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Search results

  1. Silver0ice7


    He is a Idiot, CHeck out his Stupid flippin forums it is at the page called "My Other Site"
  2. Silver0ice7


    The Girantina thing is in Dragonfrees Shadow pokemon sprites, The Houndoom thing is in splices, the Areus plushlike thing is another thing he stole (don't know whose) and The Eevee arceuus s a sprite I made.
  3. Silver0ice7


    He now knows about me posting here, he is probaly gonna remove them now (God I hope) All of those are Dragonfrees exept the Eevee Aceus thing (witch is mine) Actually that Vulpix I think is a Scratch *Looks at Dragonfree's Sprites* Actually the Vulpix is a Completely Scratch.
  4. Silver0ice7


    OKay I need to tell yall that there is this art theif, his name is AJ with some numbers at the end, he stole the pic in my avatar. He stole TONS of sprites from TCOD and a few of mine. I know he registered at Eonlight valley forums he has PMed me a few times. Please make sure your sprites are...
  5. Silver0ice7

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    uuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm..................I can't list them all. GOD AM I A POKEMON MANIAC! Ummmm.... *Counts* eh, about all of them ~_~, GOD, I HACK ALOT! the ones i actually got without hacking are: Glaceon Lv. 100 Regigas Lv. 80 Jirach: Lv. 100 (Event at Toys R us) Staraptor Lv 100
  6. Silver0ice7

    [Join Today] Writer's Guild

    Ok, good you are both part of the Guild! =)
  7. Silver0ice7

    [Join Today] Writer's Guild

    Welcome to The Writer's Guild, First I'll make a topic and you write a shortstory about the topic ok, the topic is: Moltres Tastes Blood Simple, just write a story how Moltres tastes blood. . Members: (To Join Just Make A Story According to the Topic) Silver0ice7 Shadow_lugia Verne Okay...
  8. Silver0ice7

    Requests Open Raichu's Spirite shop!

    @ Raichu: Thanks for Ignoring my Request *Sighs*
  9. Silver0ice7

    A new user ~Leafeon appeared!

    *Takes cake* Mmmmm *Eats* thanks magnemite.
  10. Silver0ice7

    Thanks, If you want I can see if i have a celebi avatar, if you want one just ask me.

    Thanks, If you want I can see if i have a celebi avatar, if you want one just ask me.
  11. Silver0ice7

    A new user ~Leafeon appeared!

    Sure, what do you want *looks in files* I don't have any magnemite avatars *looks again* Oh, maybe a gallade avatar?
  12. Silver0ice7

    Hello from Giratina!

    Hey, I gave ~Leafeon a Avatar for joining, I'll give you one!
  13. Silver0ice7

    A new user ~Leafeon appeared!

    Thanks ~Leafeon for using the Avatar.
  14. Silver0ice7

    Funny Moments at School

    Okay, At school there is this kid named Kevin, and this teacher asked him question last year Teacher:Kevin answer problem 8 Kevin: Umm... Teacher: KEVIN ANSWER THE QUESTION Kevin:Ummmmm Teacher:*YELLS* KEVIN ANSWER THE FLIPPIN PROBLEM! Kevin: *whispers* I don't have my Math Book Teacher...
  15. Silver0ice7

    A new user ~Leafeon appeared!

    Hi, Thanks for the cookie, here have a Leafeon avatar, *Note: I did NOT make this Avatar, I found it at Serebii.net (From their Christmas Event calender.)
  16. Silver0ice7

    Hiyas! ^^

    Oooooooooh!!!!!I like cookies, I know it is Eel sushi flavored (I forgot the real name :/, But it ROX!)
  17. Silver0ice7

    Requests Open Raichu's Spirite shop!

    I'm New but, I'm also a Critic, so... 1. Your Recolor is Good, just remember to shade 2. On your fusion it looks like you put a bit to much deatails. 3. The Mew ball is Okay, but the colors are weird. 4.The Darkrai egg is Okay, just still a bit too much details. 5. Your Devamp isn't really a...
  18. Silver0ice7

    Hiyas! ^^

    *recieves* Oooo Me likes Silver kitten, I'll name you *thinks* I'll name the kitten Felru! I got the 700th intro, yays!
  19. Silver0ice7

    Hiyas! ^^

    Thanks, Ruffledfeathers!
  20. Silver0ice7

    Hiyas! ^^

    Hello! I'm Silver0ice7, you can call me Silver (or Ice) I'm Making a site of my own, and it's going good! ^^. I like working on my site, writing, spriting, Taking personality test (Accoring to the test my type is: ???, my pokemon is: Dragonite) I know: Html, Xhtml, Css, Javascript (I'm very bad...
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