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Search results

  1. Zoroark

    Oh! So I have. Thank you. In other news, the forum has a flouncer. The species as a whole...

    Oh! So I have. Thank you. In other news, the forum has a flouncer. The species as a whole seems to be a rarity around these parts.
  2. Zoroark

    Forum-hunting for a day!

    Yes. I keep telling people about the Evil Daystar and the need to do something about it, but most people look at me as if I'm loopy. Oh! You mean the advice? Nah. I'd prefer it if you grew a lot of zorua and gave them out over the internets, really. Us Zoroarks need more population.
  3. Zoroark

    Forum-hunting for a day!

    After a bit of research, it turns out that yes. Yes you are a Drama Llama in disguise. So here's some advice from someone who's seen their share of trolls, flouncers and people addicted to drama: Don't. Don't expect anyone to care if you go away; if you really wanted to leave you'd up and go...
  4. Zoroark

    Wh- What happened?

    My... My den! My beautiful den! I no longer trip over boxes left out in the hallway as I fumble for my key to the front door. There aren't any bin bags left outside number five. All of this useful camouflage gone! *sobs*
  5. Zoroark

    "Trans"-ferring. Hah.

    How pink is your avatar going to be? It's a serious question; your current avatar, awesome though it is, and as much as I don't want to see it change, just exudes manliness. It's probably a product of my own mind seeing Kratos, the most violent video-game psychopath ever, as being a manly...
  6. Zoroark

    Forum-hunting for a day!

    Saying that you disappeared for a day is rather like saying you never left at all. I've already been away for a day, but I didn't feel the need to make a thread about it. Quite why you do is totally beyond my comprehension. Are you a Drama Llama in disguise?
  7. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    Y'know, I think you got Arcane's disapproval at being drawn in a Hawiian shirt juuust right. It kind of makes me want to pick up a pencil again and this time actually finish that drawing course I started a while back. Good grief! I didn't see you there for a moment. Hm. I daresay that this...
  8. Zoroark

    Did the Greek and Roman mythologists mean for their stories to be taken literally?

    I was merely asking for a clarification. As you've no doubt noticed from my mention of that trite belief, I have no knowledge of the discipline as a whole. I'm sure many others who join this debate won't either, so I thought the question was necessary.
  9. Zoroark

    Ah. 'Seeming' is easy, ask any actor; and I'm pretty good at seeming. Whether I'm as smart as...

    Ah. 'Seeming' is easy, ask any actor; and I'm pretty good at seeming. Whether I'm as smart as I seem remains to be seen, I think. Most of the advice I give, and observations I tend to remark on, come from a healthy dose of experience. I'm less able when it comes to more traditional...
  10. Zoroark

    I'm not in the least bit surprised.

    I'm not in the least bit surprised.
  11. Zoroark

    Oh? Cool. I'm happy when someone gets away without falling into traps. Of course, you should...

    Oh? Cool. I'm happy when someone gets away without falling into traps. Of course, you should be careful if you decide to browse the rest of the ED. If you mouse over the links displayed on the pages, without clicking, they usually have little text popups that tell you what the link leads to...
  12. Zoroark

    That wasn't too bad an idea. I'm sure the links there might have tempted you a little, though...

    That wasn't too bad an idea. I'm sure the links there might have tempted you a little, though. How many did you click?
  13. Zoroark

    How many times did you click the wrong link and have Goatse pop up? Or Tubgirl? Or any of the...

    How many times did you click the wrong link and have Goatse pop up? Or Tubgirl? Or any of the other horrific things that lurk there? Of course I hope you took the warnings seriously and didn't fall into any traps, but I like to keep a realistic expectation of things. More importantly, did...
  14. Zoroark

    You could just call me 'Zoroark', you know? But I'm fine. Any luck inflicting the ED on...

    You could just call me 'Zoroark', you know? But I'm fine. Any luck inflicting the ED on yourself? I do hope not; those kinds of mental scars rarely fade.
  15. Zoroark

    Maeror Astrorum [Sign-up/OOC] OPEN

    Legendaries can't breed, not even with a ditto, since they're 'unique'. I assure you that I have a box full of Zorua to prove that Zoroark certainly can breed, and do so with great enthusiasm. Hm. This is going to be challenging: how to get Arcane onto the same continent as the others.
  16. Zoroark

    Bizarre forum error.

    Yes. Several people have mentioned that they thought I was Meowth because of the name I chose when I signed up. They thought their old friend had decided to come back when they saw me. Nope.
  17. Zoroark

    Open Maeror Astrorum

    Arcane: Theft at the Village Bridge It might have surprised the residents of the Village Bridge to learn that there was a hidden watcher in their midst. This grey-skinned lurker, naked aside from a pair of lime green shorts, crouched between two of the houses on the ancient, stone crossing...
  18. Zoroark

    I will eat your ideas

    *yaaawn* Mad scientist invents death ray, threatens town with it, is stopped before it can fire, and it turns out to be powered by... Cottage cheese. Oh, and a Venusaur's Solarbeam. Edit: Nah. On second thoughts, do DarkAura's idea instead.
  19. Zoroark

    Did the Greek and Roman mythologists mean for their stories to be taken literally?

    So what you're saying is that Classical History doesn't just focus on names and dates, and what things happened where like ordinary history. You're saying that it studies the culture, general mindset, habits and beliefs of the 'little people' from the different periods in history, who are never...
  20. Zoroark

    Most heartbreaking moment?

    I suddenly think my earlier joking assumption that I have no soul is probably true. Most of these things have happened to me, but I wasn't upset about them. Ever. ... I think I need a hug.
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