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Funny Typos?

Well, if everyone else is.

"Hi, I'mn typing a block of textwithout any corrections to see how many mistakes I make throughout the course of the paragraph. I expect I shall make several. I usually make quite a few of themm, but I seem to be manging to type all this without incident. Wow, that was pointless. I madem, like, give. Oh, wait, six."
"This is a fun game. I normally type with just two fingers, so."

... o.o Actually at first I had everything I typed a whole row down from where it was supposed to be, so I started over and tried it again taking a quick glance at the keyboard first to make sure I wouldn't do it again. Now I'll try another sentence without looking first.

"O keep wanting to open my eyes and correct my tyois. :x"

Maybe I should start typing properly and I won't end up a whole row/column away from where I'm supposed to be? I go twice as fast and make less typos with only two fingers, though.

"Moe I'm just looking at the screen without eyes closer and not backspacing at all." (Should be "now" instead of "moe" and "closed" instead of "closer".)'

... no, I think it's easier just to use two fingers. I hardly look down at the keyboard very much as it is, and if I type a wrong letter I usually know where my fingers have to go to fix it... but I have a habit of looking down at the keyboard before I start, which is why my first attempt at the first line in this post was some random illegible crap. I don't know when I'll have to type with eyes closed anyway :x
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I'll jump ion, too. Not looking st jerbostf ae all. (I'll jump on, too. Not looking at keyboard at all.)

Mewtwo is awesome (Wiw, did that with eyes closed O.O Also, noticed a msitake, make that two, in the words in parinthesis.)

My car Pueexall is awrsime (My cat Purrball is awesome)

(whoops, forgot to let go of shift...)

Jumping on aagain so that people can see jst how I really type oll the thime (I was on caffiene last tiem, and it makes me more accurate)

The quick borown fox jumps over the lazy dog

(that was probably not ther ight sentence anyway. Oh well~_

Some song lyrics- (Three minutes clapping form The World Ends With You)

I won't ever give in
NO matter how hard you pull me in
I know gravity ain't an excuse
I just wanna make things a little more smooth
Is still asleep
They're tired of those dreadful dreams
Now laet me shout and ma wake you up

(whoah how did I do that)

(Owari Hajimari, also from TWEWY)

Happy go lucky, yo, here I am
I'm not a yuppie or a ppuppy, yeah, hear me roar
Jynxs mean nothing, to me they're such a joke
Never can stop me 'cause I'm on my way

Hare hare yukai from Haruhi Suzumiya

Nazo nazo mitai ni jikyuu ni wo tokiatashitara
Minnade doko made mo ikeru ne?
JIkan no hate made
Waapu de Ruubpuu na kono omio wa
Nani mo kumou makiknondakldjis ose3w0 opie9o

... that didn't end well...
(I felt jllike yping 'kay? kay)
"I am recoloring a Marowak."

I usually make less typos whe I'm not looking at the keyboard an copuing from something else.

UI kepet those typios and these ones too.

K dpm
t usually make typos but they ppn up every now and then.

I can't remember any funny typos I've made...

I'll type the first line or so of a song I don't quite know.

"Hitotsu, hitotsu, omoidasu na"

Well I made that one.
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I still remember the time where I was given an infraction for telling someone that "their grammer made my eyes burn and die."

The one time I make a typo.

EDIT: Oh yeah, sometimes I type dragonflycave so fast I make silly mistakes, usually at the second-to-last letter

Here are some I've gotten:


I'm pretty sure I'll get dragonflycake sometime soon :P
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I'mm hypper on sugar and chocolate and cream-colver strawbetties, so this shouldalter the results at least slightly.

...What. the. Heck. (cream-colver strawbetties...yum.)
Alrighty then, eyes closed...

My favoeite pokemong is treeko. lol i meddef up aloit. man, o syvk at tyoibg eiyh my eyes vloedss.

Translation: My favorite Pokemon is Treecko. Lol I messed up a lot. Man, I suck at typing with my eyes closed.

O.o Near the end it looks like a different language. XD

With my eyes open and no corrections.

Let's see how well I do. Yepm pretty well. one typo so for. Nevermind, two. three. i hope i don't mass up again... Lol mass up. XD typotypo tpyo typo typo typo typotytpoytpoytyp lot's and lots of typos. XD

Wow. XD
I'll try it with my eyes closed, but I will fail.

hordrd str efrim5

Don't ask. It was supposed to be "Horses are awesome". I just don't know a keyboard that well.
My car id mewing ourside rthe door

Woow... eyes closed and leaning to the side O.o

It's supposed to say "My cat is mewing outside the door" because she is :sweatdrop:
I don't look at the keyboard whenI type, so this message (which is with my eyes closed) is probably gonna be the same as or similar to if I would have had my eyes open. Oh well.
when i was in second grade, i always forgot how many s's were in as. i would always write ass. it's a good thing my teacher never said anything to me or my parents. she just crossed out the second s.

whenever i type fast, i always say shit instead of shirt.

ok i'm gonna type eiyh my ryrd clodrf. (ok, i'm gonna type with my eyes closed. eh..pretty good. only messed up three words.)

my facorite animal is a vow. they are tje cutesest things ever fidcobrtrf. (my favotire animal is a cow. they are the cutest animal ever discovered.)

mu fovorite pokemon is nuzleaf. yrs...yout jrloud. (my favorite pokemon is nuzleaf. yea, your jealous. oops, used the wrong your...eh, who cares.)

it surprises me that i got nuzleaf right and not your.
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You are all very bad at typing with your eyes closed. This entire post was written without looking at anything. :(

Also you guys suck at typos.
When talking about catching the three birds in Platinum, I once said I used Duck Balls instead of Dusk Balls.
Needless to say, it was the first time more than two people paid attention to me in a chat room.
I am typing with my eyes closed right now, let's see how it turns out.

Wow, pretty good, only snuck in an extra space there!
Typing with eyes closed

I'm going to fail at this, especially xconaisweinf goq mNT MIARkwa I make usually.
"I'm going to fail at this, especially considering how many mistakes I make usually."

I really cannot explain that. XD
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