Professor Wesker
Fesh Pince of Blair there any possibility that we'll get another Shadow Pokémon game? Honestly, Colosseum and XD were my favorite parts of gen 3 as I loved how different they felt to the main games and loved the gritty Fallout-esque world of Orre. Even if Orre itself doesn't come back, I'd at least like to see it take place in some sort of new region. Just imagine how beautiful all 700+ Pokémon would look in HD!
Seriously though, I find it depressing that XD ended on a sequel hook that as of now has never been resolved when freaking Pokémon Trozei (I forgot this game existed for the longest time) got a sequel.
Seriously though, I find it depressing that XD ended on a sequel hook that as of now has never been resolved when freaking Pokémon Trozei (I forgot this game existed for the longest time) got a sequel.