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What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Stantler should have an evo that's normal/flying and you all know it.

Anyway, some pokemon I feel need an evolution pretty desperately are Spinda, Luvdisc, Mawile, Farfetch'd, and Chatot.

Also, a Kangaskhan prevo, because this "born with a child" thing is just plain freaky. Also, competitively speaking, do you really want a Heracross that's even MORE broken?
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Perhaps a Solrock/Lunatone pre-evo, evolving depending on the time it evolves?

Farfetch'd+Nunchucks=EPIC WIN

And someone (can't remember who, sorry ;-;) came up with the idea of a Pegasus Rapidash-evo, which is also win. Pegasoar, I think it was called?
Or it could evolve into one of the Four Horsemen depending on certain circumstances.

And something with Plusle and Minun. Seriously.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

>| Spinda is pretty fecking awesome. Don't deny it.

...I think a Chatot Evo that's got a... whatsit. Treble Clef I think it's called? For a head. That'd rock.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Oh sweet. That is like, a tremble clef combined with a bass clef. It'll be brilliant on a Chatot. I WANT ONE NAO.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Me and my friend were discussing this today.

A Evo for both Solrock and Lunatone that has higher attack and Special Attack if it came from Solrock and higher def., spec.def. if from Lunatone.


Also it'll never happen but another form for Mightyena.

and yes, a stantler evo, normal/flying would be awesome.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

A Stantler evo should be normal with Levitate or something. And then I can form a nice team out of Delibirds and Stantler evos.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Baby pokemon are cute but mostly worthless. Most pokemon don't need evolutions (DO NOT let Nintendo make evos for absol, lapras, skarmory, or tropius! NEVER!), but a pinsir evo and samuri farfetch'd wouldn't be a bad idea. Oh, and the wimpy doom that is luvdisc needs an evo, too. Delibird evo: maybe, stantler evo: no. Well, maybe if they made it really awesome, but not normal/flying.
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Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

ATTN: Lapras evolutions are not needed.

I hate the people who want Lapras prevos or evos. >:/

If there's something I'd like to see, it's a pre-evolution created and it isn't a baby Pokémon.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Espeon: your idea is interesting, could you give me an example of how that would work?
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

Also I hate it how they keep making up evolution methods. Why can't they just use the old ones. >:|

To keep some semblance of continuity (Happiness wasn't around in RBY, so they could evolve Chansey with it, the Dusk Stone didn't exist pre-DPPt, so they could evolve Misdreavus and Murkrow with it, etc.(they've already broken this with Mamoswine though; Piloswine got AncientPower from XD).

On topic, I would kill for a Houndoom evo. Competitively speaking, he's been pretty screwed over, not good enough for standard, but too good to be a UU star. He just needs a little boost to his stats and he's golden (plus there are a lot of good Houndoom evo concepts floating around out there. sue me).
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

In my new Pokemon game I'm making, (Pokemon Aotearoa) I'm trying to decide which Pokemon should have new evos and prevos. I noticed people discussing an evo and prevo for Stantler which game already has. What do you think? They were designed by FMC
Fawntler and Antlerlope
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I made at Chatot evo ages ago:
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I love the Chatot and the Stantler evo's.

Should Houndoom get one? not sure yet.

Noctowl would be good it could have a kind of psychic eye thing.

I don't really care much for Luvdisc, but I can't imagine what on earth a pre-evo/evo would look like
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

If you force Luvdisc to hate you, then it could evolve into a broken heart. That would work out, because there has yet to be a monster that evolves through anger evolution, which is a fairly obvious thing to do. I guess they don't do it since it would be easier to make a pokemon hate you.
Re: What pokémon SHOULD get a evolution/pre-evolution?

I once sketched up a Grass/Dragon evo for Sunflora. It actually worked out pretty well. o_O
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