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What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

A Breloom evo.

I'm loving this idea for hate evolving. maybe something to do with Frustration?

Cloyster still needs to be remembered.

Same with Delibird, I love Delibird, if they just perfected the stats it'd be great.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I dunno. Maybe found in the wild in one game too high a level to be a prevo and some kind of specific hold item is required to have it breed in the pre-evolved form. Like a baby form, I know but if you can encourage an Axolotl to grow into its adult phase by slowly draining the water it is kept in, why can't you encourage evolved/pre-evolved breeding?


(Okay, that sucks and I know it. :x)
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Houndoom can have an evolution via trade with an item. I've already got stats for it, but no sprite. Will be up later.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Well, Houndoom is already pretty good...and liked. But Houndoom is cool so it deserves an evo :D
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

ATTN: Lapras evolutions are not needed.

I hate the people who want Lapras prevos or evos. >:/

A thousand times this~

I dunno about a Houndoom evo. I guess it does desperately need the stats.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

An alt. evo for Venonat
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?


Duskclops got an evo, so why didn't Banette? D: Maybe an evo would actually make it useful in competitive play.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Qwilfish, since it's severely NU.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Castform should get one with better stats to make use of the moves.
Ditto should get one with better stats to make use of the special move it has.
Chatot should get one with better stats to make it be used or at least usable.
Chimecho should get one with better stats to make it be used or at least usable.
Corsola should get one with better stats to make it be used or at least usable.
Plusle and Minun should get one with better stats to make them be used or at least usable.

Delcatty should get one with better stats to make it be used or at least usable- I'm sick of one of my favorite Pokemon having an excellent movepool but no stats.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I think Castform should get alternate forms, but Ditto? Ditto has transform. If you make that too powerful then it could kill anything.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

HP, you mean.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Onix could get a pre-evolution...
Absol should definitely evolve with metal coat. Then it would RADIATE awesome instead of just glowing with it.
I'd like an evolution of Mightyena. It's a great-looking pokemon, but almost useless...
And finally (this is almost impossoble to implement, but meh) Castform should evolve into different types of pokemon if x thing is done in y weather. IT NEEDS MORE POWER!
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I'm still with a new evo for Venonat
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

And finally (this is almost impossoble to implement, but meh) Castform should evolve into different types of pokemon if x thing is done in y weather. IT NEEDS MORE POWER!

Yes, yes I do.

But I agree with the evolution, and other forms depending on the weather - Sandstorm and Fog?
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