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Search results

  1. Zora of Termina

    Well would you look at that.

    Look what the lurker dragged in, eh? I thought you all should be once more graced with my presence. After all, you can never truly leave home, or some such mushy gush. Perhaps I should become reacquainted. Some of you remember me, some of you don't. But back in the day I used to be someone...
  2. Zora of Termina

    New Mystery Dungeon Game Announced

    Not sure if this belongs here or in Upcoming Games but discuss
  3. Zora of Termina


  4. Zora of Termina

    Song Choice Mafia IV: Love And Revenge (INNOCENT WIN)

    It’s been about a month since the forceful takeover of the Showhouse by the malicious lioness of a song known as Be Prepared. The previous owner, Hot Mess, was thrown to the clutches of the Beast that lurks the Showhouse, never to be seen again… And perhaps, now that she was gone, the...
  5. Zora of Termina

    Song Choice Mafia IV: Love And Revenge

    It’s been about a month since the forceful takeover of the Showhouse by the malicious lioness of a song known as Be Prepared. The previous owner, Hot Mess, was thrown to the clutches of the Beast that lurks the Showhouse, never to be seen again… And perhaps, now that she was gone, the patrons...
  6. Zora of Termina

    Suggestions At The Opera Tonight

    Been a while. Maybe I'll keep up with this thing this time. Hello. My name is Zora. I like to draw. Sometimes I draw on my tablet [linked for gigantic] [linked for gigantic] But sometimes I draw on paper [linked because possibly nsfw? (blood, nudity) if i'm not allowed to...
  7. Zora of Termina

    Song Choice Mafia (take two!)

    Text and rules used with permission. How about something a bit fun, then? ...Anthropomorphic songs are fun, right? --- For this game, your roles will be songs. When signing up, post a name of a song you wish to be, the artist, and a youtube link/lyrics link, or both. I will then determine...
  8. Zora of Termina

    Placeholder for Kyurem forme found in B/W coding

    http://pokebeach.com/2012/02/placeholder-for-kyurem-forme-found-in-black-and-white-coding Discuss.
  9. Zora of Termina


    it's my birthday. c:
  10. Zora of Termina

    This marks the start of the rest of my life.

    You almost never see me post in the Laughing Cupboard anymore, but within the last week, two wonderful things have happened to me. One, I recently finished the process of getting registered for college classes. I'm majoring in digital media and design, going to the local community college for...
  11. Zora of Termina

    Open Another

    OOC Thread "Welcome to Lusin Village everyone! Welcome to the Serennial Festival!" A blond woman standing on the brick-paved path in front of the newcomers, in a traditional-looking white and silver dress with gold trim, would begin to wave the crowd in. People who have been to this...
  12. Zora of Termina

    Open Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    ~*~*OOC Thread*~*~ A thunderous slam as the door to the cell at the end of the hallway opened. One of the denizens, an azure-haired woman beaten half to death, slowly opened her eyes to see two people being locked into more chains by that guard. One, a redheaded woman who looked older than...
  13. Zora of Termina

    [OOC/Signups] Era of Escape: Days of the Damned

    Let's see if this actually lasts this time ------------- “Get in there, miserable, abusive Rocket tools!!” A man in a bright green uniform cracked a whip angrily, and many people garbed in black were loaded onto a boxcar. To any ordinary person from our world, this would almost seem like a...
  14. Zora of Termina

    TCoD Mafia - Night 3

    The sun set upon the day whence the denizens made their decision to lynch every day until they found out the mafiosos, and they returned to their hideaways to plot out their actions for the night. --------- Your roles have been sent out. You have 24 hours from this point to send in your night...
  15. Zora of Termina

    The Cave of Dragonflies Mafia

    It’s usually pretty calm in the Cave of Dragonflies. People discuss, there’s a separate location for the various subjects which the forum (which for all intents and purposes looks rather like a fairly large city in this narration) covers, you know, the usual for a place such as this. At least...
  16. Zora of Termina

    [Tier II] Bastion City Gym

    ~Bastion City Gym~ …Wait, this can’t be right. You hold up your map, staring at it. You’re sure you followed the right path to get to this “Bastion City” that’s marked right there… but all that’s in front of you is a large crevice in an incredibly tall cliff, seeming to lead into a cave. You...
  17. Zora of Termina

    NOT EVEN LEVEL FOUR ASS PROTECTORS (can save you from another birthday thread)

  18. Zora of Termina

    Open Era of Escape II

    ~*~*~*OOC Thread*~*~*~ A thunderous slam as the door to the cell at the end of the hallway opened. One of the denizens, an azure-haired woman who looked severely beaten, slowly opened her eyes to see two people being locked into more chains by that guard. One, a redheaded woman who looked...
  19. Zora of Termina

    [OOC/Signups] Era Of Escape II

    “Get in there, miserable, abusive Rocket tools!!” A man in a bright green uniform cracked a whip angrily, and many people garbed in black were loaded onto a boxcar. To any ordinary person from our world, this would almost seem like a scene from Nazi-era Germany. But in the Pokemon world, where...
  20. Zora of Termina

    It's finally over.

    Four years, I've been at that school. I've wished I could be free of the burden of dealing with behavioral disorder students who like gangs and fighting. And now I'm finally out. You're looking at TCoD's latest graduate. I love you all <3
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