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Search results

  1. Zephyr

    One-Shot Guardian Angel

    Just a random story that's been in my head; I'd love criticisms! Tell me if it's craptastic or whatever else. Oh yeah; this involves religous ideas, just things like heaven and guardian angels. Fairly generic. I remeber now, that first time I came to Earth. I had been terrified; all the...
  2. Zephyr

    What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You?

    Re: What Pokémon/Type/Level of Obsession Are You? True... I'm too shy and nice. I feel happy if I help people, if I ever talk to them. Also true. I have a rather mischievious streak. Besides, I love sarcasm and twisting the rules. After all, they never actually forbid using salt in the ice...
  3. Zephyr

    my art thread... of less than average anime chibi style magnitude

    I think you're headed in the right direction. Your art is pretty good, it's just that the anatomy is off. For example, your assasin's arms look slightly off to me, size wise. I like your second picture of Aqua better for some reason, although her name is a bit hard to read (namely the q) and her...
  4. Zephyr

    Comics & Manga[POSSIBLE SPOILERS]

    I read alot, although I prefer manga over western style comics for some reason. Some of my favorite series are: Fruits Basket, Soul Eater, Full Metal Alchemist, Zombie Loan, +Anima, Chibi Vampire, Captive Heart, and Negima. I think that cover all of them...
  5. Zephyr

    Suggestions Wave goodbye to your secret crap, dumbass!

    Re: post in me or the puppy gets it Ah! that tailypo thing was creepy... especially when you know the story that goes along with it... You're art's pretty cool. A mix of seriously awesome and creepy. Very nice.
  6. Zephyr

    I had too look up etymology- a rare occurence for me :) I'm afraid I still didn't know it, but I...

    I had too look up etymology- a rare occurence for me :) I'm afraid I still didn't know it, but I ended up checking it out. I know zephyr refers to a soft wind, but I wasn't sure why (I'm vaguely interested in languages and roots). It's actually pretty cool. Still appropriate, to me at least ;)...
  7. Zephyr

    Random Scribblings vr. II

    Snapples! These are all so adorable! How can you make everything so cute?! My favs so far: Pika with a keyblade, House and Wilson, and your Glinda's Flying Castle. I loved basically everything here, but those are just the ones that stuck in my mind. I have to agree though; apparently, there is...
  8. Zephyr

    How many Shiny Pokemon do you have?

    First time ever playing a Pkmn game, on ruby, I saw a shiny Zubat and completely freaked out. I couldn't figure out why it was so weird looking, but I ended up catching it.
  9. Zephyr

    What is your school like?

    Eh, education wise my school's pretty good. It's a Catholic school though, so we have crap uniforms. Clique wise... they're fluid, but they're there. For sophmores at least, its generally cheer girls (completely seperate from dance team), athletic guys, athletic girls, nerd guys, drama people...
  10. Zephyr

    In Progress The Retelling of Pokemon Colosseum

    Nya ha ha! This made me laugh... But I never liked Miror B. He scares mea bit. But I love his music.
  11. Zephyr

    Weird Feelings/Sensations

    Not trying to sound... whatever, but I kinda can guess at what some of these things might be. For instance... That's called something like perfect stranger symptom. You can confide in perfect strangers, but not friends, because you know that a perfect stranger will feel no obligations to you...
  12. Zephyr

    Um, hi?

    Hello all! Obviously, I'm new. I love to read (I read incredibly fast), I like talking to people, but I'm incredibly shy. I think/speak in a rather wierd mix of languages and slang, based off of how my thoughts are going, what I'm reading, and who I'm talking to. Sorry if I'm confusing. Er...
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