• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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A new user ~Leafeon appeared!


New member
Yeah. I'm ~Leafeon. I like Eevee and the Eeveelutions, coz they are awesomesauce. I also like Shaymin and Skymin, coz both are as equally awesome as each other.

Yeah, so if you haven't guess, I like pokemon.

Yeah, so that's about as much as I want to say.

So, Hi!
Awesome, TCOD should get all the eeveelutions!

Welcome to TCOD where I the Royal Windian Introducer shall give you a Leafeon plushie!
Thanks for the plushie!

And I plan to stay here for as long as I can think of.

And I've looked around the forums. I reckon you'll find me mostly around the Artwork forum.
Actually, if you had your tilde on the other side, like "Leafeon~" you could join a growing trend.

We already have a "Vaporeon~" and an "Espeon~"

Anyway, welcome to the forums!
Hi, Thanks for the cookie, here have a Leafeon avatar,
*Note: I did NOT make this Avatar, I found it at Serebii.net (From their Christmas Event calender.)
Kali the Flygon - When I was making my username i didn't really think about putting the tidle at the end.

cheesecake - thank you for the cake!

Silver0ice7 - i'm glad you liked the cookie! Thank you for the avatar, I shall use it!
Hey, leafeon, nice avatar... I wish I had one... Once I get my website finished, I'll send you a link, here *hand buisiness card*
Hey, Silver0ice, could you please get me a cool avatar? *gets down on knees* huh?
Sure, what do you want *looks in files* I don't have any magnemite avatars *looks again* Oh, maybe a gallade avatar?
Thanks for the avatar, ice, here's a large cake for your troubles! *unsteadily hands over large cake*
Actually, if you had your tilde on the other side, like "Leafeon~" you could join a growing trend.

We already have a "Vaporeon~" and an "Espeon~"

Anyway, welcome to the forums!

If it's a growing trend... I started it, I guess. So of course, here's Vaporeon~ welcoming you!! My friend Espeon~ has not been going on so much... But i'm sure she would welcome you too~
You should get an admin (Butterfree and Opaltiger are the only ones I know of) to change your username to Leafeon~. You shall then develop a secret society of eeveelutions~. Anyways, welcome to TCoD, where we drink tea and eat cod. You know, tea-cod. That's kind of the forum slogan, by the way.
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