire, in case you thought that was actually my name. Wow, some people are dumb these days . . . At any rate, I just wanted to introduce myself before I go plunging into the FanFiction subforum and start correcting peoples'...
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