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Search results

  1. Pikachu Goddess

    Rate The Video Game Song Above!

    I've never played the game, but I'm assuming that's Super Dimentio shown in the video. 8/10. I loved the marimbas and the beat. Hmm... how about this? It's the Halo Finale music heard in the final mission in Halo 3. My favourite musical score in a video game to date...
  2. Pikachu Goddess

    Best and worst-looking Shiny Pokémon?

    Re: Best and worst-looking Shiny Pokémon? I like it too, but maybe that's because that's the only shiny I've ever caught myself. I like it, and this is coming from someone who doesn't really like green. I hate Zubat and Golbat (maybe Crobat; does it have the same colour? I haven't seen one)...
  3. Pikachu Goddess

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    The baby is chewing exotic tobacco.
  4. Pikachu Goddess

    You're Invited!

    *plays Wizards in Winter on the piano* I invite you to eat some chips with me.
  5. Pikachu Goddess

    You're Invited!

    Hey, Nemo! *waves* I invite you to do my homework! :D
  6. Pikachu Goddess

    Do you belive in ghosts?

    *shake* *shake* *shake* Y-yeah. And I'm terrified of them. I can't even look at a picture of a ghost without freaking out (a shiver down my spine, beginning to hyperventilate, that kind of thing). That, and horror movie covers. I don't even know why I look at them in the first place... There...
  7. Pikachu Goddess

    Funny Typos?

    ... I never have any funny typos. :( All I ever do is spell cough as couch.
  8. Pikachu Goddess

    How do you like your steak?

    Hell, yeah. Gotta have dem mushrooms. :D
  9. Pikachu Goddess

    Tales of Tcod 2: More tales of Tcod

    ... did you get all that staple sauce?!" Pikachu Goddess kindly replied, ...
  10. Pikachu Goddess

    The Klondike Bar Game

    I would steal it from Mary Poppins. What would you do to eat whatever you want without becoming unhealthy?
  11. Pikachu Goddess

    Write a Stupid Song

    Stapler laaaaaand! La la la la la laaa, stapler laaand! Where you can shoot 'em or eat 'em, it doesn't matter, just because you caaan!
  12. Pikachu Goddess

    You're Invited!

    That had better be my crush in that Grunt suit... I invite you to drink Diet Coke from a ten gallon hat.
  13. Pikachu Goddess

    The Brown Fox jumped over the lazy dog.

    The government is hiring boring bystanders.
  14. Pikachu Goddess

    You're Invited!

    Urgh.... it's so musty... I invite you to eat a heaping bowl of staple sauce.
  15. Pikachu Goddess

    You're Invited!

    *doesn't care* I invite you to be indifferent with me.
  16. Pikachu Goddess

    Sum other users up as Pokemon.

    ^ Dude. I love this. 8D I've always seen Dannichu as a Pikachu. ... More to come if I can actually get to know people on this forum.
  17. Pikachu Goddess

    What originally drew you into Pokemon?

    What got me started was the anime. My brother was flipping through the channels and called my sister and I, saying "Hey guys! Come quick! A really cool show is on!" If I remember correctly, it was the first or second episode. Either way, I've been hooked since I was, like, four. (Actually, I...
  18. Pikachu Goddess

    You're Invited!

    Make it stop... I already have enough of this to deal with! x_x I invite you to go on a date with the Joker.
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