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President Obama, Gay Marriage, and M1H1


okay so, so very,very soon after 9,11 . Everyones(not me) Beloved president Obama decided to fly a jet low, over....you guessed it... MANHATTAN
wow...duche>.> people freaked out and all that great stuff ,david letterman just said "isnt this someting you expect from the Bush Administration?"
>.< what a NOOB!

Gay people are rioting ...gently...

M1H1 is spreading its self, people are freaking,

share your thoughts :)
hehe i literally think it is, and i dotn get why people , if they did like Bush, reelected him!?

do you live in the U.S.?
hehe i literally think it is,

haha yup remember how that last strain of swine flu caused the apocalypse

yes I know someone else said it first =_=

and i dotn get why people , if they didn't like Bush, reelected him!?


And because the U.S. is full of people who think Bush is Jeebus reborn? I don't know why people are retarded down there.

do you live in the U.S.?

no, north of you, in Canada

there's a very good reason for it too

Oh, and I am dying to hear your reasoning upon including gay marriage in this topic. You've got the Pandora's box of TCoD in your hand. Wanna risk opening it?
I think we're being a bit paranoid here, hm? Mehwmew only said that gay people were gently rioting. Which I find to be a very good thing because gay people have every right and reason to riot.
they riot by sticking their willies up other peoples buttocks how is that gently rioting
rofl all of you, you guys are great and...****** my self on that one....but Pandora is one of my best friends, so i think its just a present box...okay i dont wanna offend anyone, but im not one to keep my opinion to my self :) ,.....GAY MARRIAGE,in my book, is their own choice, but for every gay guy there has to be a lesbian (ever heard there's someone for everyone) so one man turning gay has to have another man turn gay which turns two women gay , just so it equals out the universe :) *fwah! Blew your minds!*
they riot by sticking their willies up other peoples buttocks how is that gently rioting
That's the best kind of rioting ♥

And errr that whole balacing-out thing is the strangest sentence I've read in a while. And that's saying something.

Anyway no one 'turns' gay, people are born it, so it all evens out naturally. Hooray.
hold on is he suggesting that gay men and gay women should marry each other

Although I am pleasantly surprised to not see anything expressly saying "gays are icky, take away their rights" in his post.
Re: President Obama, Gay Marriage, and h1n1

...im not suggesting they should marry, but im not against it. Im merely saying there is someone for everyone...

the woman the guy(who decided he was gay) would have married, has to turn lesbo so she has someone. So for every gay person there must be another gay person of the same sex and two others of the opposite sex :) understand now?
Re: President Obama, Gay Marriage, and h1n1

the woman the guy(who decided he was gay) would have married, has to turn lesbo so she has someone. So for every gay person there must be another gay person of the same sex and two others of the opposite sex :) understand now?

Your logic is horribly flawed.

For one, people do not 'decide' to be homosexual. Also, the woman would have no reason to become lesbian, considering that there are more than one man in the world.
Re: President Obama, Gay Marriage, and h1n1

Your logic is horribly flawed.

For one, people do not 'decide' to be homosexual. Also, the woman would have no reason to become lesbian, considering that there are more than one man in the world.

i know its a joke silly, i meant if you go by the philosophy "one person for everyone" or "someone for everyone"

its not logic, its thought.....>.> eh, what the hell am i saying.
i think people DO decide to be gay.... what's your logic behind 'they are born with it?'
Alrighty, let's see. How about you decide to be gay for a day, to understand them better?


Oh, wait. You can't.
Alrighty, let's see. How about you decide to be gay for a day, to understand them better?


Oh, wait. You can't.

nice :)

but infact if i decided one day to be gay, i think i could.

its not like theyr born with it its like....a mindframe....? well that sounds wrong.... how do i put this
Why would someone choose to be gay when society in general looks down upon it? Nobody would ever choose to not be able to get married if they wanted to.
I'm sure all these homosexuals who are denied basic human rights, get bullied, violently attacked or killed in the street or by the government today (and in the past) are feeling very silly they chose to be gay now!
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