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Search results

  1. Eeveelution

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    -In Harvest Moon games, crops and animals are full grown in a matter of days -In Sonic, Tails' age is about 8 or 9 (that's official info), yet he can pilot a plane -In PDM2, you and your partners have names (like "Flare" and "Aqua"), while everyone else is called "Skitty", "Treecko" etc. (Not to...
  2. Eeveelution

    In Progress Dawning of Dusk (a PokéMorph Story)

    Dawning of Dusk (a PokéMorph Story) Here's another story of mine, this time about morphs. (I might continue the ranger one if I get more replies.) Give "constructive criticism" (helpful advice while reviewing the story). Enjoy "Dawning of Dusk" everyone. Introduction 'Hurry, Dusk,' the Murkrow...
  3. Eeveelution

    ~The Eeveelution Club~

    Cool, there's 30 members. I love having a fanclub... (Wait, this isn't about me. Darn confusing title...) Anyways, cool. I'm wondering if I should post some Eevee sprites I've made here?
  4. Eeveelution


    Oh no! No one's posted here since before Christmas and it's almost a new year for everyone who's not Chinese or Jewish! D: I'll just bump this while asking: "How's the Eeveelution banner coming?" (I don't know why I love Eeveelutions, I just do...)
  5. Eeveelution

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

    Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity This is really good, Mike. It's teenager-oriented, but most people online need to have parental permission anyway. The only thing I don't really get is comic 77, but oh well. Keep 'em coming, or else you'll have to deal with a sad Eeveelution.
  6. Eeveelution

    Theories that no one else would believe.

    Here is a theoretical recipe for water.
  7. Eeveelution

    What Eeveelution do you want?

    ^I prefer the name "Eeveeon". (My long-lost friend made that name...) By "glitches", I mean that all your Pokémon would become Eevee, and they'd be level 1. Also, your character would become a purple-haired boy wearing a floral dress and you'd fight Missingno and die. Also, your game file would...
  8. Eeveelution

    What Eeveelution do you want?

    I can see "Missivneon" now: All the powers of Missingno, in Eeveelution form! (One terrible evolution people would dread. xD)
  9. Eeveelution

    In Progress Rose&Fang

    Normally I write "cliff hangers", but reading them makes me angry. Anyways, this story is pretty entertaining, although you may need to work on capitalization and spelling. he correct spelling for "Mewtwo" has no capital "T" in it. Still, please keep it up Char. At least I know where you got...
  10. Eeveelution

    You are a...

    I'm a zany artist who likes to upset pumas. (Wonder where my red paint comes from...) Also: stimulated beauty who likes to fight Canada (REVOLUTION!) ......purple pecker who likes to flick scarecrows (sounds like a bird's REVOLUTION!)
  11. Eeveelution

    You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

    I lost on every page multiple times. Laughing too easily is what makes a good comedy writer, I suppose. (Hope so...)
  12. Eeveelution

    In Progress Pokémon Ranger: Almia's Untold Story

    Pokémon Ranger: Almia's Untold Story When I first joined and introduced myself, I said I hoped to be an author, but I haven't posted any samples of my works yet. So here's my first fan fiction, a result of getting Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia for Christmas. (Note: spoilers will be revealed...
  13. Eeveelution

    A startling revelation

    ...Retsu's starting to scare me. o_o
  14. Eeveelution

    What would you be in the Pokemon World?

    I've kinda changed my mind: I'd become a professor/ranger in Almia, which means I'd capture the Pokémon and do missions I need for research, and act as a "double agent" by tricking both sides into thinking I was with them. (I'd do what I think was right, but wouldn't tell either side who I was...
  15. Eeveelution

    Ever wish you could fly?

    I'd like retractable wings to use, but still be able to fly without them. I'd fly around the world and use my wings to create tornadoes on the evil side.
  16. Eeveelution

    Are you a virgin?

    Well, I'm 13. The only boys close to my age I'm good friends with are my cousins and two or three classmates (one of which declared himself my clone). I love Pokémon, want to become an author, have never had a crush on big stars like the Jonas Brothers, don't want to be married and adopt my...
  17. Eeveelution

    Happy Birthday to my Dad!

    I know it's Christmas Eve, but it's also my dad's birthday. Tonight I think we're going to surprise him by taking a birthday cake to my mom's parents'. (We go to his parents' house on Christmas morning.) My mom will tell me if we are when she gets home. The closest thing he's ever had to a real...
  18. Eeveelution

    Magikarp vs Feebas

    Magikarp because it evolves more easily than Feebas, plus people spend waaay too long trying to get Feebas.
  19. Eeveelution

    Funny Player Names/Rival Names

    My friend once named a rival "Poopyhead" or something like that. Also, I named one rival after a kid I didn't like. (He called me names.) That's one way to get revenge. >:D :evil:
  20. Eeveelution

    What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

    Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution? I think a male evo for Jigglypuff or Clefairy would be kinda nice. (And a female evo for Wynaut without the lipstick-stuff!) Also, why not a new evo for some stand-alone Pokémon like Sableye or Mawile? Another thing: Why not a pre-evo for...
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