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The Evolution of Your Musical Tastes

Country > Pop > Soul > Pop-rock > Hard rock > Heavy metal > Alternative rock > Glam metal > Thrash metal > Power metal > Blues-rock > Metalcore > Death metal > Grunge > Nu-metal > I forget...
Let's see...

Ever since I was born: Various types of rock on the radio. Also, tapes (and CDs a little bit later) that my dad listened to--Bob Dylan, the Eagles, the Grateful Dead, Led Zeppelin, and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head

Starting in the early 90's: All of the above, plus video game music and occasionally random other things

Starting in the mid-90's: All of the above, plus Weird Al Yankovic

Late 1990's: All of the above, plus an overdose of country music on the radio because my mom listened to it constantly during these years. Which might be why I rarely (if ever) listen to country music anymore.

Later 1990's, 2000: All of the above, plus a little bit of rap

2001 and onward: No more country on the radio, since even mom got tired of it

2002 and onward: First time I really listened to pop music on the radio. Also, I started listening to much more rap/hip-hop starting from here

Now that I think of it, I don't think I've ever really stopped listening to a certain type of music and "moved on" to something else... I've just added more and more on to my constantly-expanding list of stuff that I like listening to.
Um, don't really care to learn their genres, so I'll just go by artist (beware, Eminem is still one of my favourites).

Eminem => Gareth Gates => Justin Timberlake => Nickelback(sp?)(Ages ago) => Eminem/Limp Bizkit => GLC => A7x/Evanescence/Panic => Rent/Wicked => D12/Eminem => Gnarls Barkley/Scroobius Pip/Gorillaz

Sort of Erratic, actually...

There is no pattern, though Eminem crops up quite often.*

*Do not bollock me for liking him, I happen to think his lyrics have more of a meaning than most artist's.
Hm... To the best of my recollection...

Age- 7-11: Acoustic Rock; I remember this was my favourite song for a while because I got the single for my bday.

Age- 11-13: From herein, I just went into full instrumental-mode, claiming that I disliked vocals because it wrecked the music. All I listened to was music from video games; Star wars/Zelda/Starfox, ect.. I was particularly fond of Techno

Age- 13 -16: I gradually slipped out of the whole instrumental scene, The main two bands I listened to during this time were Evanescence & Nickelback, (moreso evanescence), which I suppose can both class as Hard Rock. During this time I hated all the bands with screams/gutturals, calling them tri-hard loser bands with no vocal-talent.

Age- 16 - now: I was particularly "lol-emo-teenage-depression" from the age of 13-16, but I was sick of those same old songs, (I couldn't sing to evanescence's songs), they weren't quite doing it for me anymore. So I was searching on limewire for music, just putting things in the search like: "darkness", "shadow", "shadows", "death", "black", "moon", (not hard to tell why I like umbreon, lol). Eventually, I came across this, I listened to it a couple times, laughing: "that's not music, that's screaming, then singing, then screaming more at seemingly random intervals!" I'd leave it on repeat every so often I was on the computer, guess I found the techno-part of it particularly catchy. Well yeah, it grew on me after about a week, then I started searching and downloading random songs from their band, hoping they had other stuff which was equally as good. I found a few other songs that I liked, the ones I didn't like also grew on me after a week or so, so... after a while of downloading random In Flames songs, I decided to download and compile every song and album they ever made, and then all of their songs grew on me over the next 2 years.

In Flames - "My Sweet Shadow" dragged me out of the "lol-emo-teenage-depression" state, and stopped me listening to all of evanescence's depressing crap, inciting me to scream it out, rather than cry about it. From there I just started to appreciate metal; riffs; solos, and the lyrical meanings of the songs.

Sooo.. I've ended up on death metal, whilst retaining my liking for techno.
(Melodeath / Scandinavian Death Metal).

Lol, that was a fun little miniature-autobiography. ,,xD
oh hey look at me, more music

-> [ignore me I don't know what to call this genre]; grindcore; j-rock

I'm so cool ~_~
Here's how it is for me, by age:
Little kid - Piano music(I heard it practiced constantly) and N.E.S game music.
Age 6-10 - Whatever I heard on the radio and the awesome music of my Nintendo64 games.
Age 11 - Started listening to mild forms of rock and alternative
Age 12 - Started getting into metal and some emo crap.
Age 13 - Began listening mostly to old and new punk, intrumental music, still listened to metal
Age 14 - Now I listen to Ska, Reggae, Punk, Classical, Video Game music, Anime music, Funk, Jazz, 80's 90's rock, and Piano. Plus just a little bit of rap and metal. Yes, I have quite the variety now. Basically anything but bad rap and country.
Interesting thread.

pop > pop-rock > hard rock > metal > heavy metal > hardcore

I'm not going into different sub-categories of metal, because I have no clue. Underlining being what I still listen to.

I've been experimenting in non-metal genres like hardcore

I do hope when you guys say hardcore you mean Cro-Mags, Agnostic Front, Bad Brains, etc...
Let me see if I can remember.

Uninterested in music --> Poke-Pop --> CCM --> Ska --> Rock --> Pop-Punk --> Hard Rock --> Country (After I moved to the south) --> Any good Rock

(Bold is what I still listen to; Italicized is what I still listen to, but don't really like as much anymore; Bold and italicized is what I still listen to, but can't take in large doses.)

Ehh, something doesn't feel right...
  • Worst Band in the Universe
    My aunt gave me a picture book once, about an alien universe where laws are pushing down on "Innovation" in music, and the main characters enter a contest to be...well, the worst band in the universe (since playing differently is deemed bad). But that's not important; what matters is the CD it comes with, a recording of that fictional concert. I actually pulled out of the dust recently, and it's not really bad - a couple of the songs are pretty good and actually fit in with my current interests - it's like a mix of rock and techno. The only real downside is that the tracks don't stand alone - the whole thing is "live", probably just to create the illusion that it actually is a music contest, and the tracks kinda bleed into each other in a bad way (one song ends and introduces the next).
  • Strong Bad Sings
    Uhhh...yeah, this was all I listened to while we were in California a few years ago.
  • Yellow Submarine
    What can I say? The Beatles are great and the psychedelic cartooning just made it all the more addicting. Dad was thrilled.
  • Various anime and VG music
    I blame .hack, FLCL, and the final boss music of Sonic games for this; mostly just my introduction to rock and a brief but extensive excursion into J-pop.
  • Juno Reactor
    I heard Navras in some flash movie and the rest just came out of curiosity.
  • Stravinsky's Rite of Spring
    It's awesome. Go listen to it the next time you have half an hour to kill.
  • Guitar Hero
    The only really big thing GH has done for me is tell me that real music does, in fact, exist. I mostly listened to rock here, with some metal thrown in. And speaking of that...
  • METAL!!
    There's this orchestra I perform in, and while waiting in the hallway waiting room for this one show to start, a friend of mine came up to me and said "Hey, listen to this or I'll strangle the crap out of you". Coheed and Cambria's Welcome Home (the fact that his iPod was cranked up to maximum volume didn't really help much). That was when I realized that metal was great. For a while afterwards I plagued my ears with Disturbed, Killswitch Engage, and Apocalyptica (cellos ftw). Oh, and Furret told me about Diablo Swing Orchestra.
  • Dream Theater (and some Tool)
    So then GH: World Tour came out and for some godforsaken reason I was tempted to get it. I beat the game eventually and...holy shit, Pull Me Down is so freaking epic. Similarly, I eventually got bored enough to buy the Tool stage - trippy as all hell. I think the main reason I love these bands so much - or at least the reason I tell myself it is - is because their works have an actual sense of definition - a meaning and purpose behind the maddening guitar riffs and lyrics.

...I spent waaaay too much time on this.
Pull Me Under* and Dream Theater are great yes. Been a fan for a few years now, seen 'em once, will see them again at Graspop this summer.

For me, current obsession is post-rock but I listen to so much stuff these days I don't know. I have phases, but I just keep amassing music from different genres so I always have something that fits my mood.

God is an Astronaut is what I am on now.
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