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Search results

  1. Leviathan

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    ((Prepare thyselves; incredibly long, incredibly sappy monster post is approaching.)) Ivan felt the daze pass as the figure mysteriously vanished from the clearing, leaving his signature cloak as the only proof of ever being there to begin with. Just a few minutes ago, he had been an ordinary...
  2. Leviathan

    Idea Center

    And what is this now? Leviathan trying to make another RP? Madness! This's just something that's kind of been resting in my head for a while. The basic concept is that there's this swamp, full of monsters - hideously twisted and exaggerated forms of normal animals, nothing too fancy - creepy...
  3. Leviathan

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    On a sunny, cloudless day in the summer on a tropical island, it is guaranteed to be hot outside. Inside the park, however, where the thick canopy of trees trapped in all the heat, it went beyond hot - it was absolutely stifling. For all of his fiery attire, Ivan wasn't faring any better in the...
  4. Leviathan

    [OOC + Profile Storage] Creeping Darkness

    Assuming it isn't a fakemon, you can always look up a pokemon's capture rate on Veekun or something, then factor in the algorithm for catching stuff; e.g. those Starly you're gunning for have such high rates that even with a pokeball the only way for you to fail would be if there was an Absol...
  5. Leviathan

    What is your current theme song?

    Lateralus - Tool
  6. Leviathan

    [OOC + Profile Storage] Creeping Darkness

    Question: When we enter areas that have wild pokemon, do we ourselves choose what we encounter - within reason, of course - or do you control that aspect?
  7. Leviathan

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    ((@Cryptica: um, wut? *gestures wildly to previous post*)) Ivan blinked, and Lumina squawked in his ear loudly. It felt as if time had suddenly welled up around him, become stuck on one particular instant, and then spat him back out into the normal flow. Or maybe the exhaustion of coming here...
  8. Leviathan

    Hardest Final Bosses in video games!

    But almost all of the final bosses in the early Sonic games were like that - very quick attacks and little opportunity to get hits in. However, remember that there is one thing that makes this one fight easier than all of the other final bosses of that era: YOU ACTUALLY HAVE RINGS.
  9. Leviathan

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    ((Methinks five days is a long enough wait.)) The metal container that comprised the starter kit was cold in Ivan's hands, much like the pokeball had been, but without that warm sensation from within, and both he and Lumina, who had moved up to perch on his shoulder, were curiously staring at...
  10. Leviathan

    Your stats?

    Levi, pokemon edition: Type: Water/...Psychic? Ability: Drizzle (probably not, but I love rain D:) HP: 60 Attack: 40 Defense: 50 Sp. Attack: 115 Sp. Defense: 150 Speed: 65 Moves: Water Gun Scary Face Yawn Confusion (totally) Calm Mind Uproar Stockpile Spit Up Swallow Psybeam Glare Water Pulse...
  11. Leviathan

    What to watch?

    I...don't quite...understand what you mean by that. :/ Roots is pretty much to the GU games as SIGN was to the original .hack series: a prelude. Though I unfortunately have yet to see all of SIGN, the two are more or less the same as far as the actual structure is concerned, only all the...
  12. Leviathan

    What to watch?

    .hack//Roots Fullmetal Alchemist Bo-BoBo BoBoBo-Bo FLCL (this is probably too short to last you very long, but still) Rurouni Kenshin D. Gray-Man
  13. Leviathan

    Name on the internet.

    http://goatmilk.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/leviathan11.jpeg http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/327781-Remino52/781/45/leviathan_display.jpg http://betterpropaganda.com/images/artwork/Leviathan_Crebain_Split-Leviathan_480.jpg <-- o_o; I'm kind of surprised that the cover of Hobbes' Leviathan isn't up...
  14. Leviathan

    The Most Tragic/Sad Video Game Characters?

    :o TMS... Getting back on topic, let's all take a brief detour over here (thar be spoilers).
  15. Leviathan

    The Evolution of Your Musical Tastes

    Worst Band in the Universe My aunt gave me a picture book once, about an alien universe where laws are pushing down on "Innovation" in music, and the main characters enter a contest to be...well, the worst band in the universe (since playing differently is deemed bad). But that's not important...
  16. Leviathan

    [OOC + Profile Storage] Creeping Darkness

    I'm assuming that Pyratiel's ability is Blaze like all fire starters, but do correct me if I'm wrong. At what level are our pokemon starting? I'd guess five but since most of them have three moves already... Is there anything in the starter kit beyond pokeballs and the pokedex?
  17. Leviathan

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    The professor finished talking, and the other trainers-to-be were beginning to move towards the waiting pokeballs, but to Ivan the world had already fallen away - he stood there, alone in the darkness of his mind, as the strangely euphoric trance engulfed him. Alright, he thought, his words...
  18. Leviathan

    D/P/Pt Where are the Shard people?

    The second is in the upper right corner of Snowpoint, and I believe the third is in the Battle Area (which is rather unfortunate because that one has all the interesting moves and you can't reach him until beating the league).
  19. Leviathan

    Closed Creeping Darkness

    ((Well, whatever was going on between this thread and my computer seems to have fixed itself...)) It was a very cheerful day today; the sun shone brightly, unhindered by clouds; the inhabitants of Polarus, pokemon and human, native and traveler, were not-so-silently going about their business...
  20. Leviathan

    [OOC + Profile Storage] Creeping Darkness

    Hold on, I just noticed this: the party section of the form lists six moves for the example. Does this mean that our pokemon are allowed to have more than four moves?
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