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Search results

  1. Stormecho

    So what with the Hoenn games being remade and all...

    I would kill for another orre game (and also a new pokemon snap game ohhh man)
  2. Stormecho

    The QUILTBAG Club (formerly the LGBT club)

    I co-wrote an article about asexuality and visibility! it's for a university newspaper buuut it's like my first written thing ever out on the net that isn't fanfic so I'm kind of ridiculously proud of it
  3. Stormecho

    ahhh, well enough I guess! I'm out of school for now and focusing on writing and jobhunting. and...

    ahhh, well enough I guess! I'm out of school for now and focusing on writing and jobhunting. and you?
  4. Stormecho

    it really has been a while! it's good to see you

    it really has been a while! it's good to see you
  5. Stormecho

    Super Smash Bros 4

    uh what? no glitches have... always existed. like, there have been sites that catalogued and experimented with glitches in Pokemon in gen 1 games because there were so many of them - and sometimes, individual glitches happen on a game, regardless of how old it is! we've been living through a...
  6. Stormecho

    I drink lemon juice

    mostly drink tea, especially ginger and chamomile, and quarantine myself in my room and then hold shouting matches with my grandmother who really wants to help me get better and forgets she is frail and will suffer a cold 200% worse than I will and also refuses to believe I'm contagious I also...
  7. Stormecho

    Super Smash Bros 4

    I WISH I HAD A 3DS well at least I'll get smash bros by the holidays........
  8. Stormecho

    Hyrule Warriors

    oh maaan I've been playing this for the past five days and it's so much fun! I kind of... suck though especially at adventure mode's different kinds of battles, and I just can't play midna which feels like treachery on the highest level however I am death when playing sheik and fi and I can't...
  9. Stormecho

    Hello everybody!

    it's kind of surreal to see it described as "small and quiet" but I guess that's how things are now! regardless, welcome to the forum! it's nice to meet you too~
  10. Stormecho

    Well would you look at that.

    zora! hey it's been... really a long time wow it's cool to see you tho, it seems a lot of people just can't escape tcod's pull in the end
  11. Stormecho

    Reading Time

    man reading is my favourite thing but now I'm on the internet a lot so I rarely read books except while I'm eating....... but I read pretty fast - my brother is always super fascinated with it and he times me ever so often and it's like ten seconds a page. so if I sit down for a few hours I go...
  12. Stormecho

    Brozhni Brozhni Brozhni

    oh man hey! it's good to see you around again!
  13. Stormecho

    The "Fwee" Thread

    wow soaking my foot and changing the bandages has actually lessened the pain a lot I am no longer whining constantly about it!
  14. Stormecho

    hey! just a heads up but that rp ooc thread and actual thread are both several months dead, I...

    hey! just a heads up but that rp ooc thread and actual thread are both several months dead, I think! also, just as a note you would have had to wait for your character to be approved before posting in the roleplay
  15. Stormecho

    oMFG well that was definitely a surprise and uh very very effective that is an accurate reaction

    oMFG well that was definitely a surprise and uh very very effective that is an accurate reaction
  16. Stormecho

    yEAH it's been kind of disappointing for me too but hopefully we can kickstart it oH MAN A...

    yEAH it's been kind of disappointing for me too but hopefully we can kickstart it oH MAN A SURPRISE I CAN'T WAIT
  17. Stormecho

    UH OKAY does this mean the rp will get more active

    UH OKAY does this mean the rp will get more active
  18. Stormecho

    oH UM UM UM probably sudden attention or friendliness or affection that's completely...

    oH UM UM UM probably sudden attention or friendliness or affection that's completely unprompted since she'd be super flatfooted and caught off guard or being mistaken for someone else??? I'm sorry these are all lame suggestions but yeah that's what I've got
  19. Stormecho

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Windwaker HD, FF VI (Advance version) aaand Asura's Wrath
  20. Stormecho

    weeeell currently I help out my parents in their jobs, which is usually janitorial and carpet...

    weeeell currently I help out my parents in their jobs, which is usually janitorial and carpet cleaning stuff. so we get up every day to clean a restaurant on weekdays. I'm also looking into freelancing since I don't really get paid much for helping them out
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