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Funny Typos?

Just remembered a few more... (would a "spoken typo" be a typo at all, considering what typo is actually short for??)

Back when I was in high school, the principal mentioned that students weren't allowed to wear flip-flops or "soccer shoes." He actually meant to say "shower shoes." This was from his introduction speech to the new students one year, which also included the line "a flip-flop is a flip-flop is a flip-flop," which was his answer to someone asking exactly what kind of shoes counted as flip-flops.

Another time, the assistant principal announced that "sluts are still available in the parking lot" over the intercom. A few seconds later she realized what she said and came back onto the intercom, laughing her ass off and yelling something like "Slots! I said slots!"
Hmm... the funniest typo I've ever heard was when our entire year 8 science class was actually paying attention to the teacher because she had said 'orgasms' instead of 'organisms'.

my grade 7 science teacher (who may I add is the best teacher in the history of ever) said that once every year he had someone mispronounce "organisms" as "orgasms", so he had a kid come in late on purpose and yell "ORGASM" so it wouldn't happen that year, the whole class almost shat themselves laughing

I've made a bunch of funny typos, but I can't remember most of them. There was one time when I was talking to my guild in World of Warcraft about Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and I spelled it "Barl". That spread like wildfire around the guild.

Also, lurking around on Smogon forums, I saw this:

someone #1 said:
maybe this will get *someone #2* to get back into competitive battling

someone #2 said:

someone #2 again said:
sorry i meant shut up

sorry i meant fuck you *someone #1*

EDIT: OH OH OH this one is awful. In my junior high there was a girl whose name was very similar to a certain... sexual... phrase, so whenever the principal announced her on the intercom, he mispronounced it as "I need a cock to the office please". (No, I swear this wasn't a joke thing. Her name is actually closer to being pronounced like coke.)

Her parents must have hated her.
In science the teacher wrote "rockets bum exhaust" instead of "rockets burn exhaust", which made the class burst out laughing since we're all immature year 9's XD
Something along the lines of this:

Friend: I really like Piss in Boots.
Friend: Puss in Boobs*
I was writing out some stuff for my profile a few minutes ago and I wrote "bangwagon" instead of "bandwagon"
And once in my English class, while reading A Midsummer Night's Dream, my teacher kept calling Puck "Fuck". XD Hilarious to a seventh grader.

The copy of AMSND that our English class was reading from actually did call him that on one page. Page 27, I think it was, or perhaps 35.

Silliest typo I've made lately, though, was when yesterday, I was playing a game with someone and I said that she wasn't bed. Silly E key trying to take A's place.
I rarely look at my keyboard, so here's a sentence right now with no corrections.

I like pttyu vuutterflies. (Translation: I like pretty butterflies.)
I'm going to tylpe this and post it without corrections so that you can see how many typos I make on a regular basis.

... Crap, thek oone time I'm trying to make typos, I make like three. What's wrong/wrightg with my fingers todya/?

EDIT: Oh duh, caffiene. Taht hapalways makes my fingers work a bit better.
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Once I said pervertible instead of convertible. Everyone laughed but I felt ashamed (that was back when I considered shut up as a bad word). Now I only think that it's mildly funny. Also, somebody kept accidentally saying the S word when trying to say "Shiite" in social studies (the one time that I actually liked current events!).
I'll type the following without corrections:

Timmy enjoys eating butterflies and dancing tin a meadow with Susan Copperfield. They are very good friends who will change the world by curing dieseases and the likke.

3 types. I mean typos, I really did mess up. Typos are bolded.
I'm jumping on the bandwagon and gonna type a senetence without corrections:

The qiock, nrowm goc jumped ovfer the lazy dof. (The quick, brown fox jumped over the lazy dog)

That was with me not looking at the keyboard though. I'd do better if I was looking at it.

but no...funny typos though..
Might as well do it too:

The little hyperactive Misdreavus floated around the corner. (...I had my eyes shut the whole time. o.o)

On my Pokemon Platinum game I have a Grotle, a Luxio, a Tpgeoi and a Misdreavus.

I mess up o and p and that it's. (...wait.)
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