Uh, I didn't do it.
What's the first thing you do when you start to feel sick? I'm talking nausea, sniffles, just over all feeling blah, how to you take care of yourself?
For me, well, I have a bit of a hard on for home remedies, so I have a quick cure all for everything if I just remember what works best with what symptom. Like sucking on a lemon, drinking ginger ale, that sort of thing to ease nausea. I also make Jell-O because that's what my mom used to make for me when I was a kid and was sick.
For me, well, I have a bit of a hard on for home remedies, so I have a quick cure all for everything if I just remember what works best with what symptom. Like sucking on a lemon, drinking ginger ale, that sort of thing to ease nausea. I also make Jell-O because that's what my mom used to make for me when I was a kid and was sick.