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Search results

  1. CJBlazer

    Open Pokemon League Masters: Mystery of Fossil Cavern

    It was a bright sunny day when the ferry to Volterra City arrived at the harbor. Kid was gazing from the starport at the giant city. To the left, he saw the plains of Gildor and to the left, he could make out the base of Boulderon Mountains. The ship landed and he stepped out, sighing. "I...
  2. CJBlazer

    Pokemon League Masters: Mystery of Fossil Cavern

    Background In the Gildor region, there exists a group of trainers known as the LMA. This group works together to ensure that no evil ever threatens the safety of the region. They are the best of the league. They are League Masters. One such League Master is Auron, who is also the gym leader of...
  3. CJBlazer

    [Sign-ups] Age of War

    Rules/info - this roleplay is rated pg. no excessive cursing or killing. - contains violence but not too much violence - no overpowering characters allowed. - two characters per player - have basic grammar skills. Don't try to be perfect, just be normal. Storyline Long ago, in the ancient...
  4. CJBlazer

    What do you look for in Video Games?

    Discuss what do you want to see in a video game. I perosnally think plotline is basic for any video game. If a game has no plotline, I don't see the point in playing it. Also, I like freedom in games. If you are required to just go through the story, it is rather boring to me. So, what about...
  5. CJBlazer

    In Progress Project Mew: Secret of Mewthree

    Table of Contents: The Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Legend Completed In Progress Current Word Count:1,221 Current Character Count: 5,780 Prologue Everything was quiet within the solitude of Mewthree’s chamber. He sat in his prison cell or, as...
  6. CJBlazer

    Open Pokemon: Shadow Apocalypse

    Rogue looked at the dead Pokemon that lay before him. He was confused at all the sudden commotion. Pokemon shouldn't be killing each other. This is quite odd. He thought to hiimself. He then detected a presence behind him and turned to face a Ursarang, its eyes dark purple. "Bring it!"
  7. CJBlazer

    [Sign-ups]Pokemon: Shadow Apocalypse

    Rules/info - this roleplay is rated pg. no excessive cursing or killing. - contains violence but not too much violence - no overpowering characters allowed. - one character per player - have basic grammar skills. Don't try to be perfect, just be normal. The Storyline It is the year 2132 in...
  8. CJBlazer

    Furries Club

    Are you a furry? If so, come join this club. We will discuss the furry fandom at large, including the drama, myths, and excitement. I myself am a furry and I am proud to say it. I am a wolf furry with midnight black fur and yellow eyes. Our first topic: The Drama. There are those stupid people...
  9. CJBlazer

    In Progress Aerian: Blood of Krotaos

    Table of Contents Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight The bolded text means that the chapter is finished Itallics means in progress "Hey you, step away from the lady," called Jacen from on the roof of a nearby building. He...
  10. CJBlazer

    Wolf/Dragon's Daily Quiz Challenge

    Welcome to the Wolf/Dragon Quiz Challenge, where each day, yours truly, Wolfmaster Kid, and his companion, DragonHeart, will post ten questions, five of which are about wolves, and the other five will be about dragons. Do you have what it takes to be called a Wolf/Dragon Expert? Test your...
  11. CJBlazer

    [sign-ups]Pokemon: Aberon's Reign

    Rules of the Roleplay -Do not godmod. Godmodding is when you intentionally take someone’s character and use them for yourself. -No overpowered characters. This means that you cannot have legendary Pokemon or any Pokemon that is undefeatable. All Pokemon are equally leveled. -Only two characters...
  12. CJBlazer

    Blazer's Return

    Yep, thats right. I have came back from the grave and plan to get active again. I am so happy to return. :talking: :sunglasses:
  13. CJBlazer

    Aeria: The Blood of Krotaos

    Once, during the time of our ancestors, there existed a world parallel to ours, simply known as Krotaos. The people of this land, called the Aerians, were majestic and were worshipped as gods, mainly to the Egyptian people. They were worshiped for their ability of flight. They were bird hybrid...
  14. CJBlazer

    In Progress Pokemon: Trainer's Quest

    Chapter One "Terron, Help us," a cold ice-like voice echoed in the back of Joshua's mind. The black-haired youth opened his eyes and found himself trudging though what he thought was the Glastron Mountains. There was snow covering everything and Josh could see the mountains off in a distance...
  15. CJBlazer

    Arcanine or Doomlover?

    Out of mere curiosity, which of the two canine Pokemon do you love the most? Houndoom Houndoom or Arcanine Arcanine
  16. CJBlazer

    The Mimic Game

    I have been thinking about this game for a while now. Welcome to the Mimic game, where you can post a statement, but it must contain some word from the previous poster. For example 1. I like cows. 2. Cows are stupid 3. Pokemon is stupid 4. You are stupid 5. you are a Bulbasaur and so on and so...
  17. CJBlazer

    What Pokemon are good pets?

    Just out of curiousity, I wish to make this question. If you could really have a Pokemon as a pet, which Pokemon would you choose? I would have a pet Pidgey and Starly as well as a Joltik and pehaps a Houndour pup. Houndour is cool looking, though I will need to keep him/her trained so he/she...
  18. CJBlazer

    Your Personality?

    Okay, this should be a good discussion. What is your personality? Are you nice to your friends, loyal, brave, ect? I am nice, though I can get serious in an instant. In real life, you may not see me as much, but I can be a loyal companion. I am very silent as well and will analyze a situation...
  19. CJBlazer

    Ash's biggest mistake in the entire 5 series

    Okay, i have noticed this place has been inactive, so I want to make a new discussion. What, in your opinion, was Ash's biggest mistake he ever made in the anime? In my opinion, it was replacing Thunder. Thunder was amazingly strong (I still remember in the old days, Pikachu used to light...
  20. CJBlazer

    Requests Open Houndoom's Graphics Shop (revised and remastered)

    Okay, welcome to the new and improved Here you may request signatures and avatars for your profile. I am not the best artist, but I do know how to make good-quality siggies. Just use this form to sign-up: Type of Graphic: Custom Size (optional, it will be 175(height) by 400(width) if not...
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