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Tales of Tcod 2: More tales of Tcod

Amazon.com, which obviously only bought a dodgy CD rack and a pack of screws...
...he munched upon his Deliciously Awesome Cheetos. However, he heard a growling sound coming from the snack bowl and looked inside of it, seeing a...
munchlax, which ran towards Arylett possessed, Stardust Dragona jumped in the way and transformed into Stardust Dragon Mode, suddenly Stardust...
... imploded, and Arylett became unpossessed. Everyone blamed Dragonclaw for not warning them of the ...
... Dragonclaw ran off to try find the cheese grater to fight his minions, when all of a sudden ...
... "make them watch Japanese Giant Hornet's attacking a bee colony!" Everyone else was like o_O (but Dragonclaw was ahead of the curve), and then DarkArmour asked: "Where ...
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