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What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

^ just raise the speed and then you have a deadly Ditto.

What I mean is that Ditto has crap stats because it has transform.

Besides, what would it evolve into? A larger blob of gelatinous goo?
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I think a male evo for Jigglypuff or Clefairy would be kinda nice. (And a female evo for Wynaut without the lipstick-stuff!) Also, why not a new evo for some stand-alone Pokémon like Sableye or Mawile?

Another thing: Why not a pre-evo for Plusle and Minun? It could evolve depending on when it's trained (AM for Minun, PM for Plusle, etc.).
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

^ Oh yeah, Plusle and Minun are rather forgotten. It'd be like the Hitmon's :D

Give Bidoof/Zigzagoon/Rattata etc's family an evo so they aren't as sucky.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Kangaskhan NEEDS a pre-evo. Logic says so. Also, Sableye would probably have an awesome evo.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

same way igglybuff survives i guess

Honestly, who would really want every pokemon to be part of a line of 3? Wouldn't that get really... boring? Coming up with ideas that aren't completely stupid for an evo/prevo would be hard for a lot of pokemon. How would you make a pre-evo of eevee or a evo of delcatty, hm?
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

tbh Farfetch'd and Qwilfish are the only ones who need an evolution.

Qwilfish is abandoned and is only caught for Dex fodder and Farfetch'd doesn't have any redeeming qualities save for the leek. The "cool" Pokemon we have now (Absol is the target) don't need evolutions because they were deemed "cool" because of the fact that they can stand toe to toe against the "cool" 3-stage Pokemon such as Charizard or even Salamence.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

A heracross prevo would be nice =p.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

A heracross prevo would be nice =p.
I may agree but no. Heracross is already a decent physical sweeper, giving it a prevo would ruin it like what happened to Magmar and Chansey.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

It's kinda complicated, but this is how Kangaskhan should evolve (imo)

Kangaskhan evolves, but similarly to nincada a pokemon will appear in an empty party slot (if you have one, and a pokeball). This will be the baby who is now old enough to leave the pouch

This baby can evolve into a kangaskhan, or a new male evo (who will also evolve another time)

So pretty much if you were to keep getting female babies you'd have an infinate Kanga-loop x3
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Hmm...Quilfish needs an evo, it is so forgotten but it's quite cool.

After all these suggestions I'd rather just have new Pokemon instead of evos/pre evos.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Pre-evo to Miltank & Tauros, where the baby's gender will determine which Pokemon it evolves into.

Also, still waiting on that Farfetch'd evo. <_<
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

mawile gets both! come on, remove the fake head and you get something cute!
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I would love something done to the Scyther family.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

^alternate evo to scyther, scizor just screwed scyther when it lost it's speed for attack

also, farfetch'd evo done by someone called aragornbird, not on this site, on arkeis
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I don't particularly care but my friend always said that he wanted Lickitoung to have a pre-evo.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

^ It'd be cute but rather useless. Baby Pokemon usually aren't too needed.

New Eeveelutions :)
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

No new eeveelutions. They are my one main problem with the pokemon world. There are WAY too many. 5 was enough. D/P ruined it.
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