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Search results

  1. Alexi

    The Sex Industry and Prostitution

    The sex industry is a very viable industry and I feel has improved how many people's view on sexual practises. And it makes life interesting. If prostitution wasn't such an easy way for STDs to spread, I'd be all for it. In fact, if it were legalized, than there could be regulations in place to...
  2. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Finally!!! After over three years of not having a cell phone I can actually use, I GOT ONE!! And I have unlimited texting, so yaaaaay <3333333
  3. Alexi

    [Comic] The Five Stages of Love - UPDATES LIKE ONCE A WEEK AT BEST UGGH

    Re: The Five Stages of Love - usually updates twice a week (if we're lucky) Whoo, I enjoy this every time. Kind of like sex, but better. I'm obsessed with Alain's hands for some reason. They're so...nice. o.O And angry!Alain makes me smile. :3
  4. Alexi

    President Nixon The sexiest president since JFK He also did the Watergate thing

    President Nixon The sexiest president since JFK He also did the Watergate thing
  5. Alexi

    Is Cannibalism That Wrong?

    Well, of course killing a human just for the fuck of it and eating him is wrong. I sort of meant the question as, if the human were not killed but just died, is eating him wrong sort of thing.
  6. Alexi

    [MATURE] Fetishes?

    Bumping for question Have any of you read any books on fetishes, both fiction and non-fiction? I'm doing a project on fetishes, and I need some suggested reading. Thanks.
  7. Alexi

    I see, that's pleasant. ^_^ Good you're thinking and all. Our ritual went very well! It was so...

    I see, that's pleasant. ^_^ Good you're thinking and all. Our ritual went very well! It was so great. Apart from some ignorant Christains, everything went smoothly. It was a very great experience, and if you ever get the chance in the coming years, I suggest you go to a big Beltane ritual in...
  8. Alexi

    The "Fwee" Thread

    Hey, I remember you! And welcome back. ^_^ Fwee, I just got home from an awesome camping trip~
  9. Alexi

    Unintenional Innuendoes!

    So I went camping, and we had some hot dogs for dinner. Very hot, very juicy hot dogs. You can all imagine where that went.
  10. Alexi

    Hey, happy (belated) Beltane! ^_^ Did you do anything?

    Hey, happy (belated) Beltane! ^_^ Did you do anything?
  11. Alexi

    Queen's Day ruined by some psycho

    Damn. That's just damn odd.
  12. Alexi

    Queen's Day ruined by some psycho

    Did he do it intentionally or was he wasted? Or was it an accident? No criminal record, I'm more inclined to believe it was an accident and/or he was under the influence of something.
  13. Alexi

    Body modification

    I don't care what others do to their bodies, and most tats and piercings look cool. But the extreme stuff - eyeball tats, inserting things under the skin, etc. - freaks me out. And I think employees have the right not to hire someone if they look like the cat man, since it gives off the...
  14. Alexi

    Swine Flu

    My sociology teacher was freaking out and telling us to protect ourselves in germ-free bubbles. And my mom's also freaking out. I just want to get it now and survive it, so I can tell people to shut the fuck up.
  15. Alexi

    Swine Flu

    First US swine flu death in Texas, a toddler. But aren't toddlers more likely to die of flu (of any kind) anyway?
  16. Alexi

    President Obama, Gay Marriage, and M1H1

    in b4 open box
  17. Alexi

    Ever meet someone famous?

    I almost met William Shatner and Leonard Nemoy at a Trek convention two years ago, but got pulled away at the last moment. :( My cousins have met Tom Hanks because one of his relatives goes to their church. And who said church was completely bad?
  18. Alexi

    Recommendations; female vocalist rock, alternative?

    *shrug* Just throwing it in. Can't hurt.
  19. Alexi

    Recommendations; female vocalist rock, alternative?

    I'll just throw Kamelot and Draconian in here to. XD Both male and female vocals, awesome stuff. :3
  20. Alexi

    Baby kittens! I have pictures :D

    Awwww, and on your bed too! That's so amazing! <3 You're lucky. Kiiiittens <3333
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