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What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I don't want them to kill absol like they did with many of the perfectly fine forms in the 4th gen.

Lapras. Breloom. Mawile. Sableye. Skitty
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I don't want them to kill absol like they did with many of the perfectly fine forms in the 4th gen.

Lapras. Breloom. Mawile. Sableye. Skitty

Just because they do many bad evolutions doesn't mean EVERY single evolution in the future will be bad.
Mawile and Sableye should get evo's, I actually like Breloom, but I think I'd be amused by a evolution.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Skitty has en evo. If you mean pre evo that makes no sense either because Skitty is already baby Pokemon enough so it wouldn't work.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Hey, you could always have a kitten foetus pokemon.

Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

MISDREAVUS PRE-EVO! In my opinion, Mismagius is ugly and ruins Misdreavus :( so to even it out have an overly cute Mini-Misdreavus!

Feel free to disagree or agree
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

For a while I've thought that Scyther should get a pre-evolution. A nymph-style, without wings, only bug type...


Yeah, something like that (that sketch was done over 3 and a half years ago, when I hoped Scyther would get a pre-evo whenever they came out with a fourth gen... never happened :( )

Hey, you could always have a kitten foetus pokemon.


;) they already have Mew
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I agree with the Scyther pre-evo

Me? Heracross Pre-Evo/Evo, Pinsir need some love.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Fafetch'd needs an evolution. A Samurai Duck would be awesome, ESPECIALLY if it had high attack and speed


For some reason I've always loved Farfetch'd, however bad it may be. It needs an evolution to show people that it's not a bad Pokemon. <3

Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I actually had an idea for a Pinsir/Heracross pre-evo that would evolve into either of them depending on how you raised it.

What would be awesome beyond awesomeness is if they give us a Pachirisu pre-evo. Seriously, that would be awesome.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Alternate evo of Gligar.

As much as I like Gliscor, its not gligar
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Alternate evo of Gligar.

As much as I like Gliscor, its not gligar

But you see, unlike Poliwhirl or Slowpoke, there is not a need for another Gligar evo...and besides that, would you want another evo immediatly after one was introduced?
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

The only Absol evolution I can think of is an Absol on steroids, which isn't very creative.

Breloom's and Scizor's evolutions are too different from each other to get a younger or older version. I mean the Togepi line worked, despite major changes in shape, but I'm not sure if it would work for these.

A Lopunny evolution would kill the concept of sad bunny/happy bunny.

Rotom shouldn't get an evolution because it already transforms into stuff.

I really dislike the idea of a gender-only evolution for anything, as it doesn't change the fact that there will still be female Glalie around.
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Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?


...Why? It's already a small round ball of ghosty-all-round goodness. There is no point - if you look at it's shape compared to other baby pokemon it pretty much already looks like a baby.
... It doesn't need one, anyway. The ones that get pre-evolutions are always ones that are hard to come across, like the hitmons, the chansey line, the togepi line, the sudowoodo line and the Mr. Mime line. They're all rare pokemon. Misdreavus isn't that rare at all.

This is why it would work with Farfetch'd - they're pretty hard to find.

As much as I like Gliscor, its not gligar

gligar gliscor
How not?
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I agree that lots of the standalone flyers could use evolutions; Delibird, Farfetch'd, Tropius, Chatot... maybe even Skarmory, but that's already used in competitive play.
I love them as they are, don't get me wrong, but a semi-decent evolution (like Honchkrow) would make them a lot easier to use.

While they're cute, baby Pokemon are useless.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Shuckle could use an Evo, maybe.

And if Rotom were to get an evo, I think it should evolve differently depending on what form it is. (Ride on lawnmower! lol.)
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I agree that lots of the standalone flyers could use evolutions; Delibird, Farfetch'd, Tropius, Chatot... maybe even Skarmory, but that's already used in competitive play.
I love them as they are, don't get me wrong, but a semi-decent evolution (like Honchkrow) would make them a lot easier to use.

While they're cute, baby Pokemon are useless.

I agree completely here. Farfetch'd should get a leek-sword or nunchuck -- that would be win.

I think Skarmory and Delibird should not get a evolution. Unless, of course, the evolution is full of win and awesomesauce. Which is highly unlikely, considering what Nintendo is churning out these days.

I personally disliked Honchkrow, because it's not black anymore. It's this weird blue and white and red. And a thin black crow with red eyes is way cooler than a fat bird thing. Murkrow deserves a better, more elegant, evolution. So does Scyther.

Chatot is pretty cool what it is right now. It'll probably be quite hard to make an evolution for it. OH WAIT I get to have a awesome parrot Pokemon YES EVOLUTION NAO. Preferably something like some sort of parrot, like a scarlet macaw or something. That would be perfect.

Tropius seems like a pretty final Pokemon already. I say if it gets an evolution, it'll probably not end out well.

Pre-evos mean INSTANT DEATH NAO. I don't care how freakishly cute they are.
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