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Do you belive in ghosts?

Well, do you?

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Not really, but when I was 7 I saw princess diana and two hooded-guys walk past py bed in brown robes, she stopped and looked at me and then they walked off. Then I found out that she'd died a few days earlier. (this is before i'd ever heard about or seen what she looked like, btw).
It's a coincidence. With all due respect, even if she'd turned into a ghost, I don't see why she'd visit you, seeing as you didn't know her and weren't a part of her family.

Anyway no.
Yes, i've, had some personal experiences.

There are ghosts, the spirit of the deceased person/s that have come back or cannot find rest, for one reason or another. Sometimes they're just confused, or angry, or can't leave for a certain reason.

Then there is energy, it's not the actual spirit of the person, just a shadow of what they would have been doing, or energy connected to an object, like an old piano or china set.

If you want better examples PM me, but don't ask me to prove anything. If you don't believe, i'm not going to be able to change your mind, and asking me to do so is pointless.
It's a coincidence.

Well, it could be~

Personally... I don't think we could possibly understand things from other planets or other dimensions and the like and this includes ghosts. I wish people would stop talking about seeing UFOs and realising that if there are aliens on other planets, they won't go around in a spaceship design WE made up. Similarly, ghosts are a silly.

That's not to say I don't believe in the idea, though. I'm pretty much agnostic-ish for most of this kind of stuff, I accept that I don't know and that's that.

Although if I had an experience with a ghost or anything like that... I'd probably try to research ghosts more and might think about it!
Ghosts are real, I think. I don't care if other people don't, I just think they exist alright? Thank you and goodbye. :V Please don't eat me.

Aliens on the other hand, are kinda.... Very hard to believe, well, I guess there has to be something out there, but not little green men who come to abduct us, that's just silly >.>
I don't really know. I don't think so, because I've never seen one, but I know people who claim to (mostly relatives).
Sort of. More than once I've heard really really really soft laughter and sometimes talking ("I'm not talking to her. Never!") coming from this one Toon Link doll I have, and it falls off my bed while I'm on the other side of the room reading on a regular basis. Ghosts, no. Possessed Link dolls, yes. xD
I find ghost stories really fascinating, and would like to think they are real so I can run into one someday and experience it for myself...

I'm more towards "yes" than "no" so that's what I put. :B
No, really ever since I started watching Naruto (I have no idea why that is). But then again,

"Everything has a logical explanation, if you know where to look for it."

But I still voted no.

Mainly, I don't because my dreams sometimes seem... so... real... *passes out*
Spirits of the dead, no.

I want to believe in entities from other universes that could be perceived as ghosts, demons, angels, or otherwise, but that's extremely unlikely, so. Fun to play around with, though.
I'm not so sure about ghost. At my school, 2 weeks ago we went to Angel Island, we went to a house that is(supposedly)haunted. Inside you could feel that somebody was following you. My friends say that they saw a skull in a toilet, when I went there, there was nothing, we also saw a message on a wall, I didn't read it though... My friends and I also saw the silhouette of a man and when we looked again it was gone. Not even my Christmas songs could cheer up my friends.
It's a coincidence. With all due respect, even if she'd turned into a ghost, I don't see why she'd visit you, seeing as you didn't know her and weren't a part of her family.
Well it's not like I ever said that the ghost of a dead princess randomly decided to visit me because I was special.

Hey, I saw santa in my house around the same age.
Fuck knows.. ,xD
Aliens on the other hand, are kinda.... Very hard to believe, well, I guess there has to be something out there, but not little green men who come to abduct us, that's just silly >.>

Erm, 'alien' is a very vague term. I doubt anyone with half a brain cell genuinely thinks that aliens are, as you described, green humanoids that are intent on probing us.

Anyway, ghosts... I'm really not very sure. I'd say I'm leaning more on 'no', but that's not to say I've completely ruled out the possibility.
Erm, 'alien' is a very vague term. I doubt anyone with half a brain cell genuinely thinks that aliens are, as you described, green humanoids that are intent on probing us.

I think Ice tiger was just describing them that way to refer to the traditional stereotypical view of aliens. :)
I have had an experience that seemed at the time to be... ghostly, in some sense. Up until then, I didn't. Now? I dunno. My brother keeps insisting he and his friend had a ghost interfere with a game they were playing once, but I can come up with so many rational explanations for what they saw.
*shake* *shake* *shake*

Y-yeah. And I'm terrified of them. I can't even look at a picture of a ghost without freaking out (a shiver down my spine, beginning to hyperventilate, that kind of thing). That, and horror movie covers. I don't even know why I look at them in the first place...

There was an experience my dad had with the ghost of his deceased great-grandmother, which was before I was born, and I believe him.
Define "ghost". If it's like "the leftover soul-thing of a human/animal/whatever", then no. If it's some sort of creature/phenomenon that resembles "the leftover soul-thing of a human/animal/whatever", then sort of. I mean, there is a small chance that some sort of creature/scientific phenomenon that can explain ghosts (with proof), then I'll believe it. But now, it's more on the "meh" side.

However, ghosts exist as ideas in people's minds. Like Harry Potter exists as a character in a book.

I should probably vote no, but since I have voted "I'm not sure" already, then I guess it's too late...
I kind of wish there were an answer between "no way" and "I'm not sure", because that would be my position. I voted "no way", for the record; but while I don't believe in ghosts I don't know if I'm quite willing to say there's no WAY that anything ghost-like could ever exist.

I suppose you could say that I prefer to remain agnostic about the existence of ghosts in the same way I prefer to remain agnostic about the existence of god. While I would identify myself as not believing in ghosts and as an atheist, I'm not willing to admit that no such thing could ever exist beyond a shadow of a doubt. Just that the existence of such things seems very, very unlikely, so much so that it's just easier to say "no, ghosts aren't real" and "no, there is no god".
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