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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

What is your school like?

Hehe, in my school, if you're not part of a clique, you're screwed.

(these clique names are just things I made up that I thought were descriptive)

First, there's the "politics" clique. There's like five girls and two boys that always eat lunch in my Social Studies teacher's classroom and discuss politics.

Then, there's the "basketball freaks." There's about ten kids that just eat lunch really quickly and then go play basketball. Oh, and in class they all sit together and throw paper at each other.

Uh, let's see, there's also the "giggly girls," who are just five or six girls that take FOREVER to do anything and go around gossiping about everything and everyone.

Then, there's the "Pokemon" clique, who just sit all day doing Pokemon stuff.

Plus, almost all the teachers at our school have some kind of idiosyncrasy. Our Social Studies teacher never blinks (or, well, barely blinks), is always smiling, and always has his arms crossed. And he talks about himself in the third person. And gives too much extra credit.

I have two periods with English teacher, who usually wastes about half of each one telling stories that just pop out of nowhere. Once we were taking a spelling test that took a really long time because one of the words was "czar" and she started telling us about how some people spell it "tzar," then started talking about Russians. o_O

My Science teacher, according to herself, is a rebel. She plays music all day in her classroom on iTunes, first of all. Plus, whenever class starts, she's playing some kind of obscure computer game and always shushes us. Five minutes into class, she stops playing and takes attendance. Which, for some reason, always takes up around ten minutes. She also has anger management issues sometimes.

My Spanish teacher should be a comedian. That's all I have to say. Oh, and he gives out too much extra credit, too (I got a 127% on a test in his class once).

Oh, and last year, I had an English teacher whose last name meant "Giver of Pain" in Latin.

And there are popular kids, and, unfortunately, one of them is me, since (according to a lot of people) really smart and cute. o_O. It gets annoying sometimes when people I don't know randomly come up to me and go "Hey, I know you! You're that guy who's part genius!" I'm not trying to be egotistical or anything, btw.

Uh, that's all I can think of.
I go to a college thing which has relatively small classes, with the same people in each core unit. Most of the people under 20 (or my age) are shy/quiet/lolcute, the ones over 20 are more social, the ones aged 30-60 are, well.. smart. They all seem to have a decent sense of humor, so yeah, I like it there.

The highschool I went to.. Well the teachers were either stuck up, or stupid. My computer teacher for example (I had him in grade 8 and grade 10, for General Computing, and Multimedia/Animation.) He was learning how to use the computers and the software from me and about 2 other students. All he knew was how to use Microsoft Publisher to make useless advertisments, hence that's all we did in grade 8 and grade 10. Other than that.. Typical guys, typical skanks, typical school in general. (Except the drug usage and chance of fights breaking out were usually minimal.)

College > Highschool. Hands down. ,,xD
Do you like it?
I want to graduate and leave as quickly as possible. Not that it's horrible or anything, I just don't want to be there.

What kinds of groups/cliques do you notice?
Well, you know. The emos, the geeks, the preps, random people...more I can't think of... I don't really belong to any one group, but I feel most comfortable with the gaming geeks and my Latin teacher :P
There's way too many snobs.

Is there a lot of drug activity/drinking?
Not at school, of course, but I'm pretty sure a whole lot of people drink and some do drugs.

Are there popular kids?
Yup... Too many. It's a little annoying, really, because they seem to look down on people like me.

So yeah. I can't wait to graduate. I'm just so...sick of school. I want to travel. >>
like it? I LOVE it. my freshman year the first day they made us feel SOO welcome. they had a Assembly just for us freshmen and they made us do silly stuff. of course having your eighth grade class there helps too. and the people are still friendly. sadly there are alot of populars at school though they arnt always obvious to myself as I spend my time with only a few friends. there is always alot of partying/drug use its quite sad.
My school...

I don't really like it, it's boring. Plus, I don't have that many friends there anyway...

Cliques... I don't really notice any, but in my class, there's different "groups" of people(though for the most, everybody's friends)... I'm not really in any of them.

"Girl group": Only girls. They're a bit "girly-girl", but luckily, not that much. I've been with them (only at school) sometimes, and they're nice, but... I don't really feel they're the people i "fit together" with.

"Boy group": Only boys. They discuss... well, different things like sport, TV shows, and... I don't really know... I think they would be interesting to hang out with(I have more "boyish" interests) and I hope it doesn't matter that I'm a girl.

"Annoying group" This group is a mix of boys and girls- most people not in the "boy group" and "girl group". They often get on my nerves... They don't do anything to me, but... well, they think making weird sounds is funny, especially "KRRRRRRRR" or something, and you're lucky if you don't hear them saying "emo" ONE SINGLE DAY. They seem nice, but... I'm annoyed by them.

The rest aren't really in a group, but they're mostly two and two together.

Drinking... I don't really know how many people drink, since I never get to hear about it, and I'm never invited to parties or anything. But I guess some of them drink... For smoking, there's not that many. Maybe 10-12 people in the whole school? I don't think there's people using drugs.

Poplular kids: No one's "popular" in that way, but there are a few "unpopular" kids.
My middle school is one of the best in America, our principle met the president in 03 or 04 as the best principle in America.

Some of the groups include
The anime/ sos Brigade group (I'm in this one)
The insane girl group that I'm apart of
Some boy and girl groups
the group with the pervy guy and lots of girl
the twilight freak group
the skip class group

People have a tendency of making out in the middle of the hallways,in front of the teachers 0_o
My school doesn't really have all these cliques and whatnot; sure, there are groups of people who hang out, but most of them kind of mingle together. Cliques were more of a middle school thing for me.

My school's overcrowded, and it's overcrowded with idiots too. I sit in the counseling suite on my offtime, and when that gets to be too full of idiots my friends and I all move to the art room or go annoy hang out with my APUSH teacher.

All of my friends have started failing the hell out of high school and going to alternative schools or graduating, so I am becoming increasingly alone. :c

The staff is annoying as hell; they don't know how to handle the students. We have a system at my school that's very self-directed, and while it's a lot looser than other schools' systems, people take advantage of it. The staff ignores problems like how filthy the building is until a visitor makes a comment about it or it just becomes too big to ignore, and when that happens they take a "let's punish everyone" approach that has proven ineffective time and time again. It's pretty ridiculous.
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