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Search results

  1. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    Well hands are made of atoms and atoms contain electrons so there are electrons in your palms so you're holding them idk.
  2. Ivy Newton

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Day One) ^Do remember that role and alignment are not the same thing. If she had said alignment, then yeah I might be suspicious, but her role could vary from what she expected in any number of ways.
  3. Ivy Newton

    :D :D :D :D

    :D :D :D :D
  4. Ivy Newton

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Day One) So (regarding my last post) it's looking like we have some combination of vanilla roles and custom roles? Yay confusion... Anyways yeah lets go with Dispy.
  5. Ivy Newton

    Well alive is better than the alternative :) I am also decidedly alive. But yeah I'm good, but...

    Well alive is better than the alternative :) I am also decidedly alive. But yeah I'm good, but very busy and trying not to fall prey to senioritis (which is becoming increasingly difficult. Procrastination is just so inviting! ;) )
  6. Ivy Newton

    Hehe. You know what I meant. How are you?

    Hehe. You know what I meant. How are you?
  7. Ivy Newton

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Day One) (Post editing is discouraged in Mafia, right? If not, sorry 'bout the double post, but I forgot something) So the other thing I'm wondering is how much everyone's roles correspond to standard mafia roles. In something like this, it could either be that...
  8. Ivy Newton

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Day One) I'm starting to think some liberties were taken with interpretation of avatars. While mine does make perfect sense on one level, it also very much doesn't on another. This complicates things. Further. At least we have extra time to discuss?
  9. Ivy Newton

    Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Night Two)

    Re: Confusing Picture Fun Mafia (Day One) Hmm... It's not like we really can have (m)any leads after the first night. No abstains, though, so we have to figure out something to do. It is based on avatars, so we might be able to get some hints there? It does seem like some people have changed...
  10. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    Yeah I read the first sentence as the second sentence just now too. Mistypings: For a while, whenever I would try and type something that included "poke" I would just continue to the logical conclusion and type "pokemon". As in "soft spokemon" instead of "soft spoken" Also after spending a...
  11. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Pens!" as "Penis" Every. Single. Time.
  12. Ivy Newton

    Hey, what's up?

    Hey, what's up?
  13. Ivy Newton

    The "Fwee" Thread III

    Great day :3 Every year my school does a Halloween Costume Contest on the closest Friday to Halloween (which is, of course, today). I went as Schrödinger's cat. I was worried not many people would get it, but when I went up there for the contest the judges voted me one of the top four in 12th...
  14. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Motivator" as "Vibrator" As in: ‎"Love is a far more vicious [vibrator]..." Heh.
  15. Ivy Newton


    From memory? Crane, ninja star, heart with wings.
  16. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Affordable" as "adorable" Adorable housing? I guess that could work. A cute little cottage in the woods or something.
  17. Ivy Newton


    One fairly noticeable one from surgery when I was 6 years old, and apparently a bunch of super-duper tiny unnoticeable ones from surgery when I was like 2 or 3. I was so tiny they couldn't figure out where to make the incision, hence the "bunch." Also a reddish patch on my elbow from when I...
  18. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    "Satellite likely in ocean" as "Santa likely in ocean" ...Maybe if he was joyriding in his sleigh and crashed or something?
  19. Ivy Newton

    Misreadings and stuff

    Facebook status circa 2009:
  20. Ivy Newton


    So my school does this thing called "advisory competitions" - We come up with a name for our advisory group, then do various competitions like a holiday decorating competition and field day. We collect points and the advisory with the most points at the end of the year wins. The first...
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