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What is your school like?

Do you like it? What kinds of groups/cliques do you notice? Is there are lot of drug activity/drinking? Are there popular kids? etc. etc.

Would really be interested in hearing about the environment in others people's schools~ Not trying to be creepy or anything, just curious :P

My school's a fairly cool place. Usually groups of friends and the cooler more social kids and the (try-hard) idiots. I believe there was a guy who sold drugs outside school, but he might've been caught. I don't know about drinking, but I remember when my sister was in high school the year before I arrived, there were about three or more pregnant girls.

The environment of my school ... well it's mainly just a lot of buildings with pavement and grass xD At the back of the school there's a cow paddock though. There are three two story buildings, a hall, most of the buildings are either yellow or green, some of the bench-table-roof things have old garage doors for the roof. Some of the buildings have paintings on them. Once someone vandalised "I am anonymous" on one of them. Unfortunately there is a lot of litter, especially under the buildings that are slightly elevated from the ground and some gardens.

We have this stupid thing called RAS, which is, in other words, getting a random group of students from all grades, making them sit down for 15 minutes (45 on Wednesdays) read notices, get rolls marked and on Wednesdays do (usually lame) activities. We also have parade/assembly on Wednesdays, followed by 30 minutes of exercise activities (Year 8/9) or some stupid mini parade (10/11/12). Every odd year or so our school enters the Rock Eisteddford. My school is also very competitive in sports and inter-ras activities (ie nter-ras Tug-of-War, swimming carnival, sports day, inter-school sports)

I don't know if there is anything else particularly different about our school from others; their might be a difference in subjects, what we do in the subjects, what kind of special things (like Presentation/Awards Night or Art's Night) we have, et cetera.

tl;dr You just have to read the first paragraph if you want to see my answers that everyone else has been quoting and answering xD
Do you like it?

What kinds of groups/cliques do you notice?

There are groups of people who usually hang out together, dunno if you'd call them cliques though
Is there are lot of drug activity/drinking?

Nothing glaringly obvious, but someone smokes in the girls bathroom (I can't tell if tobacco or something else...)
Are there popular kids?

Yeah, there are a few people everyone knows.
Oh yeah, one thing I don't like about my school: the rampant anti-semitism and anti-arabic racism. Especially from the Portuguese, Swedes, Fins and Germans for some reason.
Do you like it?
Hellz yeah.

What kinds of groups/cliques do you notice?
There are multiple groups in the school, which I'm not really bothered to list out.

Is there are lot of drug activity/drinking?
There is a lot of smoking going around my year. I also know for a fact some people do drugs, lots of people drink.

Are there popular kids?
Eh, I guess there are, but it's not overly important tbh.

I like my school a lot, and I especially like the Somalian people in my year. They are really nice and friendly people. Also some of my teachers are actually pretty informal, especially my Physics and History teachers.

So yeah, I like my school.
Do you like it? What kinds of groups/cliques do you notice? Is there are lot of drug activity/drinking? Are there popular kids? etc.

Yes, A nasty "POPULAR BOYZ" group who isn't even that popular, no

Popular kids. About like 2, a sixth grader and a fifth grader, Bodhi and Isabella respectively.

I feel I should mention that my year was entirely white, with the exception of two Fillipino girls and a very nice guy from China who was ridiculously smart and is now at Cambridge. It was also a religious (joint RC and CofE) school, but nobody was particularly religious at all; although we had a couple of militant atheists who refused to go to the Christmas service and things.

There was a lot of sex going on, but nobody got pregnant. Unlike lower school, where, in year 10 (we were 15), we had to have TB jabs, only half the girls in my maths class couldn't because there was "a possibility they might be pregnant".
It scares me senseless when I go shopping in the same town as my old school and see girls I used to have classes with pushing prams x.x
My school is pretty good, there seem to be some cliques but sometimes there will be just groups of seemingly random people who happen to end up hanging out together... At my school there aren't many people, almost never any, doing drugs or smoking, but you hear them talking about it quite a bit about doing it outside of school. Most people seem generally nice, except there are some that are just rude or stupid... But i get along fine, people tend to like me :grin:.
Do you like it?

The teachers are generally pretty decent, and since I like the idea of school, and the atmosphere of it, I'm inclined to say yes. But most people there are absolute jerks, so... no. I'm sort of torn. :/ Me and my friend often rant about how the teaching of some subjects (especially short-course R.E., for people who didn't take R.E. as a subject) is absolute crap, but it's a fairly good school, I guess. Just take the people out of it and I like it.

What kinds of groups/cliques do you notice?

I tend to observe groups myself and give them names and stuff. XD In my year, there are:
  • Respectable popular girls: These girls tend to be fairly intelligent, and are popular and respected. On occasion they can be unkind to people like me, but generally they keep to themselves. They're the kind of girls none of the guys tease because they're all attractive and intelligent. They all mostly straighten their hair to the extreme and wear lots of make-up, but tastefully rather than some of the other girls like this. They're not so bad. They look down on me, I think, but if there are any 'normal' groups I respect, it's these lot.
  • Dirty girls: Haha, I call them dirty. XD These girls are generally very unintelligent and mess around a lot, they probably all smoke, and drink and all that. They nearly ALL have bleached blonde hair and wear about five layers of orange make-up, so yeah. Cake faces I call them, or pancake faces. They usually all walk around in a big group, some of them are overweight, and they're all very stupid and horrible and laugh at racist jokes and are just... grrrr! They hate me, I hate them. Simple. I tend not to look down on anyone I call 'normal school kids', because I appreciate that they're just trying to get school and sometimes they're kind, but I really do look down on these bitches.
  • Unpopular girls: These tend to be rather unintelligent, unattractive, a little slow, but at least they have friends together. These are the ones that tend to get bullied, especially when they're on their own rather than in their group, but most of them are usually happy in their own little world together, so that's alright.
  • The rest of the girls: Our year is split into 'north' and 'south' and have classes at different times, so I only see 'south', hence the small number of groups. There are other ones as well, but there's not much difference between them so I've just put the ones above.
  • Popular guys: These tend to talk to the respectable/popular girls, and some of the 'rest of the girls' as well. But they're not very respectable themselves. :/ In fact, I hate pretty much all of them. But that's generally because all the guys look down on me and bully me, whereas only some of the girls bother trying (and usually fail, I can often overpower those with wit or something). Basically they'll tease anyone they wouldn't want to fuck.
  • Popular guys, group: There's a certain group of these that are complete arseholes that tend to bully me and my little circle of friends whenever they can. They're complete bastards and have done it since I was an unpopular, ugly little kid coming in year seven two months late (hence why getting friends was a hundred times harder for me). Nothing more to say about them.
  • Stupid, messing around guys: Basically the ones whose hygiene and humour levels haven't risen much since year seven. They tend to mostly leave me alone though, so that's alright, they tend to let people like the popular guys make fun of me and then just laugh along because they aren't amusing enough themselves.
  • The rest of the guys: A mix of the popular guys and stupid, messing around guys. Most of the guys in the year tend to be despisable, whereas at least with the girls it's only like 90% of them are.
  • Us!: This is my little group of four friends! We're totally different from anyone else~ We're the open-minded, kind, clever people of the year, if I say so myself. We've sort of banded together over the years and are quite close. Three of us get teased for being openly bisexual, deliberately going against the bullies, and not putting on fifty layers of make-up, and the other because she's overweight, despite being very intelligent.

Huh, that's all I can think of right now!

Is there are lot of drug activity/drinking? Are there popular kids? etc. etc.

Popular kids described above.

I think everyone drinks in private or with friends because they think it's cool to drink underage. As far as I know there are absolutely no drugs in the school at all, because they'd get kicked out if any of the teachers knew. Some people smoke, but that's generally unintelligent ones who want to be cool, and it's viewed as not so cool anymore anyway (which is brilliant!)

The school itself is quite big. In my town, there's a girls grammar school (which I wanted to get into, but we moved here too late for me to take the test), a boys grammar school and our school. Those are the biggest secondary schools in the middle of town. Our school is a mix of very stupid kids and very intelligent kids, and we have a Learning Support as well, with about fifty people from the school who have special needs.

Sorry I rambled a bit there, there's not usually much opportunity for me to mention my school on the internet.

There are a few people in my year who are pregnant, but I don't know much about that. Nearly the entire year is white, but my county is one of the least ethnically diverse in the country, so.
fyi, I go to a private male-only secondary school.

Do you like it?
It's certainly superior to my previous secondary school. As far as facilities, staff and actual education is concerned, I couldn't be happier. But eh, I wouldn't mind a little more mix of people.

What kinds of groups/cliques do you notice?
Cliques don't seem to be as pronounced at my school as they seem to be at others. You're either sporty, a party-goer or you're just... normal. People are friends with whoever. The only downside is that there seem to be almost no nerdy types, at least not in my year. Those that are around tend to be hyper-nerds - as in, the annoying, snobby type who spurn anyone who doesn't have an A* in Maths and Physics.

Is there are lot of drug activity/drinking?
Inside school, never. The establishment goes mental if you take drugs or alcohol into school, and considering that it's a fee-paying school, most kids would get into a whole lot of shit from their parents if they got expelled.

Outside school, nearly everyone drinks (hey, even I do!). I'm not very knowledgeable about the drug scene, but if second-hand evidence is anything to go by, there's a fair bit of drug-taking.

Are there popular kids?
Yeah, but they tend to be nice people instead of the stereotypical jock.
My school is awesome.

It's pretty much only split into three 'cliques': "Foodgard", "Midgard" and "Northern Basement", the names of the places where they sit during breaks. The Nothern Basement people are the elite, with most of the student council and other prominent people sitting there, and it has the most comfortable seating (couches as opposed to benches (Foodgard) and chairs (Midgard)). Midgard has the computers and is mostly composed of geeks of one sort or another (which makes it a very, very awesome place, and yes, I sit there). Foodgard is everybody else and pretty much the default.

There is no actual animosity between these groups; there are mild stereotypes about the kinds of people who are in each place, but everybody gets along well. There is an awesome number of fun people, everybody has a sense of humour, and I love the system (we get to choose the subjects we take every semester completely freely). I'm ridiculously happy I picked this school (though that is in part because if I'd gone somewhere else I wouldn't have met Shadey). :3

It's generally stereotyped as the school where everybody smokes weed, but I don't know anybody who does. It's a school for 16-20-year-olds, so those who are drinking aren't that far underage (you can legally buy alcohol at 20 in Iceland) and everybody is drinking by that age anyway, whichever school they go to.
Do you like it?
not really. i wish school would end and i could live my life. or go to college.

What kinds of groups/cliques do you notice?
the standard ones: preps, emos, the kids that wear the pants below their underwear, band kids, ap student kids, the kids that go to my history teacher's classroom on break days to play risk, etc. etc. i don't really fit anywhere; i don't really have friends since the school split.

Is there are lot of drug activity/drinking?
yeah, but no one talks about it. when my history teacher asked my class how many of us knew people who smoked, i was the only one who didn't raise my hand.

Are there popular kids?

school isn't the worst thing ever, but i think i could do without it. the teachers and some students there really shake me up and make me feel so uncomfortable. sometimes i wish i could just run away and inevitably die in the woods or something. but i'm pretty sure i'm making decisions prematurely, so i'll sit out the next year-and-a-half. at least i can read books and listen to music.

i wish i could at least know what my history teacher thinks of me. that would erase pretty much all of the stress that comes with school.
I do and I don't like my school.

There's not a real "group" per se, but there are a lot of people who curse every other sentence and do the kinds of things you wouldn't want to be caught dead around.

Oh, and if you go outside anyday after school you can find dozens of people smoking.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the only unpopular kid. Everybody else gets along so well, and I have so few friends... because too little people like the same things I do. Also, a lot of people hate me because I'm smart.
I do not like my school. Not because the building is originally from the 1950s nor because it is also the school my parents went to. I do not like it because the people frequently bug with their inane chatter and because it is boring. Not academically rigorous at all. There are worse places I suppose.

There are groups of friends but I can't really give them set labels. If you break away from your group it's not a big deal. There are certain groups that mesh well together and some that can't stand to be next to each other. I don't pay much attention to the social dynamics of my school really. It just seems that everyone sticks close to the people they've known since about fifth grade. Or if they're new the first people they meet that they like.

Drugs/drinking is pretty prevalent. You hear a bit of talking about it and you just know people do it. I know people who smoke weed and I know people who drink. I know people who do both.

There are well-known people, yes. But they aren't really the stereotypical popular jerk who bothers people for no reason. People just generally keep to their groups and the people they know. They don't really take an interest in others unless it's gossip related.

I don't really like school because it's boring and I don't have anyone I can really relate to well. It's not like I get made fun of; I'm just a bit lonely.
Yeah, I like my school. It's not like most others, but hey, it works for me. Nice campus, convenient location, enjoyable classes... can't complain, can't complain. :)

I generally tend to ignore people because I am not social in the slightest, and I'm still fairly new so it's not like I know anyone, but as far as I can tell there are no "cliques" or anything like that. We're all adults here (not to mention the actual adult learners or whatever they're called who are all like 40+), after all, so I'd imagine that everyone's outgrown that overt, childish cliquish stuff. Just groups of friends, and since the school is so small just about everyone knows everyone that isn't brand new. There are some people who are "popular", I guess, but it's because they actually have a lot of friends, not because of some superficial cool factor or whatever.

I'd imagine most people drink, I know several who smoke cigarettes and I'd bet that at least a few do drugs, but again, we're all adults. No one cares as long as there's no weed selling on campus and no one comes in roaring drunk. What adults do at home or wherever is their business. (Well that goes for everyone but at least when adults drink and smoke it's legal!) Same goes for sex and stuff like that.

Now see, if I were still in high school I would have had more interesting stuff to talk about. Your loss.
Also, all the students were close with the teachers; our form tutor would bring in a cake whenever it was someone's birthday, the teacher and student band used to perform together, as a year group, we'd plan parties and the teacher's'd come and I have a bunch of my teachers friended on facebook.

The teachers who I know have a facebook don't allow their students to friend them until we graduate. Except for one but it makes sense because we do a lot of stuff outside of class.
The teachers who I know have a facebook don't allow their students to friend them until we graduate. Except for one but it makes sense because we do a lot of stuff outside of class.
lol, most of my teachers probably don't even know how to create a facebook account. :P
Do you like it?

I like the people there but the school itself is terrible; it's a public, low-budget school that was built in 1959 and hasn't really received much maintenence other than the occasional lick of paint and replacement carpet. Oh, wait, we have computers.

What kinds of groups/cliques do you notice?
In our year (seniors/year 12) you've got our group (known throughout the school as 'nerds' I suppose) which is about 25 people; there's the art/emo kids, the various 'band' groups (a metal band and a couple punk/rock bands), the football team, the dance girls and then the large group of people that don't want to be there.

Is there are lot of drug activity/drinking?

Yes, and there's fights every other day. Then there are the kids that start lighting up cigarettes before they're even out of the school grounds...

Are there popular kids?
Well the largest group is like the dance girls/football team and that's around 50-60 people.

Our school is three storeys high but we have very limited resources - if you want to take geography, economics, english lit, or politics and law then you should probably go to another school unless you want to self-teach.
Snails go faster than our computers. We also have no air conditioning apart from the staff rooms and the office. Oh, and we have a gym that someone tried to set fire to a couple of years back. They didn't burn it down, but the fire department was called.

I can't wait to graduate. :|

And the girls noticably dye their hair. on school nights. And dying your hair is against the rules.
The only time anyone ever has gotten told off about their appearance at my school (other than blatantly being out of uniform) was this one metalhead who had a bottom lip spike that was about two and a half inches long because it was a 'health hazard'.
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There's enemies, and then there's potential enemies.

I'm glad I'll never see these people again in my life after I move out.
Eh, education wise my school's pretty good. It's a Catholic school though, so we have crap uniforms. Clique wise... they're fluid, but they're there. For sophmores at least, its generally cheer girls (completely seperate from dance team), athletic guys, athletic girls, nerd guys, drama people, and then me and my friends-the outcasts of grade school now banded together ;). Drinking/drugs? Definitely drinking, couple of pot heads, not much else. You can basically get away with murder if your parents have money, or if you're a star senior.
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