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Forum-hunting for a day!

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'Humans are interesting.'
So, Luxcario decided he would take some time off TCoD because of some arguments and whatnot. I went all round the Internet looking for Pokemon forums. One of the forums I saw was called PokeMasters, video-game-based. Another was the PI forums. Then I saw this forum called TCoD. I logged out and had a look back around. I realized all the other forums will never appeal to me as much as the CAVE OF DRAGONFLIES. So, people, I'm back after a day. Say hi.
I'm happy to see you back.
But you know, you can go around and play on some other froums without making such a big deal.
Saying that you disappeared for a day is rather like saying you never left at all. I've already been away for a day, but I didn't feel the need to make a thread about it. Quite why you do is totally beyond my comprehension.

Are you a Drama Llama in disguise?
Well that was the shortest flounce I've ever seen, and I've been here for 5 years, deviantart for 6, and FA for three.
After a bit of research, it turns out that yes. Yes you are a Drama Llama in disguise. So here's some advice from someone who's seen their share of trolls, flouncers and people addicted to drama:


Don't expect anyone to care if you go away; if you really wanted to leave you'd up and go quietly, without all of this song and dance about leaving forever. That's just a way to pull attention to yourself in a way that goes 'Look at mee! I'm leaving. You'd better be nice to me if you want me to stay!'. That approach might work on ten year olds. Looking around, however, I can see that a lot of us on the forums are old enough to have been jaded by such antics years ago, and will more than likely tell you to be careful not to let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. Some of them might not even notice you're gone.

So all this flouncing is really going to do is disappoint you.

The next time you feel the need to do something dramatic, back away from the computer, do something else for a while, like play pokemon, or help your mom with the dishes, or even go outside under the gaze of the Evil Daystar, and give yourself time to cool off and think about it. Then, when you're calmer (and rational) come back on the computer. It'll help in the long run, believe me.
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...Zoroark can I say that I kinda love you.

But alas I am a married man so I will settle for sending you e-cookies. It was about bloody time the youngin's got the message.
It was about bloody time the youngin's got the message.

Yes. I keep telling people about the Evil Daystar and the need to do something about it, but most people look at me as if I'm loopy.

Oh! You mean the advice?

Nah. I'd prefer it if you grew a lot of zorua and gave them out over the internets, really. Us Zoroarks need more population.
Well that was the shortest flounce I've ever seen, and I've been here for 5 years, deviantart for 6, and FA for three.
woah an internet veteran wow share your wisdom with me...........

After a bit of research, it turns out that yes. Yes you are a Drama Llama in disguise.
did you seriously use the phrase drama llama
2005 called, it wants its lingo back

you do have a point though
luxcario, you really didn't need to make a thread after being away for a day
but Jolty all the cool kids do it........

ps. leaving jjhf forever
i'll be back tomorrow
It's nice to see you back, but I don't think we really needed another thread about it.
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